Quiet Fear

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We wish to address a topic that we have spoken of often, but in a different way. The topic is fear. We have said in many messages that fear is the polar opposite of love, and we have offered guidance for how to live your life more in alignment with the higher vibration of love, rather than the lower vibration of fear. You can find those messages easily if you wish.

Today we want to take a closer look at fear you probably are not even be aware that you have. We’ll call this “quiet fear”. We use the term “quiet” because these fears are almost imperceptible in your day-to-day experience. However, they are extremely powerful and may actually be some of the most dominant energies in your life.

Visible Fear

Some people go through life with very noticeable fears, such as fear of flying, swimming, high places, dogs, closed spaces, etc. These fears can be akashic, meaning that they are directly tied to an experience you had in a past life. The event may be so strong and impactful that you carry it forward into future lives so that you can work with it to balance the past and achieve soul growth.

Other visible fears are the result of an experience in your current lifetime. Often the experience took place in your early childhood. For example, if you are stung by a bee at the age of three, you may carry forward a fear of bees throughout the remainder of your life.

Some very powerful fears are developed within a group consciousness because of their collective experience of the world. For example, non-dominant ethnic groups and people who identify as non-binary gender may routinely experience systemic abuse or repression, which leads to the very tangible fear of experiencing abuse in day-to-day life. These particular fears are all too common on the earth today and are often amplified by your media.

The media is also very adept at stoking widespread fear by reinforcing unloving points of view. For example, the fear that a particular group of people—such as an ethnic group or a political party that is not your own—is intent on taking away something you hold dear or imposing upon you something you do not want. These fears are also very common in your world today, and we have spoken of that in previous messages as well. We have offered new perspectives from which to view the beliefs that underlie those fears, and we encourage you to take a look at them.

Subtle Fear

But these are not the quiet fears we speak of today. Quiet fears are subtle. So subtle that you are usually not aware of them, and yet they hold a tremendous amount of power over how you live your life. You typically don’t recognize them as fears because they are not tied to any particular event. Rather, they spring from the totality of your life experiences, reinforcing themselves over time in a cycle of expectation and manifestation.

In other words, you fear something in a subtle way, so subtle that you recognize it more as a thought or an opinion rather than an emotion. However, it surfaces in your consciousness so frequently that it becomes a belief with profound influence on what you manifest in your life. This is the Law of Attraction in action: As you believe, so you receive. When you receive what you expected to receive, it strengthens your belief in what you expected. You decide that the belief must be absolutely true, for you can see the direct evidence in your life.

As we have said, all beliefs are chosen, and all beliefs can be changed. But they must be recognized as the subjective beliefs that they are rather than an objective reality in order for the change to be possible. Therefore, it is important to the evolution of your consciousness that you become aware of these quiet fears, recognize them for what they are, and transmute them into higher vibration energy.

So, let us name some of these fears. The big one almost everyone has is the fear that you are not enough—that you are somehow broken or lacking—that you need to be “fixed”. This fear drives your ambition, your competitive nature, and many of your major life decisions. It is the dominant fear in most human societies on the planet today, largely because of the ubiquitous media that is forever causing you to compare yourself and your life circumstances to others. Humanity is constantly being bombarded with messages about what you are lacking – health, beauty, money, fame, pleasure. Virtually all advertising stokes this fear, whether intentional or not. Why? Because companies depend on you feeling not just a desire but also a need for their products. Very few companies today take the enlightened perspective that the product or service they offer is a “nice to have” thing. Most are intent on driving your belief that you will somehow be “less than” if you do not have what they sell.

Add to this the fact that you see most advertising while you are watching or reading something that also presents a hypothetical reality as the model you should aspire to. Movies, television, popular music, the Internet, social media, magazines—all are offering a point of view about what is desirable in life and what is not. Often, they present you with models of behavior and appearance that you then seek to emulate—again, stemming from the belief that you are somehow not enough if you don’t achieve it. These include the “right” body type, or home, or amount of money, or family situation, or leisure experiences, or political point of view.

Keystone Fear

As you observe these images and messages over and over and over, they collectively contribute to a keystone fear that you are not enough. This leads to constant striving to have, be, or do something more—something that you see yourself as not yet having attained.

Now, we don’t mean to suggest that all entertainment is “wrong”. In Truth, none of it is “wrong” because the earth is a planet of freewill. The earth experience is intentionally set up for humanity to choose what you create, without judgment from God. Therefore, to the mind of God, anything humans create is neither right nor wrong—it just is. But God is concerned with the human response to these things. When they create a response of fear within you, that lowers your vibration, which takes you further away from your awareness that you are in fact one with God. That is why we say time and again that you get to choose, and that God honors every choice you make, but choose wisely. Choose that which increases your love quotient while diminishing your fear quotient.

It is unfortunate that this fear of not being enough is stoked even by well-intentioned members of your spiritual communities. We have spoken often of the fear that underpins many religious beliefs and practices in today’s world, but that is not a quiet fear. The fear of incurring the wrath of God is actually one of the larger fears on the planet. And like most fears, it is completely irrational. It is a fear of something that simply does not exist, and yet many people allow this fear to control their entire life experience. Ironically, it leads some to commit terrible acts of violence toward others. How many wars have been fought in the name of God?

But even in the spiritual communities that like to see themselves as more enlightened, you will find plenty of messages that add to the quiet fear that you are not enough. There are practices to follow, protocols to observe, meditations to do, mantras to say, seminars to attend, classes to take. Many of them can be very transformative and enlightening, but they can also contribute to the anxiety one already feels about not being enough. “Did I do that practice right? Did I say the mantra enough times? I forgot to do my affirmations yesterday, so I did blow my whole practice? So and so seems to have deeper experiences than I do, so I must be doing it wrong. Or perhaps they are more enlightened than me. This class is really expensive, but I want enlightenment, so should I pay for it? I haven’t read that book yet that everyone is talking about—so, am I missing something important?”

If you pay attention, you may find these thoughts running through your head even as you willingly engage in meaningful Spiritual work that is intended to help you realize how magnificent you are. Do you see the paradox? The well-meaning desire to increase your vibration can contribute to your fear quotient in subtle ways.

Identifying Your Fear

Now, we are by no means saying that you should stop engaging in Spiritual work, or that you should stop listening to music, watching TV, or following people on social media. We are not saying any of those things are right or wrong—good or bad. But we are saying it is extremely important to pay attention to the vibration you experience as a result of the presence of these things in your life. This includes what you feel when you are engaged with them, as well as when you are not.

Find some time for yourself and get quiet. Take a few deep breaths to become centered within your own energy field, and then ask yourself questions like the following:

  • What am I missing?
  • What should I be doing?
  • What should I be doing differently?
  • Where am I lacking?
  • What have I messed up in life?

As you do this, see what comes up in your thoughts. If you get an answer other than “NOTHING”, then know that you have quiet fear playing in the background of your life. And that fear, subtle though it may be, stands between you and what you truly want, which is to realize your Divine Nature—that you are one with All That Is.

This is not to say that humanity should drop all ambition or creativity. Certainly not! For you are here on the planet to find your way back to the Heart of God through creative expression—through the calling forth of new ideas and inventions and ways of relating to one another. You are powerful co-creators with your Divine Source, and creation requires vision, ambition, and inspiration that you draw from others around you. But the wellspring of positive creation is the belief that you are enough. Any creation from the vibration of fear carries that vibration forward with it as it is advanced in the physical world. That vibration then touches all who participate in the creation, even those who observe it.

It is often said that fear is a powerful motivator, and this is true. But because like attracts like, fear begets fear. You live in a time of tremendous, rapid creation and innovation, with a staggering amount of choice available to most humans in developed societies. But have you noticed how much fear there is in those societies today? It is also staggering.

Our objective is to encourage you to create from a place of love rather than fear. That begins with the simple observation that you are enough just as you are. Even if you never achieve the things you feel you want to do in life, even if you never acquire the things you believe you want, even if you never go to the places you want to go, look the way you want to look, or experience the relationships you think you want to have, you are enough. You are enough because you are a beloved Divine Being in a human body.

Bring Your Fear into the Light

In previous ages, it was commonly believed that the most expedient path to enlightenment was to disengage from society entirely. This is the origin of lifepaths such as the hermit in the cave, the wandering mendicant with a begging bowl, or the ashram. These models are still embedded in the consciousness of many societies today, and they even impact seekers outside of those societies. Have you ever thought, “I won’t become enlightened unless I renounce all worldly things.”?

Our point is that you do not need to renounce any of it. However, you must engage it with your eyes wide open as to what it is and who you are in relationship to it. You can engage with almost anything on earth from a vibration of love—which includes joy, hope, compassion, and childlike wonder—or you can engage with it from a vibration of fear—which includes anxiety, competition, regret, and shame.

Other common quiet fears include:

  • The fear that you have somehow messed up or missed the opportunities in your life, and that that they won’t come around again.
  • The fear that choices you have made in your past cannot be undone.
  • The fear that you will lose what you have.
  • The fear that you will suffer some unwanted health issue because your parents had it.
  • The fear of missing out on any one of many possible experiences.
  • The fear that you won’t be loved.
  • The fear of being alone.

These are all facets of the keystone fear that you are not enough. So, please pay attention to how you feel when you engage with anything, and make the effort to really put your thoughts and emotions under the microscope. Hone in on those very subtle feelings that whisper, “I’m not enough.” The more you bring them into the light, the more you will become aware of what a powerful force they are in your life. To quote Teddy Roosevelt, they “speak softly, but they carry a big stick”.

Keep in mind that all thought creates. All thought. Think a thought long enough, put enough energy behind it, and it becomes a belief that soon enough you will manifest plenty of evidence for. That’s how the earth experience is designed, and that’s why it’s so important to address these quiet fears moment by moment with this simple statement: “I am enough just as I am in this moment of now.” Practice this often—in the face of everything you engage with in your life, and see how the Universe responds with the evidence to support it.

We wish you blessings on your journey.



Image credits: Dani Geza