Positive Action in Challenging Times

In these times of apparent upheaval. Many dark patterns of behavior are now being exposed by a growing wave of light on the planet. This is agitating those in power who operate with fear-based worldviews. Like an angry child throwing a tantrum, proponents of these dark patterns are trying to create more chaos in an attempt to maintain control. And like a wise parent, the lightworker’s job is to remain calm, steady, and focused on the highest outcome for all concerned.

Spiritual Maturity

Enlightenment is something you allow rather than achieve, and it is more available to humanity than at any other time in the earth’s history. To allow it, you must learn to self-regulate where you place your attention. Spiritual maturity is learning to trust in your inherent magnificence more than the modern world’s distractions. When you do, enlightenment starts to reveal itself.

How to Release Self-Judgment

We wish to speak about one of the more toxic elements of modern life on earth: Self-judgment. Let us begin with a statement: “You are whole and perfect just as you are in this moment. You are enough.” How does that sit with you? Does it feel like truth? Much of humanity instantly experiences resistance upon hearing or reading these words. While you long for them to be true, they immediately send the mind racing toward all you have not yet achieved or all that you think you have done wrong.

Accelerate Your Manifestation

Get that momentum going! Turn away from any activity or narrative that leaves you feeling like you are not enough, or that leaves you feeling fearful in any way. Turn toward those people, stories, activities, and beliefs that make you feel great joy, and align with the creative power of the universe.

The Great Awakening

The earth is receiving greater frequencies of Divine Love than ever before. You can amplify your cells’ ability to receive and integrate these frequencies by giving them the command, “Illuminate”. The effect is like turning up your inner radiance and the volume of Spirit full blast.

The Nature of Duality

In pure consciousness there is no duality, there is only pure consciousness. However, the seemingly separated mind requires seemingly separated concepts to work with. This give rise and momentum to the appearance of duality from the physical point of view.

Illuminate and Allow

The veil that separates 4D reality from the higher dimensions is a filter, and you get to choose at any given moment how opaque or transparent it is—how much it colors or discolors things. Allow your perception to be clear. Allow your understanding to be clear. Receive what is all already within you.

Mastering Self-Forgiveness

Without a strong and steady flow of Divine Consciousness, the ego will mistakenly believe it is all that matters. With this limited perspective, it will make self-limiting choices. And when it experiences the negative effects of these choices, it will go into self-judgment. This is when all your “coulda, woulda, shoulda” comes forth—all your shame and regret.

Sacred Change

Are you able to see this as a sacred time? We ask you to consider this as you approach the return life with fewer restrictions. As more freedom to move about and choose from a broader set of options becomes available again, how will you choose differently?

Lessons from Gaia

Gaia is your guide for manifestation, especially in these trying times. Use the stillness that has been thrust upon you to look at Gaia with new eyes and see how she constantly manifests beauty for the higher role she has agreed to play in support of human evolution. Ask her to connect with you deeply . . .

The Subtle Bodies

We wish to discuss the subtle bodies and their connection with manifestation and healing. Each human entity dwells within four earthly bodies: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The spiritual body is that part of you that is always connected to Divine Spirit. That’s already a bit of a misnomer because all your bodies are always connected . . .

Awakening Through Duality

The moment you find yourself considering a thought, belief or action that does not intuitively feel good, yet you are thinking it must be true because so many others are invested in it, that is the moment in which you can most easily claim your own power as a Spiritual Being.

Transforming Chaos with Consciousness

Q: How do we remain centered in light of the current chaos in politics and government, and how can we best help create positive change? A: The apparent chaos of these times will pass sooner than you think. It may seem to take more time than you would like, but relative to the timeline of …

The Power of Faith

Q: Please speak about faith and the role it plays in the human experience. A: Faith, as you know, is the thing you cannot see. It is that which propels you forward when the path is unknown. When you feel uncertain, or when you desire something, but you know not how it will come, faith …

Experiencing Multidimensional Realities

Q: Are bi-location and teleportation truly possible? A: There are three things you need to know about this: All things are possible. It is already done. It is very easy to do for you now with the right consciousness. Believe these three things and it will be revealed. The first is to understand that movement …