Divine Love is the Basis of all Creation

Q: Please speak of divine love, human fear, and how they impact our reality.

A: Your primary ongoing job as a human is to choose love over fear. The emotion of fear is a powerful attractor, and when you spend time in a state fear, you attract into your experience that which you fear. Even when you know intellectually that there is really nothing to fear, the strong emotion of fear will often override the intellect. But, as you know, fear is the polar opposite of love, and love is a much more powerful attractor than fear. Love is the emotion that puts everything right—that starts attracting all that is desirable and wanted.

Love Really is All There is

This is not just woo-woo spirituality, as you say, but physics. It is law. Everything in the universe is energy—all matter, all thought, and all emotion. The resonant frequency of the energy determines its physical density. Denser matter vibrates at a lower frequency than light matter. So it is with thought, and so it is with emotion. The higher the vibration, the lighter it is. Lighter thought leads to lighter emotion, and thus manifestation of lighter (less dense) physical matter. This is true at the cellular level. Every particle of every atom in the body, as well as the space in between the particles, has the potential to vibrate at the frequency of love.

All those pop songs in your experience that say, “all you need is love,” and “love is all there is” are correct! The singers don’t necessarily believe it, but they are stating the most profound Truth there is. Does it ever seem strange to you that so many of your songs say this—that so many people who sit down to write a song write about the power of love? They sing of the transformative power, the healing power, and the power of love to create good in the world. That’s because most of the time when someone begins the creative process, such as songwriting, they are allowing the Divine Spirit within them to speak. If they approach it with an open heart, what comes out is Truth. Love vibrates at the resonant frequency of Divine Spirit, and all matter is made up of particles that in their purest state vibrate at the frequency of love. Humans in their purest state are a piece of Divine Spirit in 3D physical form. Thus, you are automatically are drawn express Divine Love artistically because it is who you are.

Physiology Responds to Thought and Emotion

So, you all know intuitively that love is all there is, and all you need is love, but you don’t believe it in your thoughts. You worry; you fear; and you experience regret, shame, doubt, and all manner of thoughts and emotions that dumb down the vibration. You are stepping down your vibration all the time. And not just that, but you are amplifying the resonance of your low-vibration state—like turning up the volume on a song that is not about love—like a country song that lists all the bad things going on. “She left me after she spent all my money running around with other guys, and the boss fired me for being so sad, and now my truck won’t start and blah blah blah.” It sounds funny when you look at it in this context, but this really is how most people go through their lives—replaying the songs about what didn’t go well and/or about what might not go well. About what there is to be afraid of. “I don’t know what I’ll do if that happens!” That’s where you spend a lot of your thought-time. High amplification of low-vibration thoughts and the feelings that accompany them. Worry, doubt, regret, fear.

Then your physiology responds. Why? Because it must. This is physics, not esoteric belief. When you spend enough time in lower-vibration thought and feeling, the cells must respond with manifestation of form that is attuned to the vibration. The cells, as we have told you, are receptors of the template of perfect health that is in your field. It is either flowing to you easily because the cells are tuned to the frequency of love, or it is not flowing easily because the cells are tuned to a frequency of less-than-love. It’s as simple as that.

When you experience stress—which we define as an attempt to hold at bay the negative emotions of fear, sadness, anxiety, shame, etc.—then your vibration is decreasing, and thus your physical state is decreasing. You all know this. Even doctors who reject Spiritual concepts will tell you that too much stress (hypertension) can lead to a heart attack. They know it’s true, and they might even suggest you take a yoga course or meditate to reduce stress, but they can’t really tell you why. It works because the cells, when they vibrate at the frequency of Divine Love (unconditional love of self and others), vibrate at the frequency of Universal perfection, and thus must attract the physical manifestation of perfect health. If you stayed in the state of perfect love of self and others—no matter what is going on around you—all the time, there would be no physical miscreation. No dis-ease. It’s really very simple.

But because you spend so much time feeling other than love, you see results in the physical that you don’t want. You rightly say, “stress can contribute to a heart attack,” and it is like saying, “there are lots of stars in the sky”. It’s true, but you have absolutely no idea what’s really going on out there beyond your ability to observe and measure with the technology you have. It’s all so much vaster than you can even conceive of at this point in your evolution (although you are continuing to expand greatly). Such as it is with your limited view of what’s possible in your own lives. Because you have developed beliefs that it’s normal to go through life worrying and fearing, that is what you know, and you can’t see beyond it. More correctly, you can see beyond it, but you typically don’t. It doesn’t seem reasonable or realistic, and the last thing you want is to look like a “crackpot” or “Pollyanna”. Well, we are telling you that you must be willing to risk these things if you want health. You simply must. Otherwise, you’ll all have intermittent bouts with one condition or another, and some of you will experience major unwanted conditions.

Show Love for All Creation

Express unconditional love for self and others. Love for every decision you have ever made. Love for everything you have ever done. Love for everyone you have ever encountered, even if you judge that they have wronged you in some way. Love of every possible future condition that you feel would be undesirable to you. Why? Because, as we have said, love is the polar opposite of fear. If you feel fear, you attract results you will judge to be negative. If you feel love, you will attract results you judge to be positive. But you can’t wait for the results before you decide to love them. You must vibrate at the frequency of love first.

Send love to everything and everyone, beginning with yourself. What is it that you need to forgive yourself for? What choices have you made that you judge to be bad or undesirable? What missed opportunities do you wish you had taken? What relationships do you wish you had had, and which ones do you wish you had left sooner? What financial regrets do you have? What have you done as a parent or spouse that you wish you had done differently? When were you unkind to someone and you now feel bad about it? When did you not stand up for yourself? When did you allow yourself to feel hurt by another? And on and on. You see, this is the nature of the puzzle of life. This is the very heart of it. If you can love all of those things and all of the people involved, and, most importantly, love yourself for the choices you made or didn’t make, then all of those things and the memories associated with them start to vibrate at a higher frequency. That is the true transformative power of love. It really does turn negativity into positivity—just as turning on the light switch chases away the darkness. Flood it all with light by flooding it all with love.

Honestly, what have any of you got to lose? If we were able to get frustrated with you, it would be around this very issue. We scratch our heads sometimes and think, “All of the prayers to fix this or that, to make this happen and make that go away, and all the while they are missing that the true power for transformation is right there all the time!”

Flip the Love Switch

You know how you can walk through your home and you are rarely more than a few feet from a light switch? So it is with love. You are never far from the love switch. It is always right there in your grasp, and all you have to do is flip it. Ask, “Divine Spirit within me, help me to feel love now. Show me love. Let love wash over me. Let love heal [whatever the situation is].” Do this as often as you possibly can and watch how your life gets better and better. Synchronicities will start to appear that bring you more benevolent situations, including the health that you seek.

This is how it is with the human experience. Although you have many different systems of belief, what is Divine Truth for one is Truth for all, regardless of which wrapper it comes in. And when you are in physical form, you all have the same limitations and the same potentials. One is not more so than another. Even those you call Masters are not more or better than you. The ONLY difference is that they are attuned to the frequency of Divine Love to such a degree that they can control physics, in themselves and in others.

You can do this, too. What are you all waiting for? Stop seeing yourselves as any less worthy or capable than the Master Jesus or the Master Buddha. Seriously. They never told you any different than this and never would. Wake up! Believe in your own magnificence, celebrate it, and don’t indulge in negative beliefs about yourself or others. Love self and others exclusively, all the time. You say, “I can’t do that. You don’t understand what this person did to me! You don’t understand what I’ve been through.” Really? You think so? You think you are justified in feeling negative, therefore? We are here to tell you that you are not. Not now, not ever. You can choose to if you want—you have free will—but you are thus choosing to limit yourself, and you are missing the point of life.

Again, we say to you, look to words of Jesus as they nailed him to the cross: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” You tend to focus on “forgive them” as a model to live by, but you don’t really live by it because you are all too focused on not knowing what you do. In other words, you go about the business of your life in the same kind of mental/emotional fog that led them to nail Jesus to the cross and be OK with it. You are driving little nails in yourselves and others all the time because you know not what you do. More importantly, you know not what you COULD do if you only chose differently. And the first choice is absolute love and forgiveness of yourself for whatever you have done in this lifetime and all other lifetimes. That includes forgiving and loving yourself even though you let others take advantage of you or control you. It’s not about them and what they “did to you”, it’s about how you feel about yourself and them as a result. If it is less than the perfect Divine Love that Jesus showed to the ones who were out of their own ignorance driving in the nails, then you know not what you do. You know not what you are creating in your life, even as you plead with God to bring you something else.

You always have one hand on the throttle and one hand on the wheel. You just don’t believe it and are not intentional about where you’re headed. The shortest path to any destination—be it health, wealth, or happy relationships—is unconditional love of self and others, regardless of what they are doing or have done. Regardless of what you are doing or have done. This is all there is in life. It really is. Don’t make it about this symptom or that person or this circumstance or that belief. Love is all there is at the heart of EVERYTHING, and when you master love, you master life. Plain and simple.



Image credit: Bess-Hamiti