Deserving Abundance

Q: Why do some people seem so out of touch with Spirit, yet they also seem to manifest abundance so easily? Are some people predisposed to have more financial abundance by default in order to play a role that will benefit their soul growth and that of others?

A: Not exactly. First, consider what you mean by “abundance”. It is not just about money. In fact, for some, it is very little about money. Others think it is all about money. That’s easy to do in your society when financial wealth is so highly regarded and seems to be the primary measure or success in one’s life. It has not always been this way and is still not this way in other societies. There are many more measures of abundance: health, loving relationships, time to pursue activities that bring you joy, meaningful friendships and connections with a supportive community, freedom to choose your path in life and your experiences—including religious freedom, political freedom, sexual freedom—and a peaceful heart (which is what all of you REALLY want). These are all forms of abundance, and depending who you talk to, any or all of them might be considered more important than financial abundance.

But your question is about financial abundance in particular. Yes, there are many who seem to have a lot of it, and yet they seem to think and act in very unenlightened ways. You are coming at the question from a point of view that if they act in low-vibration ways, they should be seeing limited results in manifesting abundance. This is true. But, you see, Spirit does not value one form of abundance more than another. Ranking them is a human construct. You place financial abundance above all others, so your question is basically, “If God is the source of all things, why is that big jerk rich?” It’s because the person you judge to be a jerk does not have a lot of the energetic blockages around money that others do. They believe that they can and should be rich, which is a very important part of the equation. There is no doubt in their own mind about whether they deserve it. In fact, one of the primary reasons the rich tend to stay rich is that they have a hyper-sense of deserving. In some it steers over into a sense of entitlement, which we define as a high sense of deserving plus a low sense of accountability to others and the world in general. There is nothing wrong with a strong sense of deserving. In fact, at a soul level it is a very healthy thing to feel. You ARE deserving of all the abundance the universe has for you. It is your birthright. Most of you do not believe that, but the very wealthy do. They don’t necessarily frame it in a spiritual context (i.e. “I am connected to God, the creator of all things, and therefore it is my birthright to have all of the good that is God.”). But they believe that they can and should be rich. There is just no doubt, and therefore no resistance to the flow of that particular form of abundance.

See the Entire Picture of Abundance

Sometimes those people who have tremendous financial abundance come to it through means that are out of alignment with the highest values. That is, they exploit or mistreat others in the process of making and maintaining their wealth. Your question is asking why that doesn’t limit the flow of money to them in the first place. In some cases, it does. You only see the wealth that they do receive, but you don’t see the wealth that they forego as a result of their consciousness and actions. You also don’t see all of the other negative mis-creation that shows up in their lives. The stress, the health issues, the unpleasant relationships, the lack of time, the defensive positions they operate from, the lawsuits and threats they must deal with, the sleepless nights. Many experience angst that comes from a lack of spiritual consciousness—not knowing the truth of their own immortality. They experience the hollow feelings that come with knowing on some level that all of their wealth is pointless in the long run, and with the constant attempts to fill that void with something meaningful. These are all forms of a lack of abundance. Spirit does not hold one form above another. When taken together, are these people as abundant as you think? Are they more abundant than you? Is a person who owns the forest but sees only the profit he can make from selling the trees for timber more abundant than a person with not much money who can go into that forest, embrace a tree, feel the life force within it and his connection to it, and be at peace in his heart?

You say, “That’s all well and good, but if law of attraction really works, then all negative thoughts and actions—lack of caring for others and exploitation of people and natural resources—should limit their abundance.” Yes it should, and it does. But, again, Spirit does not value money over other types of abundance. Humans do that, and so you are asking a question that is based in limited understanding that is not synonymous with Spirit’s point of view. You can be the biggest jerk on earth and attract to yourself plenty of money if you believe you can and should have it. But you can’t attract good health and loving relationships if you are steeped in low-vibration “jerk energy”. At some point it will take a toll on your body’s ability to draw forth perfect health from the field, and you will be inclined to spend a chunk of that wealth on “fixing” your ailments via healthcare. And you will also attract relationships—friendships and intimate relationships—that are a vibrational match to the energy you put forth. If they are anything less than the heart connection you all seek, you will feel a profound sense of lack. That’s why you hear so many stories of rich people who are lonely and wanting, and also poor people who are happy and fulfilled

Yes, it is intentionally set up this way. It is part of the structure of the earth plane to facilitate your soul’s growth. Money is actually one of the easiest things to get on this earth if you believe you deserve it and can have it. You can be a jerk and build wealth. But you cannot be a jerk and build fulfilling relationships that are free from worry and a sense of lack—a constant wanting of more. You also cannot be a jerk and maintain lasting health. You just can’t. You may be able to pay for the best medical care, but that often involves procedures you would prefer not to have in the first place.


You also asked about soul growth and whether certain people are predestined to have wealth to benefit their growth and that of others. Yes, they are. You all choose who your parents will be before you incarnate. You agree to many of your relationships at the soul level before you come in. Some of you choose to be born into opulent wealth because it will provide you with lessons that are appropriate for the next step in your soul’s evolution and the evolution of those souls you are contracted to be in relationship with. Some of you choose poverty for the same reasons. But all of you have the same ability to attract and maintain financial wealth, regardless of where you start. That said, not everyone is able to do it because of the way they respond to their circumstances and the beliefs they adopt about it. Some who are born into lack can never get past the belief that they don’t deserve anything better, and so they don’t strive to attain it. Others seek wealth but constantly get in their own way with fear and worry that it won’t show up for them. Then there are those who find a strength of resolve in their experience of lack and limitation. It stokes a fire in them that burns to receive more, and through their belief that they deserve it, they attract it to themselves.

There are also those who are born into wealth and never know contentment of the heart. They believe they deserve to be wealthy, but they may take that belief to the extreme of believing they are somehow better than others who don’t have money—as though they were predestined to have and others were predestined to have not (in other words, they feel entitled). They use this belief to justify a lot of negative mis-creation and mistreatment of others. These people may be able to choose any experience they want on earth, but they are never satisfied, always wanting because they do not know contentment of the heart. As they face their own mortality, eventually, they realize they have missed it—missed the true wealth that could have been theirs had they believed and acted differently. Death is the great equalizer, no matter how much money one makes in life. But it is the one with a contented heart who passes with a smile on her lips, not the one with a restless heart, regardless of how much each has in the bank.



Image credit: Comfreak