Own Your Sovereignty through Love

There is infinitely more love than fear being expressed in the world every day. Our challenge at this time is to remain focused on love so that we amplify it while also neutralizing the fear that is constantly programmed in the media and popular entertainment. The key is to remain in a place of non-resistance.

The Energy of Resurrection

Resurrection is an energy, just like faith, and these energies are as available to you and the rest of humanity as they are to the masters who demonstrate them. The only difference between you and the masters is that their level of certainty and focus is much stronger than the average human who has grown up believing in personal limitations. The masters know there are no limitations, and they show this to you time and again. Are you ready to start believing it?

How to Release Self-Judgment

We wish to speak about one of the more toxic elements of modern life on earth: Self-judgment. Let us begin with a statement: “You are whole and perfect just as you are in this moment. You are enough.” How does that sit with you? Does it feel like truth? Much of humanity instantly experiences resistance upon hearing or reading these words. While you long for them to be true, they immediately send the mind racing toward all you have not yet achieved or all that you think you have done wrong.

Keep an Open Heart

These are times of miraculous change. Humanity is breaking away from all that no longer serves you so that new foundations can be built. You must rely on your collective goodwill and model it to each other as much as you possibly can. Demonstrate that you care about each other as the family of humanity.

It’s Time for Forgiveness

When you forgive yourself, you are choosing to hold, amplify, and direct your true Divine power, and thus you empower the entire world. When you choose not to forgive—keeping yourself in a place of separation from your Divine Source—you choose to disempower yourself and the entire world.

It’s All Valuable, and None of it Matters

At the soul level, there is no greater or lesser path and no desirable and undesirable path; there is simply the path the soul chooses when it incarnates. It is very important, therefore, that humanity is accepting of all life paths without judgment.

Finding Your City of Gold

The idea you are somehow not enough is a fabrication of your society. However, you chose to embody and manifest your life within this made up context and experience it as though it is real in order to achieve the soul growth you seek.

Making Love Stay

The question really is, “How do we make Divine Love stay?” That’s the heart of the conundrum. Why? Because much of humanity is not aware on a conscious level that this is what you all seek. Your true commitment is to help each other discover God inside.

The Coronavirus Opportunity

A world of true equality and kindness really can be the new normal. It really can be the way the world works in the future. This is the blessing in the hardship you now face. You are on “pause” now, but soon the “play” button will be pressed again. What do you want the new story of humanity on earth to be?

Allowing Grace

What you experience as Grace is awakening to an awareness of Truth that was previously hidden from you. The moment of Grace is simply the moment you are able to see the hidden Truth once again. This is indeed the life purpose of each and every soul on the planet.

Cooperative Soul Ascension

We wish to address a topic that is on the minds of many people at this time of earth’s ascension into the light. You know that you have free will, and those of you who seek Higher Truth also know that there is ultimately only one purpose to human life: To rediscover God within you. Why, …

Giving Thanks with an Open Heart

This is one of our favorite times of year in the United States—the time of giving thanks. When you give thanks for your many blessings, you open yourself to receive more of what you are thankful for. That is, if you express gratitude with an open heart. You are told that this wonderful holiday commemorates …

Winning the Game of Life

Let us start with a question for you: Are you trying to “win” the game of life?  How many times each day do you compare yourself to somebody else? Maybe you have not been paying attention to that. But if you start to pay attention, you will find the answer is many, many times. Humans …

Positive Expectation in a Changing World

Q: This seems to be a time of great divisiveness in politics and governance, and many feel that basic decency and decorum have gone away altogether. How do we maintain positive expectation with the world we know changing so quickly? A: There is nothing new under the sun, the old saying goes. This was never more …