Positive Action in Challenging Times

In these times of apparent upheaval. Many dark patterns of behavior are now being exposed by a growing wave of light on the planet. This is agitating those in power who operate with fear-based worldviews. Like an angry child throwing a tantrum, proponents of these dark patterns are trying to create more chaos in an attempt to maintain control. And like a wise parent, the lightworker’s job is to remain calm, steady, and focused on the highest outcome for all concerned.

Own Your Sovereignty through Love

There is infinitely more love than fear being expressed in the world every day. Our challenge at this time is to remain focused on love so that we amplify it while also neutralizing the fear that is constantly programmed in the media and popular entertainment. The key is to remain in a place of non-resistance.

Embrace Your Magnificence!

Humanity fears our magnificence more than anything. The gap between who we truly are and who we perceive ourselves to be seems so big that we choose to continue living in a fearful world of limitation rather than stepping out in faith into the unknown. Our fear and belief in this limitation is what drives us to horde and defend, which is why we still think we need weapons.

How to Release Self-Judgment

We wish to speak about one of the more toxic elements of modern life on earth: Self-judgment. Let us begin with a statement: “You are whole and perfect just as you are in this moment. You are enough.” How does that sit with you? Does it feel like truth? Much of humanity instantly experiences resistance upon hearing or reading these words. While you long for them to be true, they immediately send the mind racing toward all you have not yet achieved or all that you think you have done wrong.

Access Your Creative Potential

All physical creation is a manifestation of Divine Love—even creations you find undesirable. As a powerful co-creator with Spirit, you have the ability and authority to flow this creative potential into whatever creations you choose, so it’s important to create consciously. Two valuable keys are embracing change and surrendering judgment.

Divine Alchemy

If you feel compelled to choose something that is life-affirming for you and hurts nobody else, then choose it. If someone else judges your choice negatively, still choose it. If somebody you love takes offense at you prioritizing your own truth over theirs, choose your truth anyway. Divine alchemy is possible when you take responsibility for your own happiness.

The Great Awakening

The earth is receiving greater frequencies of Divine Love than ever before. You can amplify your cells’ ability to receive and integrate these frequencies by giving them the command, “Illuminate”. The effect is like turning up your inner radiance and the volume of Spirit full blast.

Keep an Open Heart

These are times of miraculous change. Humanity is breaking away from all that no longer serves you so that new foundations can be built. You must rely on your collective goodwill and model it to each other as much as you possibly can. Demonstrate that you care about each other as the family of humanity.

It’s Time for Forgiveness

When you forgive yourself, you are choosing to hold, amplify, and direct your true Divine power, and thus you empower the entire world. When you choose not to forgive—keeping yourself in a place of separation from your Divine Source—you choose to disempower yourself and the entire world.

Embrace Uncertainty

All that is needed to change the world in ways that work better for all of humanity is a willingness to allow uncertainty into your experience. When you embrace uncertainty, you leave the door open to infinite possibility. When you exclude points of view you don’t agree with, you slam that door shut.

The Second Coming

The “second coming” is is not a global, cosmic event that takes place at one point in time. It is a personal state of being that results from elevating the frequency of one’s consciousness to align with Divine consciousness. Many have already experienced it.

Winning the Battle Within

War between countries, or even between neighbors, is a reflection of the war within the individual—the battle over who gets to run the show, so to speak. Your first and foremost goal as a Spiritual Being in a physical human body is to get back to the realization that you are a Spiritual Being.

Allowing Enlightened Government

Enlightened government is not something you create as much as it is something you allow to exist. The circumstances that surround you are a direct reflection of your consciousness—what you think, feel, and believe, and how you see yourself relative to the people and circumstances around you.

Mastering Self-Forgiveness

Without a strong and steady flow of Divine Consciousness, the ego will mistakenly believe it is all that matters. With this limited perspective, it will make self-limiting choices. And when it experiences the negative effects of these choices, it will go into self-judgment. This is when all your “coulda, woulda, shoulda” comes forth—all your shame and regret.

The Business of Living

Whatever captures your attention today, whether it is a new technology, a form of entertainment, or what is taking place in the political realm, it is at some level a distraction from Life. The question is whether you are allowing Life at every moment while you are engaged in the business of living.

The Spiral of Consciousness

If you can expand your view of human existence to see beyond the current time, incorporate the larger arc of humanity’s story, and recognize the upward spiral of consciousness that you are all on, logic will tell you that you still have a long way to go. But rapid progress is now possible.

Love, Fear & the Gaia Connection

When you can flow the Divine Love of God to all humanity, regardless of outward appearances—how they believe or act or even how they may treat you—your personal transformation takes off like a rocket. That is when you can affect the vibration of others simply by being who you are.

Opening to Infinite Possibility

The Life Force that underpins and gives expression to all life on earth finds Its joy in infinite possibility. This openness to infinite possibility—and indeed the delight in infinite options as an expression of joy—is what makes the infinite variations of the physical expression of life possible.