Loving Your Humanness

If you are guided to do something you previously judged to be not Holy or Spiritual, it could be that your definitions are too narrow and are actually slowing your awakening. Spirit may be challenging you to broaden your perspective and reconcile the seemingly opposite viewpoints.

Divine Sexual Expression

Sexual energy is the same energy that created the Universe. Sexual climax—the explosion of pure joy—is a microcosm of the explosion of pure Divine Love that created all that you see in the heavens. In the physical, you get to feel a small part of it. It is like “touching the hem of the garment of the Master”, and that is why sex is so compelling.

The Divine Masculine Mission

In ancient times, the masculine was not seen as more important than the feminine, and vice versa. Rather, each understood the importance of the other for sustaining human life and for realizing the vision and purpose of human evolution. They honored and respected each other as energetic equals.