Positive Action in Challenging Times

In these times of apparent upheaval. Many dark patterns of behavior are now being exposed by a growing wave of light on the planet. This is agitating those in power who operate with fear-based worldviews. Like an angry child throwing a tantrum, proponents of these dark patterns are trying to create more chaos in an attempt to maintain control. And like a wise parent, the lightworker’s job is to remain calm, steady, and focused on the highest outcome for all concerned.

Embrace Your Magnificence!

Humanity fears our magnificence more than anything. The gap between who we truly are and who we perceive ourselves to be seems so big that we choose to continue living in a fearful world of limitation rather than stepping out in faith into the unknown. Our fear and belief in this limitation is what drives us to horde and defend, which is why we still think we need weapons.

Would Your Higher Self Agree?

When we recognize that everything in our lives is our own creation through our power of choice and that what we receive is happening for us rather than to us, we become aware of our ability to choose joy above all else. When we do, things that previously troubled us become easy because we no long surrender our power to external conditions, other people, or our own thoughts and emotions that were formed from a limited perspective.

Tapping the Energy of Faith

Faith is a constantly flowing energy. When you allow it to flow freely in your life, it provides tremendous support on your journey of expansion to higher consciousness and in the manifestation of your desires. But it can become a hindrance when you channel it toward conditions that you decide rather than relying on Divine Source to choose the optimal conditions for you. The key to successfully tapping the power of faith in anything you desire to manifest is to have no expectations about how, when, where, and through whom the manifestation will occur.

Divine Alchemy

If you feel compelled to choose something that is life-affirming for you and hurts nobody else, then choose it. If someone else judges your choice negatively, still choose it. If somebody you love takes offense at you prioritizing your own truth over theirs, choose your truth anyway. Divine alchemy is possible when you take responsibility for your own happiness.

Keep an Open Heart

These are times of miraculous change. Humanity is breaking away from all that no longer serves you so that new foundations can be built. You must rely on your collective goodwill and model it to each other as much as you possibly can. Demonstrate that you care about each other as the family of humanity.

Loving Your Humanness

If you are guided to do something you previously judged to be not Holy or Spiritual, it could be that your definitions are too narrow and are actually slowing your awakening. Spirit may be challenging you to broaden your perspective and reconcile the seemingly opposite viewpoints.

Embrace Uncertainty

All that is needed to change the world in ways that work better for all of humanity is a willingness to allow uncertainty into your experience. When you embrace uncertainty, you leave the door open to infinite possibility. When you exclude points of view you don’t agree with, you slam that door shut.

It’s All Valuable, and None of it Matters

At the soul level, there is no greater or lesser path and no desirable and undesirable path; there is simply the path the soul chooses when it incarnates. It is very important, therefore, that humanity is accepting of all life paths without judgment.

Finding Your City of Gold

The idea you are somehow not enough is a fabrication of your society. However, you chose to embody and manifest your life within this made up context and experience it as though it is real in order to achieve the soul growth you seek.

The Second Coming

The “second coming” is is not a global, cosmic event that takes place at one point in time. It is a personal state of being that results from elevating the frequency of one’s consciousness to align with Divine consciousness. Many have already experienced it.

Winning the Battle Within

War between countries, or even between neighbors, is a reflection of the war within the individual—the battle over who gets to run the show, so to speak. Your first and foremost goal as a Spiritual Being in a physical human body is to get back to the realization that you are a Spiritual Being.

The Business of Living

Whatever captures your attention today, whether it is a new technology, a form of entertainment, or what is taking place in the political realm, it is at some level a distraction from Life. The question is whether you are allowing Life at every moment while you are engaged in the business of living.

The Spiral of Consciousness

If you can expand your view of human existence to see beyond the current time, incorporate the larger arc of humanity’s story, and recognize the upward spiral of consciousness that you are all on, logic will tell you that you still have a long way to go. But rapid progress is now possible.

Getting Unstuck

The challenge you all face is to stay true to what you feel is right, even when you don’t see a clear path to making it work. The part of you that is connected to Source knows what will serve your highest good.

Love, Fear & the Gaia Connection

When you can flow the Divine Love of God to all humanity, regardless of outward appearances—how they believe or act or even how they may treat you—your personal transformation takes off like a rocket. That is when you can affect the vibration of others simply by being who you are.

Practicing Bold Forgiveness

There is a very powerful paradigm in your world today. It says if somebody wrongs you, you are justified and even obligated to give them “a piece of your mind” and demand restitution. We ask you to consider whether closing your heart in this way is creating more safety and comfort in your world.

Shifting Limiting Beliefs

The fastest way to shift limiting beliefs is to simply believe that you can change your beliefs on a dime, and then choose the new beliefs you wish to hold. All effective processes for shifting beliefs point toward this simple truth. Can it really be that easy? Everyone gets to decide that for themselves.