Accelerate Your Manifestation

Get that momentum going! Turn away from any activity or narrative that leaves you feeling like you are not enough, or that leaves you feeling fearful in any way. Turn toward those people, stories, activities, and beliefs that make you feel great joy, and align with the creative power of the universe.

The Nature of Duality

In pure consciousness there is no duality, there is only pure consciousness. However, the seemingly separated mind requires seemingly separated concepts to work with. This give rise and momentum to the appearance of duality from the physical point of view.

Illuminate and Allow

The veil that separates 4D reality from the higher dimensions is a filter, and you get to choose at any given moment how opaque or transparent it is—how much it colors or discolors things. Allow your perception to be clear. Allow your understanding to be clear. Receive what is all already within you.

How Beliefs Affect Healing

The essence of all healing is bringing the physical body back into full alignment with the perfection of the Spiritual Body, which dwells in the higher dimensions. Think of it as a template of perfect health that exists in the field of unmanifest Divine potential. The degree to which your physical body matches the template is the result of the receptivity you have in the physical.

Alcohol and Other Toxins

The consciousness you bring to the decision of whether or not to drink is as important as what you ingest, if not more so. Investigate what is driving your decision. How much fear is involved? Is it an act of love of self-love?

Divine Sexual Expression

Sexual energy is the same energy that created the Universe. Sexual climax—the explosion of pure joy—is a microcosm of the explosion of pure Divine Love that created all that you see in the heavens. In the physical, you get to feel a small part of it. It is like “touching the hem of the garment of the Master”, and that is why sex is so compelling.

Opening to Infinite Possibility

The Life Force that underpins and gives expression to all life on earth finds Its joy in infinite possibility. This openness to infinite possibility—and indeed the delight in infinite options as an expression of joy—is what makes the infinite variations of the physical expression of life possible.

The Subtle Bodies

We wish to discuss the subtle bodies and their connection with manifestation and healing. Each human entity dwells within four earthly bodies: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The spiritual body is that part of you that is always connected to Divine Spirit. That’s already a bit of a misnomer because all your bodies are always connected . . .

Chakras, Cells, and Manifestation

Q: How do negative or lower vibration thoughts limit the manifestation of good things that we desire? What is going on in the chakras and cells at these times? A: The chakras can be thought of like pipes to the field of unmanifest potential from which all you desire is brought forth. Each energy center …