How to Release Self-Judgment

We wish to speak about one of the more toxic elements of modern life on earth: Self-judgment. Let us begin with a statement: “You are whole and perfect just as you are in this moment. You are enough.” How does that sit with you? Does it feel like truth? Much of humanity instantly experiences resistance upon hearing or reading these words. While you long for them to be true, they immediately send the mind racing toward all you have not yet achieved or all that you think you have done wrong.

Loving Your Humanness

If you are guided to do something you previously judged to be not Holy or Spiritual, it could be that your definitions are too narrow and are actually slowing your awakening. Spirit may be challenging you to broaden your perspective and reconcile the seemingly opposite viewpoints.

How Beliefs Affect Healing

The essence of all healing is bringing the physical body back into full alignment with the perfection of the Spiritual Body, which dwells in the higher dimensions. Think of it as a template of perfect health that exists in the field of unmanifest Divine potential. The degree to which your physical body matches the template is the result of the receptivity you have in the physical.

Alcohol and Other Toxins

The consciousness you bring to the decision of whether or not to drink is as important as what you ingest, if not more so. Investigate what is driving your decision. How much fear is involved? Is it an act of love of self-love?

The Truth about Healing

You are all in the process of healing some aspect of yourself. You are all in a state of becoming that which you know yourself to be on an unconscious level. You are becoming that which you were born into this body to realize—the part of you that knows no limitation, no boundaries.

The Subtle Bodies

We wish to discuss the subtle bodies and their connection with manifestation and healing. Each human entity dwells within four earthly bodies: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The spiritual body is that part of you that is always connected to Divine Spirit. That’s already a bit of a misnomer because all your bodies are always connected . . .

Divine Love is the Basis of all Creation

Q: Please speak of divine love, human fear, and how they impact our reality. A: Your primary ongoing job as a human is to choose love over fear. The emotion of fear is a powerful attractor, and when you spend time in a state fear, you attract into your experience that which you fear. Even …