Cooperative Soul Ascension

We wish to address a topic that is on the minds of many people at this time of earth’s ascension into the light. You know that you have free will, and those of you who seek Higher Truth also know that there is ultimately only one purpose to human life: To rediscover God within you. Why, then, do so many seem so caught up in paths that appear to be the opposite of this great purpose? Is it their predetermined path or their choice?

It is actually both. You see, each soul comes in with an express purpose to help the planet evolve toward a more benevolent, loving, and compassionate state. With so many souls incarnate and so much awakening happening all over the planet at this time, the overwhelming majority of you are here with intentional missions to expand the light on earth. That is your soul contract.

But, as you know, you also live on a planet of duality. Light and dark both exist here. As a result, both ends of the light-dark spectrum, and all the different colors in between, are in your option set. You get to choose every moment of every day whether to add to the light or the dark—whether to go this way or that. Of course, not every choice appears to be one of such stark contrast. There are many seemingly innocuous or neutral choices. For example, what you eat for breakfast, or what you watch on TV. You make these kinds of choices constantly throughout your day—all as part of just moving through life and keeping things going, so to speak.

Every Choice is Significant

Your more mundane choices usually seem rather neutral. In other words, you don’t see them as adding to the light or the dark—they are just “busy-ness”. But we would like to offer the perspective that there is no such thing as a minuscule choice. Those of you who call yourselves light workers consciously strive to make higher choices (those that vibrate at a high frequency of Divine Love) when it comes to the bigger things. For example, when somebody does something that offends you, then you have an opportunity to choose compassion and forgiveness. The little choices happen more by default according to your established patterns of behavior. They are made on a kind of autopilot. But what we want you to know is that every choice adds to the light-dark quotient on earth.

You say, “What? You’re telling me it matters whether I choose to eat bacon and eggs or oatmeal for breakfast?” And we say, “Yes it does.” Why? Because your entire physical being is involved in this path you have chosen—the path of anchoring more light into the world to accelerate the ascension of the planet. How does what you eat for breakfast affect that? First, consider which breakfast option makes you feel better physically? If you feel more vibrant after eating one or the other, that means one of them puts you more in alignment with your Higher Self. The result of a better physical feeling is more openness to allowing the energy of your Higher Self into your physical experience throughout your day, and that benefits everyone you encounter.

Next, consider what was involved in obtaining the food you are choosing to eat. Which one followed a more loving and compassionate journey to your table? Were the farmers who grew the food treated ethically, or were they paid subsistence wages? Was the packaging it came in recyclable, or did it come in a container that will be buried in a landfill? Was the animal life involved treated with care and benevolence? And did the waste involved in the creation of the food (such as field drainage, animal feces, and factory and transport emissions) add more to the rampant pollution on your beautiful planet?

Now, we’re not saying you should obsess over every detail of every minute choice. You will quickly go mad trying to do that. Just take the point that there is no such thing as an insignificant choice. All choices matter, and all have some effect on the balance of light and dark on the planet. Some just have a more immediate or recognizable impact than others. And, yes, even those of you who know you are consciously working toward the light are at times using your free will to make choices that do not serve that goal. Usually you are unaware of it. But be comforted by the fact that as the collective consciousness of humanity continues to ascend, the physical circumstances of your world will also ascend, which means that there will be less duality inherent in your smaller choices. In other words, there will come a day when there is no need to worry about the ethics of your food choices because all food will be sourced ethically.

Every Soul is Contributing to Earth’s Ascension

With that as context, let’s get back to the topic of whether some souls incarnate with the intention of modeling behaviors that seem opposed to love. At this point in human evolution, the answer is “yes”. How can that be? Because humans have chosen, through your own free will, to create a world in which darkness exists. You have set the rules of the game and the field on which you play. And at this time, the game includes quite a lot of darkness.

However, by your own free will, you have also chosen to change the rules and the playing field—to evolve collectively toward the Divine Love of God. That is the ascension process that is taking place. You chose it, and we are so very pleased that you did. But as you see all around you in nature, evolution happens slowly. And so, even as the planet moves steadily toward a higher and higher vibration of Divine Love, there is still darkness. And there are still life lessons for many souls to learn that are born of that darkness – darkness that you all contributed to in former lives.

But we want you to know that even as a soul chooses to incarnate into a life stream in which they appear to be contributing to more darkness, they are still being of service in a very powerful way:  They are offering contrast that acts as a catalyst for others to make higher choices. At the same time, they can use their free will at any moment to choose another path.

Let’s focus on the contrast first. It’s rather simple: If you are not aware of the difference between a high-vibration choice (one aligned with the energy of Divine Love) and a low-vibration choice (one aligned with fear), then there is little incentive for you to make higher choices with passion and resolve. Many humans still need the low-vibration behavior modeled to you in order to make you say, “Well, that’s not the world I want to live in. I want to live in a world where people treat each other with respect, love, and compassion.” That then drives you to actively create such a world through your thoughts, words, and actions. Absent the contrast, would you be as motivated? Most of you wouldn’t, because in a world of duality, all action spawns an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, a little bit of darkness creates a reaction toward a little bit of light. A lot of darkness, however, leads to a reaction that creates a lot of light. And as light is much more powerful than darkness (think of how a small flame can illuminate an entire dark room) the intense reaction of light to intensely dark circumstances has an exponentially positive effect on the ascension of the planet, regardless of how dark or widespread the catalyst appeared to be. Therefore, those souls who incarnate into life streams that seem to be a perpetuation of darkness are also serving the light indirectly.

At the same time, those souls are working out the choices they made in past lives that make them candidates for such incarnations to begin with. Someone who has evolved to a consciousness that you associate with sainthood does not then incarnate as a killer or a tyrant. The souls who fill those lower-vibration roles are the ones who still have some work to do in their own ascension.

Keep in mind, however, that the saint was likely a tyrant once, too. Soul ascension usually comes through lifetimes of struggle through lower choices and the lower circumstances that result from them. But whatever negative circumstances a soul creates in the physical realm, the spark of Divinity that remains within them continues to shine, and that spark constantly calls and pulls and drives them to seek a greater awareness of It. By gradually making higher and higher choices, it becomes louder and brighter. Eventually, a tipping point is reached in a lifetime in which the soul consciously strives to bring more light into the world.

Help Others Choose Light

The life streams you judge to be mired in darkness have not yet reached that tipping point, but they are all working toward it. The pace of their evolution is up to each life stream, as determined by their free will choices. But know this, they could be on the verge of their tipping point at any time. So, those life streams you judge to be mired in darkness might just be close to their tipping point in this lifetime. Although you see them speaking and acting in negative ways, you don’t know what is going on with them in their private moments. You don’t see or hear or feel the moments when they shake their heads and say, “This can’t be right. I must be something more than this—something better.” Many of those you see as callous, rude and hateful question themselves all the time. Many shake and weep when they are alone and cry out to God to show them the Truth of who they are, just like those who seem to be on a more enlightened path. No, not all of them do, but many do. And that is when their breakthrough can happen. Through their own free will they can begin to make higher choices. They can think more loving thoughts, speak more benevolent words, and practice more compassionate deeds. And that is when their moment of Divine Grace can happen.

You have plenty of examples of such people in your world. You honor them in that beautiful song most of you have known since childhood:

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind but now I see.

These souls that you judge as being so damaging to your vision of the world—that you think are holding back the light—know that at any moment they could be on the verge of going from blindness to sight. And know that you were likely in their very place in some previous lifetime. Not that you shared all the same life circumstances, but the same limited consciousness. Does that not then change how you see them? Does that not make them even more worthy of your compassion?

What can you do to help them achieve their breakthrough? Send them your kindness, love, and respect in the form of benevolent thoughts. Visualize the Divine Love of God enveloping them in the form of a vibrant pink light and holding them as they relax and let go, relax and let go, relax and let go. See the beautiful violet flame of their heart energy expanding and burning brighter. That’s all you need to do. Even as you take action in the world to counteract whatever physical damage you think they have done—such as environmental harm, limiting opportunities for others, or speaking hate and fear—hold them in that vision of Divine Love gently awakening them to their own Divinity. And honor them for being the catalysts that they are by offering the contrast that motivates you and so many others to act with passion and determination toward the ascension of the planet.

You are all being of service to the planet at this time. The more quickly the recalcitrant souls move through their self-limiting beliefs and behaviors, the more quickly there will no longer be a need for the roles of contrast they fill. And, the more quickly circumstances will evolve to where all of your own smaller choices will serve the light without you even thinking about it. No options will exist that contribute to darkness. Help the planet and yourself by helping the struggling souls. If you are reading or hearing these words, that is indeed what you singed up to do in this lifetime.

We offer our blessings of gratitude for your service. We understand it may not seem easy from the human point of view. But we also know how much bigger you all are than just human. Strive onward with determination and you will soon know it as well.



Image credit: johnpriceonline