It’s All Valuable, and None of it Matters

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This is a time of great and accelerated change on the planet. The limited human consciousness does not realize how truly significant this is. You still look more to past times of significance, such as when your prophets walked the earth and channeled the wisdom that is the basis of your religious traditions. However, the time they foretold is upon you—the time of the return of higher consciousness to humanity. You are in it. What a wonderful time to be human!

We have said many times that Love is All That Is. This is absolute Truth. However, in the human world of name and form, Divine Truth is very easy to disregard. You witness and participate in many things daily that seem to be apart from Divine Love—things that define your day-to-day life experience, as well as the arc of your life in general. Career, entertainment, family dynamics, social interactions, politics—all are a part of the business of living, but none of these things is why you are here. All physical existence is merely the backdrop upon which you progress toward your understanding that you are none of it and all of it at once. Human constructs provide the thread of continuity that enables you to wake up each day with a sense of cohesion and familiarity on your journey. In that regard, they are very real. Yet the physical world is also the least real of your many states of existence. Let us unpack that a bit.

You are a soul that is never separate from your Creator—God—All That Is. You are never apart from this Infinite Source of everything that you choose to create in your life—including both that which you judge to be good and that which you judge to be bad. But although you cannot be separated from Source, you certainly seem to be. That is the game you are playing as a human on earth. You are here to realize that you are one with All That Is. In other words, you are here to realize that you are Love, for Love is All That Is. Plain and simple.

This is not new to you. As a human, you know Love to be the most desirable emotion you can experience. Moreover, your texts, songs and traditions are full of recognition that God is Love. But most humans will say loving words in one breath, while in the next they will think an unloving thought, whether directed to someone else or, more commonly, to themselves. “I’m not good enough. I really blew that opportunity. I hate the way my body looks. Why did I say that? What was I thinking? I’m angry that I didn’t have the childhood I wanted. I’m so mad that so and so treated me that way. What if life doesn’t work the way I want? What if I fail? What if I die alone/unhappy/poor?” And so on and so on.

You are Magnificent!

Do you realize how much of your thinking is focused on unloving thoughts like these? You may think there is nothing unloving about feelings of regret, shame, fear, or worry, but we say to you that any time you are experiencing an emotion that vibrates at a frequency less than the highest vibration of love, you are being unloving to yourself.

To put it another way, moment by moment you are either affirming your own magnificence or you are denying it. We do not mean magnificence as the ego defines it. The ego-based concept of magnificence will typically lead to “showing off” through displays of wealth, machismo, etc. This is not what we mean. The magnificence we are referring to is your inherent Divinity—your constant connection to All That Is.

Your soul is the overseer of your every thought, word, and action while you are in the physical body. But the soul is very soft-spoken unless you consciously ask it to speak up. Think of yourself as a bus driver in your journey through life. The soul sits quietly in the back of the bus, patiently waiting for you to notice it. Every now and then it will speak a suggestion to help you make the optimal turn or slow down if danger is ahead, but you hear it as a faint voice or a subtle feeling that is all too easy to dismiss or ignore when you remain focused on the circumstances of your life. However, once you do become aware of your connection to your soft-spoken soul, you can invite it to sit closer so you can receive its direction more clearly. That is essentially what your life experience is encouraging you to realize, regardless of how you experience life.

Though you are in human form, you are much bigger than you know. The soul is eternal and everywhere; there is no time or place where it does not exist. But when it enters the earth plane, it intentionally splinters a portion of itself into the human body with the ego to shield it from full understanding of who it truly is. The game of human existence is to realize that the incarnate soul and the non-physical soul are one, and that it is eternally one with All That Is. This is true of all human life paths, regardless of how they may appear to other humans. This means that every time is a good time to realize your Divine connection, and every activity is a path to that realization. In other words, everything you do is the most important thing to be doing at that moment, and yet none of it carries the importance that the human ego assigns to it.

Choose What is Correct for YOU

Let’s make this practical. There are topics that humans take very seriously, such as politics and current events. Many people invest a lot of time and energy thinking about what is “right”. For example, most of you are thinking, “Society and government should work this way for these reasons. I’m certain of it, and I’m doing what I can to make sure it goes that way because it is right.” Your neighbor is probably saying the same thing with the same degree of certainty, but she may have a completely different idea of how society and government should work. If you’ve already had open discussions about your points of view, perhaps you no longer feel very neighborly toward each other as a result.

Take the current example of whether to get vaccinated or wear a mask due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Half of humanity thinks vaccinations and masks are the right thing to do, and the other half is adamantly opposed to them. Both groups take the issue and their point of view very seriously, and both judge the other side negatively for their differing point of view.

Who is right? In Truth, both points of view are correct, and yet both can be very self-limiting. They are correct because all humanity has freewill to choose life as they would have it be. What you choose is correct for you, and what your neighbor chooses is correct for her. If the decision to have a vaccine or not, or to wear a mask or not, comes from a place of true love of self and others, then it vibrates at a frequency that is aligned with the True Nature of the soul and All That Is. Therefore, it is also correct from the standpoint of the soul’s objective to realize its inherent Divinity while in the physical body. But if the choice is born of fear and is expressed with resentment toward others who disagree, then it is not aligned with the high frequency of love, and therefore it stands in the way of the full integration of human consciousness with the soul’s high consciousness.

You see, the soul’s consciousness is much, MUCH bigger than anything going on in the earth plane. The human consciousness that is focused on its myriad constructs and concepts—this policy vs. that policy, this point of view vs. that, this way to commune with God vs. that, this career vs. that, and so on—does not recognize the human experience for what it truly is: a path back to the realization that all of humanity is Divine Love at the soul level.

All Life Paths are Valid

The soul’s objective is to realize that it is Divine Love in the physical body. This is true of every soul and every human incarnation without fail. Therefore, every human environment into which a soul is born presents a viable pathway to that realization. Every single one. At the soul level, there is no greater or lesser path and no desirable and undesirable path; there is simply the path the soul chooses when it incarnates. It is very important, therefore, that humanity is accepting of all life paths without judgment.

Judgment, while it may make your ego feel validated and “correct”, always takes you further away from a state of love. So, no matter how correct you think you may be in your judgments, they are working against the evolution of your consciousness. Objective, Divine Truth does not lie in the advancement of this human construct over that. It has nothing to do with who is the leader of your government or institutions, or which policy is being advanced. It is only about the quality of your consciousness—whether your thoughts, words, and actions vibrate at the frequency of Divine Love.

Is it possible to wear a face mask with a belief and feeling that it is the most loving thing to do? Indeed, it is. It is also absolutely possible to choose not to wear a mask with that same belief and feeling! This is why it is so important to focus not so much on the choice as on the consciousness that is driving the choice. Ask yourself, “What is the most loving thing I can do in this situation?” and act on the soul’s guidance. Don’t base your actions on someone else’s concept of right and wrong, or on ideas of love that come from external sources. Get quiet and ask your soul what is right for you on your own journey back to the Heart of God. Then act on that guidance and allow others to do the same, even if their choice may be the complete opposite of your own. Allow them to be, knowing that their soul has chosen the appropriate life circumstances with the potential to bring them to the same knowing that they are not separate from God. Their path may look very different from your own, but it is equally viable to God, and that is all you need to know.

High Consciousness Matters Most

These Truths are challenging for humans to accept at this time of extreme polarization on earth. But it is our absolute promise to you that you will achieve peace on earth much more quickly if you stop focusing on who is right or wrong about the issues of the day. From the point of view of Divine Consciousness, it is never about the issues humans create. It is only ever about the frequency of the consciousness with which humans approach those issues, and whether the approach vibrates at a frequency of love or a frequency of fear.

We encourage you to take these Truths to heart and begin seeing everyone in your field of vision as magnificent Beings of God, regardless of what choices they are making and whether those choices align with your own. Your role as a Being of God is NEVER to judge another or their path. Your role is to remember that you are both Divine Love; to model that Truth in your own thoughts, words, and actions; and to affirm the same for your neighbor, even if they don’t seem to have a clue. Does that sound at all familiar? Have you ever heard the words, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself?”

The countless battles fought throughout human history should make it very clear by now that trying to force one’s will on another will not bring about common understanding and peace on this planet. Look not to external things, either as the source of your happiness or as an obstacle that can keep you from it. Know that you command your experience at all times, just as your neighbor is in charge of theirs. You both have the same task of loving yourselves and each other regardless of whatever differences may define your views of the world. Greet your neighbor as a valued friend, even when he treats you poorly. This is how you seize the reigns of your personal power and elevate you both rather than surrendering your power. This is how you demonstrate your magnificence and inspire others to realize their own. You can both achieve this while disagreeing about any popular topic of the day, so don’t let those topics keep you from your awakening to the Truth of who you are.

We wish you blessings on your journey.



Image credits: Yuri B.