Own Your Sovereignty through Love

There is infinitely more love than fear being expressed in the world every day. Our challenge at this time is to remain focused on love so that we amplify it while also neutralizing the fear that is constantly programmed in the media and popular entertainment. The key is to remain in a place of non-resistance.

Embrace Your Magnificence!

Humanity fears our magnificence more than anything. The gap between who we truly are and who we perceive ourselves to be seems so big that we choose to continue living in a fearful world of limitation rather than stepping out in faith into the unknown. Our fear and belief in this limitation is what drives us to horde and defend, which is why we still think we need weapons.

Loving Your Humanness

If you are guided to do something you previously judged to be not Holy or Spiritual, it could be that your definitions are too narrow and are actually slowing your awakening. Spirit may be challenging you to broaden your perspective and reconcile the seemingly opposite viewpoints.

Embrace Uncertainty

All that is needed to change the world in ways that work better for all of humanity is a willingness to allow uncertainty into your experience. When you embrace uncertainty, you leave the door open to infinite possibility. When you exclude points of view you don’t agree with, you slam that door shut.

Quiet Fear

Our objective is to encourage you to create from a place of love rather than fear. That begins with the simple observation that you are enough just as you are. Even if you never achieve the things you feel you want to do in life, you are enough because you are a beloved Divine Being in a human body.

Finding Your City of Gold

The idea you are somehow not enough is a fabrication of your society. However, you chose to embody and manifest your life within this made up context and experience it as though it is real in order to achieve the soul growth you seek.

The Second Coming

The “second coming” is is not a global, cosmic event that takes place at one point in time. It is a personal state of being that results from elevating the frequency of one’s consciousness to align with Divine consciousness. Many have already experienced it.

Allowing Enlightened Government

Enlightened government is not something you create as much as it is something you allow to exist. The circumstances that surround you are a direct reflection of your consciousness—what you think, feel, and believe, and how you see yourself relative to the people and circumstances around you.

Getting Unstuck

The challenge you all face is to stay true to what you feel is right, even when you don’t see a clear path to making it work. The part of you that is connected to Source knows what will serve your highest good.

Love, Fear & the Gaia Connection

When you can flow the Divine Love of God to all humanity, regardless of outward appearances—how they believe or act or even how they may treat you—your personal transformation takes off like a rocket. That is when you can affect the vibration of others simply by being who you are.

Practicing Bold Forgiveness

There is a very powerful paradigm in your world today. It says if somebody wrongs you, you are justified and even obligated to give them “a piece of your mind” and demand restitution. We ask you to consider whether closing your heart in this way is creating more safety and comfort in your world.

The Coronavirus Opportunity

A world of true equality and kindness really can be the new normal. It really can be the way the world works in the future. This is the blessing in the hardship you now face. You are on “pause” now, but soon the “play” button will be pressed again. What do you want the new story of humanity on earth to be?

The Window of Awareness

The difficulty even Spiritually conscious people have in these times is that many still don’t understand the difference between thought and awareness. Awareness is the ability to perceive the goings-on of this planet with clarity. It is the ability to connect with the Truth of what is happening . . .

The Truth about Healing

You are all in the process of healing some aspect of yourself. You are all in a state of becoming that which you know yourself to be on an unconscious level. You are becoming that which you were born into this body to realize—the part of you that knows no limitation, no boundaries.

Become a Catalyst for Positive Change

Here you are at the dawn of a new decade. For many, things look pretty dark. For others, they are full of light and promise. Many things have been revealed that are unsettling, and many more will be revealed in the years to come. How will you judge these things?

Making Peace with Death

Most humans have a concept of the death experience that was given to you by your religion. But in truth, most do not have certainty about what really happens upon the death of the physical body. So, let’s take a closer look at the death experience.

How Enlightened are You?

The world seems like a very intense and somewhat crazy environment at the moment, doesn’t it? The old paradigms you knew for so long and that served you well are falling apart. This is a good thing, you know. Your first reaction may be, “How can this be a good thing?

The Box of Belief

Do you really want to change the world? Start by looking at whether you’re aligned more with love or fear. Then seek to align with love more and more, every moment that you can. Open your current box with your conscious intention to know your own magnificence.