Positive Action in Challenging Times

Wondering what you can do to remain positive and help others in these times of apparent upheaval? This month’s message from Keenu Thomas offers simple guidance.

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Message Summary

Many dark patterns of behavior are now being exposed by a growing wave of light on the planet. This is agitating those in power who operate with fear-based worldviews. Like an angry child throwing a tantrum, proponents of these dark patterns are trying to create more chaos in an attempt to maintain control. And like a wise parent, the lightworker’s job is to remain calm, steady, and focused on the highest outcome for all concerned.

One of the most effective actions we can take to create positive change is to continuously elevate our own consciousness into greater alignment with our own Higher Mind. All of humanity truly is connected at the soul level, where our Higher Mind dwells, and so the vibration of one affects the vibration of all. When you see darkness, recognize that a very small number of people are actually driving it. Then become quiet and centered. Visualize light in your heart and see it growing, connecting with your physical mind and expanding into your Higher Mind. Then affirm “I am one with my Higher Mind, and I am one with All That Is. I affirm and know that ALL of humanity is evolving in the light. I affirm the highest outcome for all concerned, by the infinite power of Divine Love.”

You will instantly feel a sense of relief and greater lightness because you will have done something that is indeed having an impact. Although your physical mind may doubt it, your Higher Mind knows it is true, and thus you can feel it in your body if you tune in. You are directing forces of light to the dark situations and the people affected by them. In the process, you are invoking Divine assistance, which makes Divine alchemy possible (what humanity calls “miracles”). The more people who do this, the greater the impact and the faster the positive change.

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