Conscious Giving

Q: At this festive time of year when many people all over the world exchange gifts, what is the highest form of giving? A: It has often been said, “It is in giving that you receive.” Most people have some idea of what that means because you have experienced the joy of watching somebody receive …

Giving Thanks with an Open Heart

This is one of our favorite times of year in the United States—the time of giving thanks. When you give thanks for your many blessings, you open yourself to receive more of what you are thankful for. That is, if you express gratitude with an open heart. You are told that this wonderful holiday commemorates …

Receiving Divine Assistance

Q: We have heard that greater energy is available at this time to assist us in co-creating a more benevolent world. What Divine assistance is available from “behind the veil” to make our efforts easier and more impactful? A: There is always so much Divine Love pouring forth from the Heart of God to every …

Deserving Abundance

Q: Why do some people seem so out of touch with Spirit, yet they also seem to manifest abundance so easily? Are some people predisposed to have more financial abundance by default in order to play a role that will benefit their soul growth and that of others? A: Not exactly. First, consider what you …