The Business of Living

We wish to say to all humanity, be at peace, for all is well. Hardship is often a catalyst for growth. You try all your life to avoid hardship, and yet nobody actually does avoid it. All of the people who you think have such an easy life because they are wealthy, popular, admired for their physical beauty or all of the above—we guarantee you that they have the same fears, the same challenging relationships, and the same self-doubts as all the rest. Their wealth, fame, or beauty does not equal health, happiness, or a sense of personal peace.

You see, It is not about the external trappings of life. It has never been about that. If It were, that would mean all the generations before you had missed out on It, because most of the trappings of life as you know it have not been around for long. But what do we mean by “It”?

What Do You Aspire To?

Think about the physical thing you most aspire to in your life right now–something that you wish to own. A particular house, a particular car, a piece of clothing, or something for recreation. Now ask yourself whether that thing you aspire to existed 100 years ago? Houses, clothes, and modes of transportation and recreation existed, but would the options that were available then suit you today? In most cases they would not.

So, what’s this aspiring all about? You say, “Well, what we have today is better than what they had a century ago, and what they had was better than the previous generations had. So, we are aspiring to have a better life by improving things.” And this is true. It is not at all wrong to aspire to something better. Of course you would wish for today’s minivan over yesterday’s Conestoga wagon. But if, you play this out, you will come to the awareness that what you aspire to today will be unacceptable 100 years from now. It is a given. You may think, “How is that possible? How could any car be more comfortable than a Mercedes? They’ve thought of everything!” Well, that’s like boarding the most luxurious Pullman train car in 1900 and saying, “It simply could not be more comfortable and satisfying! They’ve thought of everything, and it certainly sets the standard for long distance travel.” Shortly thereafter you discovered flight, and the rules of the game for long distance travel quickly changed.

You see, it is not about the technology of the day or the experience the technology brings. You only think that it is. “Look how far we’ve come!” you say. “Life is so much better because of this thing and that thing. And we are improving on these things all the time. 5G broadband is here! Self-driving cars are here! The advances in medical science are amazing!” Yes, these are all marvelous things, and there will be more of them—things you have not conceived of yet. And that is wonderful. But it is not why you are here. These things are not It.

So what is It? You all know the answer at some level. It is hardwired within you, and that hardwiring is actually the thing that drives you to constantly improve upon the things that you use in the business of living. The point of human existence, plain and simple, is to completely embody in the physical the Divinity that you are fully when not in the physical. That is why you are here.

Miracle or Distraction?

And what does it mean to fully embody Divinity? It means that everything you do, whether it is action, speech, or thought, is an offering of Love. Meaning that it resonates at the frequency of Love. Not romantic love per se, but pure Divine Love—the power that creates worlds. That’s who you are. Your purpose is to wake up to that.

Ah, but there are so many distractions in the world today. So many things that seem to be quite the opposite of Divine Love. And so many of these things seem to be so valued by your societies. Technology, for example. Advances in technology are certainly wonderful, and you will never stop discovering. But to think that the purpose for your existence is to continue to improve upon physical things is to miss the point of humanity on a grand scale. In fact, if you are focused on the creating or having of things from a point of attraction that is any less than the pure Divine Love of God, it will not satisfy you. Why? Because you are all hardwired to seek the Divine Love of God above all else.

Many humans are taught this Truth from an early age. However, most are taught Divine Truth by people who don’t fully understand, believe, or model it themselves. In the case of the channel, Keenu, he experienced this dichotomy in his religious upbringing. Going to church each Sunday, he heard all about the love that God had for him. And that was good. It was Truth. But he also heard the myths about God’s judgment and original sin. He heard he had to “get right with God” and that God’s ways would forever be a mystery to him, at least until he died. Then, if he had lived “properly” and followed all of God’s rules, he might be fortunate enough to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, and then everything would make sense.

So, on the one hand, he was taught that the Divine Love of God is all that truly matters, and on the other hand, he was told it was not really attainable in this life, and maybe it would make sense after he died. Most humans of his generation and previous ones were taught something similar. Is it not understandable, then, that so many would reject the teaching? Doesn’t it make sense that you would channel your innate desire to know who you truly are into the improvement of things that seem tangible and understandable—things that make sense for their utility in the business of living?

Of course, it does, because it is human nature to “go with what you know.”  If you are hardwired to find the God within—purpose, meaning, and a sense of connection to All That Is—but you are a given a model in which that appears to be unattainable, or simply a fallacy, then it makes sense that you would seek the same higher purpose in things you understand. And with that comes the comfort and validation that accompanies collective agreement about the value of each thing. In other words, you don’t need to wonder if you have realized a “good” thing because everyone is in agreement that it is good.

For example, not too long ago, the invention of the washboard made it possible to have clean clothes more quickly and with much less work. Then came the miracle of a machine that could do the work of scrubbing your clothes and all you had to do was turn a crank! Then when electricity was applied – wow! Such ease! Everyone agrees that the electric washing machine makes living better.

Life and the Business of Living

Travel by car and airplane, electric light, television, the Internet—all of these things and many more have made the business of living so much easier! And you all agree about that. With only a few exceptions, most of you aspire to have and experience all of these things and all else that they make possible because you are all in agreement about their value and the meaning they bring to life.

But in their making of the business of living easier, have they made Life easier? There is an important distinction to be made here: The business of living vs. Life. The business of living is all about the things you do for survival and enjoyment.  Going to work, caring for your family, visiting with friends, watching a movie for relaxation, exercising your body—these things are the business of living.

Life, on the other hand, is the unceasing flow of Divine Creative Energy—Divine Love. Life is present in all things that you observe with your physical eyes—whether you can touch it or not. But let’s consider a very concrete example: A tree. There’s probably one nearby you now, so go have a look at it. What do you see? Is it an object, same as your cell phone, washing machine, or car? Or is it something much more than that? Please, really ponder that question for a while. Sit and stare at that tree. Or better still, go put your hands on it. Embrace it if you like. What do you feel? An object? Or the flow of Life? Take your time and allow for a way of seeing that you may not be used to with the physical eyes.

If you don’t have ready access to a tree, then just envision yourself in front of one. Feel yourself there, right in front of the tree. Make it any kind of tree you like. You are right next to it – only about a foot away. Now gently place both of your hands on it. Feel the tree against your palms. You have all touched a tree before, so you know what it feels like. Feel it now. Can you feel the energy that courses through it and radiates from it? Can you feel its Life? Can you feel your own connection with it?

If you aren’t drawn to trees, find or envision a lush, grassy field under a blue sky. Lie down on that field and feel the grass and the earth beneath you. Feel the energy of it. Breathe slowly and methodically. Take your time. Just lie there—in physical reality or in your mind—and quietly breathe. What you will probably notice is that soon you feel a sense of physical oneness with the earth. Not an esoteric spiritual concept of oneness, but literally a physical oneness. That’s you attuning to Life. The Lifeforce energy that is present in the earth is the same Lifeforce energy that is pulsating through your physical body at all times. It is no different. There is no separation between you and the tree and the grass from an energetic point of view.

Now, you are observing the tree or the grass at this particular point in time, and so it appears to be of a certain size, color, etc. But what did that tree look like 5, 10, or 20 years ago? Maybe even 100 years ago? And what will it look like in another 20 years? Well, in the past it was shorter, had a smaller diameter, had fewer branches and leaves. In the future it will have more. Would you call that forward progress? Evolvement? Flourishing? Realizing its full potential as a tree? We certainly would. And did the tree have to do anything to flourish in that way? No, it did nothing apart from being a tree. Being the tree is its only act. And by that act, it allows Life.

You Are Life!

You see, Life simply is. It exists absolutely everywhere and in all things. Even in those things you believe to be inanimate. But it is so much more tangibly visible in the animate things of the natural world—the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom. And humanity.

Yes, YOU ARE LIFE! Same as the tree or the grass. The same Lifeforce energy that courses through the cellular structure of the tree is also present in every cell of your body. It flows and flows and it never stops flowing. It never will! But, and this important, the thing that separates you from the tree is your human consciousness. With your human consciousness you can choose to slow or stop the flow of Life. And when you make that choice, either consciously or unconsciously, that is when you get the results that you judge to be undesirable: Lack of health, financial limitation, unhappy relationships.

This is why you do not avoid the unwanted aspects of the human experience simply by being physically beautiful or famous. You do not avoid them by having certain objects or experiences that everyone in your society has associated with “making it”. Think about it: Has any physical thing you have aspired to in life brought you lasting happiness? Has it created more certainty for you about who you are, why you are here, and what happens when you leave this body? Or has it perhaps temporarily distracted you from seeking answers to those questions?

Whatever captures your attention today, whether it is a new technology, a form of entertainment, or a something going on in your political realm, it is at some level a distraction from Life—the true Life you are here to live. Making that thing “better” is also not why you are here. Yes, most will agree that a modern electric washing machine is loads better than a washboard at the riverside (pun intended). And few would trade their toaster for a pointy stick and fire. But these objects are not the end. Building a better widget is never the end. It is only part of the business of living. The question is whether you are allowing Life at every moment while you are engaged in the business of living.

Life really is like a game, but few understand the object. Most are so focused on the playing field and the equipment with which they play it that they miss the object all together. Can you imagine an NFL football game in which nobody understands the object? Here are a couple dozen amazing athletes discussing the advances in their equipment, showing each other how fast they can run or how high they can jump, pondering out loud how to improve the helmet or the cleats, practicing drills, sometimes just sitting around, but never actually playing the game.

Funny as it sounds, that’s kind of how it looks from the non-physical when we observe humans playing at the game of life. You are so fixated on the equipment, the playing field, and the rules, not to mention who has the right equipment and the right rules, that you aren’t even moving toward the object.

You Already Have What You Need

We will have more to say about this. For now we wish to emphasize this point: Discovering the God within you, which is synonymous with the Life within you, is why you are here. That is the object of the game. It can be attained with no access to technology, entertainment, or political structures. In fact, for much of earth’s history, it is the ones who have renounced all the trappings of “modern life” and sought a much simpler existence who have come to realize their Divinity.

We are not suggesting you renounce society, wealth, family, or any of it. We are simply suggesting that you recognize that none of these things are important for realizing the God within. The ones who do renounce them typically do so once they come to understand that these things are distractions keeping them from realizing and reaching the object of the game.

However, we say to you that at this point in human evolution, it is more possible than ever before to realize the Divinity that you are while still being fully engaged with the business of living as it looks today on your planet. In fact, you can use all of it to assist you. How? Think on the tree and remember that it flourishes by allowing Life. It holds no beliefs or judgments. It seeks nothing and feels no sense of lack. It simply is. In that state of ‘isness’, it receives all that it needs to flourish. And this is also its joy.

Think on this. And when you find yourself in a place of want in any way, remember the tree. Ask yourself whether you are allowing Life or constraining it through your focus on the business of living. If it’s the latter, be still, ask to be filled with Divine Love (which is Life) and then ask “What else is possible” with the regard to the business of living. This is how a true understanding of the object of the game reveals itself to you. And it is also how you allow for all the necessary players, equipment, playing field, and time to show up easily so that you can reach the object. That is all the tree ever does, and it is all you need to do.

Curse not that which you have not yet attained. Boast not that you have attained that which humanity collectively aspires to. Seek instead to embody the wisdom that allows for the having of such things or the not having of them as equally valid pathways to the realization of Life.

Consider this deeply. We wish you blessings on your journey.



Image credits:  Polifoto