Would Your Higher Self Agree?

When we recognize that everything in our lives is our own creation through our power of choice and that what we receive is happening for us rather than to us, we become aware of our ability to choose joy above all else. When we do, things that previously troubled us become easy because we no long surrender our power to external conditions, other people, or our own thoughts and emotions that were formed from a limited perspective.

The Nature of Duality

In pure consciousness there is no duality, there is only pure consciousness. However, the seemingly separated mind requires seemingly separated concepts to work with. This give rise and momentum to the appearance of duality from the physical point of view.

Keep an Open Heart

These are times of miraculous change. Humanity is breaking away from all that no longer serves you so that new foundations can be built. You must rely on your collective goodwill and model it to each other as much as you possibly can. Demonstrate that you care about each other as the family of humanity.

It’s Time for Forgiveness

When you forgive yourself, you are choosing to hold, amplify, and direct your true Divine power, and thus you empower the entire world. When you choose not to forgive—keeping yourself in a place of separation from your Divine Source—you choose to disempower yourself and the entire world.

Finding Your City of Gold

The idea you are somehow not enough is a fabrication of your society. However, you chose to embody and manifest your life within this made up context and experience it as though it is real in order to achieve the soul growth you seek.

Mastering Self-Forgiveness

Without a strong and steady flow of Divine Consciousness, the ego will mistakenly believe it is all that matters. With this limited perspective, it will make self-limiting choices. And when it experiences the negative effects of these choices, it will go into self-judgment. This is when all your “coulda, woulda, shoulda” comes forth—all your shame and regret.

Making Love Stay

The question really is, “How do we make Divine Love stay?” That’s the heart of the conundrum. Why? Because much of humanity is not aware on a conscious level that this is what you all seek. Your true commitment is to help each other discover God inside.

Practicing Bold Forgiveness

There is a very powerful paradigm in your world today. It says if somebody wrongs you, you are justified and even obligated to give them “a piece of your mind” and demand restitution. We ask you to consider whether closing your heart in this way is creating more safety and comfort in your world.

The Coronavirus Opportunity

A world of true equality and kindness really can be the new normal. It really can be the way the world works in the future. This is the blessing in the hardship you now face. You are on “pause” now, but soon the “play” button will be pressed again. What do you want the new story of humanity on earth to be?

Positive Expectation in a Changing World

Q: This seems to be a time of great divisiveness in politics and governance, and many feel that basic decency and decorum have gone away altogether. How do we maintain positive expectation with the world we know changing so quickly? A: There is nothing new under the sun, the old saying goes. This was never more …

Love Yourself First

Q: How can I best be of service to friends and relatives in the face of negativity? A: Many of your relations are working through lifetimes of anger and sadness together. They keep choosing it because they have not yet learned the lessons. The only real lessons in life are this: Love yourself unconditionally. Love …