Own Your Sovereignty through Love

There is infinitely more love than fear being expressed in the world every day. Our challenge at this time is to remain focused on love so that we amplify it while also neutralizing the fear that is constantly programmed in the media and popular entertainment. The key is to remain in a place of non-resistance.

Access Your Creative Potential

All physical creation is a manifestation of Divine Love—even creations you find undesirable. As a powerful co-creator with Spirit, you have the ability and authority to flow this creative potential into whatever creations you choose, so it’s important to create consciously. Two valuable keys are embracing change and surrendering judgment.

It’s Time for Forgiveness

When you forgive yourself, you are choosing to hold, amplify, and direct your true Divine power, and thus you empower the entire world. When you choose not to forgive—keeping yourself in a place of separation from your Divine Source—you choose to disempower yourself and the entire world.

Illuminate and Allow

The veil that separates 4D reality from the higher dimensions is a filter, and you get to choose at any given moment how opaque or transparent it is—how much it colors or discolors things. Allow your perception to be clear. Allow your understanding to be clear. Receive what is all already within you.

Loving Your Humanness

If you are guided to do something you previously judged to be not Holy or Spiritual, it could be that your definitions are too narrow and are actually slowing your awakening. Spirit may be challenging you to broaden your perspective and reconcile the seemingly opposite viewpoints.

Embrace Uncertainty

All that is needed to change the world in ways that work better for all of humanity is a willingness to allow uncertainty into your experience. When you embrace uncertainty, you leave the door open to infinite possibility. When you exclude points of view you don’t agree with, you slam that door shut.

Quiet Fear

Our objective is to encourage you to create from a place of love rather than fear. That begins with the simple observation that you are enough just as you are. Even if you never achieve the things you feel you want to do in life, you are enough because you are a beloved Divine Being in a human body.

It’s All Valuable, and None of it Matters

At the soul level, there is no greater or lesser path and no desirable and undesirable path; there is simply the path the soul chooses when it incarnates. It is very important, therefore, that humanity is accepting of all life paths without judgment.

The Second Coming

The “second coming” is is not a global, cosmic event that takes place at one point in time. It is a personal state of being that results from elevating the frequency of one’s consciousness to align with Divine consciousness. Many have already experienced it.

Allowing Enlightened Government

Enlightened government is not something you create as much as it is something you allow to exist. The circumstances that surround you are a direct reflection of your consciousness—what you think, feel, and believe, and how you see yourself relative to the people and circumstances around you.

Mastering Self-Forgiveness

Without a strong and steady flow of Divine Consciousness, the ego will mistakenly believe it is all that matters. With this limited perspective, it will make self-limiting choices. And when it experiences the negative effects of these choices, it will go into self-judgment. This is when all your “coulda, woulda, shoulda” comes forth—all your shame and regret.

The Business of Living

Whatever captures your attention today, whether it is a new technology, a form of entertainment, or what is taking place in the political realm, it is at some level a distraction from Life. The question is whether you are allowing Life at every moment while you are engaged in the business of living.

The Spiral of Consciousness

If you can expand your view of human existence to see beyond the current time, incorporate the larger arc of humanity’s story, and recognize the upward spiral of consciousness that you are all on, logic will tell you that you still have a long way to go. But rapid progress is now possible.

How Beliefs Affect Healing

The essence of all healing is bringing the physical body back into full alignment with the perfection of the Spiritual Body, which dwells in the higher dimensions. Think of it as a template of perfect health that exists in the field of unmanifest Divine potential. The degree to which your physical body matches the template is the result of the receptivity you have in the physical.

Making Love Stay

The question really is, “How do we make Divine Love stay?” That’s the heart of the conundrum. Why? Because much of humanity is not aware on a conscious level that this is what you all seek. Your true commitment is to help each other discover God inside.

Love, Fear & the Gaia Connection

When you can flow the Divine Love of God to all humanity, regardless of outward appearances—how they believe or act or even how they may treat you—your personal transformation takes off like a rocket. That is when you can affect the vibration of others simply by being who you are.

Divine Sexual Expression

Sexual energy is the same energy that created the Universe. Sexual climax—the explosion of pure joy—is a microcosm of the explosion of pure Divine Love that created all that you see in the heavens. In the physical, you get to feel a small part of it. It is like “touching the hem of the garment of the Master”, and that is why sex is so compelling.

Practicing Bold Forgiveness

There is a very powerful paradigm in your world today. It says if somebody wrongs you, you are justified and even obligated to give them “a piece of your mind” and demand restitution. We ask you to consider whether closing your heart in this way is creating more safety and comfort in your world.