Embrace Your Magnificence!

Humanity fears our magnificence more than anything. The gap between who we truly are and who we perceive ourselves to be seems so big that we choose to continue living in a fearful world of limitation rather than stepping out in faith into the unknown. Our fear and belief in this limitation is what drives us to horde and defend, which is why we still think we need weapons.

Tapping the Energy of Faith

Faith is a constantly flowing energy. When you allow it to flow freely in your life, it provides tremendous support on your journey of expansion to higher consciousness and in the manifestation of your desires. But it can become a hindrance when you channel it toward conditions that you decide rather than relying on Divine Source to choose the optimal conditions for you. The key to successfully tapping the power of faith in anything you desire to manifest is to have no expectations about how, when, where, and through whom the manifestation will occur.

Access Your Creative Potential

All physical creation is a manifestation of Divine Love—even creations you find undesirable. As a powerful co-creator with Spirit, you have the ability and authority to flow this creative potential into whatever creations you choose, so it’s important to create consciously. Two valuable keys are embracing change and surrendering judgment.

Divine Alchemy

If you feel compelled to choose something that is life-affirming for you and hurts nobody else, then choose it. If someone else judges your choice negatively, still choose it. If somebody you love takes offense at you prioritizing your own truth over theirs, choose your truth anyway. Divine alchemy is possible when you take responsibility for your own happiness.

Accelerate Your Manifestation

Get that momentum going! Turn away from any activity or narrative that leaves you feeling like you are not enough, or that leaves you feeling fearful in any way. Turn toward those people, stories, activities, and beliefs that make you feel great joy, and align with the creative power of the universe.

The Nature of Duality

In pure consciousness there is no duality, there is only pure consciousness. However, the seemingly separated mind requires seemingly separated concepts to work with. This give rise and momentum to the appearance of duality from the physical point of view.

Lessons from Gaia

Gaia is your guide for manifestation, especially in these trying times. Use the stillness that has been thrust upon you to look at Gaia with new eyes and see how she constantly manifests beauty for the higher role she has agreed to play in support of human evolution. Ask her to connect with you deeply . . .

The Subtle Bodies

We wish to discuss the subtle bodies and their connection with manifestation and healing. Each human entity dwells within four earthly bodies: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The spiritual body is that part of you that is always connected to Divine Spirit. That’s already a bit of a misnomer because all your bodies are always connected . . .

Sharing Your Gifts

We have a question for you. Do you share your gifts boldly with the world? If not, what do you fear? If you look back at your life to this point, you may think things have not always gone as you thought they would. You may think, “Oh, if only I had done this or that, or gone here or there, how much better things would be.”

Giving Thanks with an Open Heart

This is one of our favorite times of year in the United States—the time of giving thanks. When you give thanks for your many blessings, you open yourself to receive more of what you are thankful for. That is, if you express gratitude with an open heart. You are told that this wonderful holiday commemorates …

Winning the Game of Life

Let us start with a question for you: Are you trying to “win” the game of life?  How many times each day do you compare yourself to somebody else? Maybe you have not been paying attention to that. But if you start to pay attention, you will find the answer is many, many times. Humans …

Divine Love is the Basis of all Creation

Q: Please speak of divine love, human fear, and how they impact our reality. A: Your primary ongoing job as a human is to choose love over fear. The emotion of fear is a powerful attractor, and when you spend time in a state fear, you attract into your experience that which you fear. Even …

Chakras, Cells, and Manifestation

Q: How do negative or lower vibration thoughts limit the manifestation of good things that we desire? What is going on in the chakras and cells at these times? A: The chakras can be thought of like pipes to the field of unmanifest potential from which all you desire is brought forth. Each energy center …

Deserving Abundance

Q: Why do some people seem so out of touch with Spirit, yet they also seem to manifest abundance so easily? Are some people predisposed to have more financial abundance by default in order to play a role that will benefit their soul growth and that of others? A: Not exactly. First, consider what you …

Experiencing Multidimensional Realities

Q: Are bi-location and teleportation truly possible? A: There are three things you need to know about this: All things are possible. It is already done. It is very easy to do for you now with the right consciousness. Believe these three things and it will be revealed. The first is to understand that movement …