Own Your Sovereignty through Love

There is infinitely more love than fear being expressed in the world every day. Our challenge at this time is to remain focused on love so that we amplify it while also neutralizing the fear that is constantly programmed in the media and popular entertainment. The key is to remain in a place of non-resistance.

Keep an Open Heart

These are times of miraculous change. Humanity is breaking away from all that no longer serves you so that new foundations can be built. You must rely on your collective goodwill and model it to each other as much as you possibly can. Demonstrate that you care about each other as the family of humanity.

It’s Time for Forgiveness

When you forgive yourself, you are choosing to hold, amplify, and direct your true Divine power, and thus you empower the entire world. When you choose not to forgive—keeping yourself in a place of separation from your Divine Source—you choose to disempower yourself and the entire world.

Embrace Uncertainty

All that is needed to change the world in ways that work better for all of humanity is a willingness to allow uncertainty into your experience. When you embrace uncertainty, you leave the door open to infinite possibility. When you exclude points of view you don’t agree with, you slam that door shut.

It’s All Valuable, and None of it Matters

At the soul level, there is no greater or lesser path and no desirable and undesirable path; there is simply the path the soul chooses when it incarnates. It is very important, therefore, that humanity is accepting of all life paths without judgment.

Winning the Battle Within

War between countries, or even between neighbors, is a reflection of the war within the individual—the battle over who gets to run the show, so to speak. Your first and foremost goal as a Spiritual Being in a physical human body is to get back to the realization that you are a Spiritual Being.

Allowing Enlightened Government

Enlightened government is not something you create as much as it is something you allow to exist. The circumstances that surround you are a direct reflection of your consciousness—what you think, feel, and believe, and how you see yourself relative to the people and circumstances around you.

The Spiral of Consciousness

If you can expand your view of human existence to see beyond the current time, incorporate the larger arc of humanity’s story, and recognize the upward spiral of consciousness that you are all on, logic will tell you that you still have a long way to go. But rapid progress is now possible.

Love, Fear & the Gaia Connection

When you can flow the Divine Love of God to all humanity, regardless of outward appearances—how they believe or act or even how they may treat you—your personal transformation takes off like a rocket. That is when you can affect the vibration of others simply by being who you are.

Opening to Infinite Possibility

The Life Force that underpins and gives expression to all life on earth finds Its joy in infinite possibility. This openness to infinite possibility—and indeed the delight in infinite options as an expression of joy—is what makes the infinite variations of the physical expression of life possible.

Who Are You?

What captures your attention today is indeed important, but not in and of itself. Everything that exists in your life from a physical point of view, including the people in your life, are simply the stage and supporting actors you have summoned into your experience to help you awaken to who you truly are.

How Enlightened are You?

The world seems like a very intense and somewhat crazy environment at the moment, doesn’t it? The old paradigms you knew for so long and that served you well are falling apart. This is a good thing, you know. Your first reaction may be, “How can this be a good thing?

Cooperative Soul Ascension

We wish to address a topic that is on the minds of many people at this time of earth’s ascension into the light. You know that you have free will, and those of you who seek Higher Truth also know that there is ultimately only one purpose to human life: To rediscover God within you. Why, …

Transforming Chaos with Consciousness

Q: How do we remain centered in light of the current chaos in politics and government, and how can we best help create positive change? A: The apparent chaos of these times will pass sooner than you think. It may seem to take more time than you would like, but relative to the timeline of …

Positive Expectation in a Changing World

Q: This seems to be a time of great divisiveness in politics and governance, and many feel that basic decency and decorum have gone away altogether. How do we maintain positive expectation with the world we know changing so quickly? A: There is nothing new under the sun, the old saying goes. This was never more …