Opening to Infinite Possibility

These are times of great change. Few expected at the beginning of 2020 that halfway through it the world would be in such a slowed state—a global pause—with tremendous disagreement about what is the right thing to do. And yet, here you are. What does this say about what the next six months will bring? For one thing, it says you likely have no idea what the world will look like at the end of the year. What do you feel when you ponder that? Excitement or fear?

Humanity Chooses Duality

At this point in the unfolding of the great global slowdown caused by the pandemic, most people are locked into one of two points of view. The first says that everything is bad and getting worse. The pandemic has not gone away in most countries, especially not in the United States. In fact, it is currently on the rise. That can only mean more economic chaos, more personal chaos, and a growing division between those who wish to comply with the guidance of the scientists who study the disease and those who believe it is all a hoax.

The other point of view is that it’s time to get back to “business as usual”. Some people in this mindset believe the pandemic is indeed a hoax, made up to keep people in fear and to cause global economic chaos. Others believe that the virus is real and potentially life-threatening, but that returning the economy to the way it was is important enough to risk some loss of life.

It is typical of the human experience to see only a limited set of options. Duality is part of the game, and you live in a world of opposites: up and down, hot and cold, light and dark, strong and weak, right and wrong. In the United States, you have only two major political parties—the one called liberal and the one called conservative—and they constantly battle and bicker over who is right and who is wrong.

Did you know that as a human, you find quite a bit of comfort in having limited options? Intellectually, you may wish you had more. But having a very narrow option set feels natural and accessible to you. It makes things appear easier. This is largely due to social conditioning from the world around you, which is based on the choices of the generations that preceded yours. The foundation of their choices was the consciousness with which they viewed the world, which was influenced by the choices of the generations that preceded theirs. Over time, the progression of this cycle has resulted in an increasingly narrow option set from which to choose. Many have thus arrived at the mindset of “You’re either one of us, or one of them.” With this mindset, it’s easier to “make sense” of the world and your place in it, which you find comforting.

Nature Finds Joy in Infinite Possibility

But if you pause and spend some time in reflection of the natural world, you will also notice that much about the earth is not bi-polar. Observe the plant kingdom. How many different varieties of plant life are there? The answer is “infinitely many”. You have not even discovered all the varieties that exist yet, and new ones continue to emerge over time. And how many colors are there? You might say “mostly green and brown”, but how many different shades of green do you see? If you are near a window, look out now and observe. They range from a dark, almost blue shade, to a light, almost yellow shade. In time, many green leaves will change to yellow, red, and orange before falling for the season. And this says nothing of the beautiful flowers, which come in every color the human eye can see (and even some you can’t yet see).

And what about the shapes of the plant life? Observe the height and circumference of the trunks – ranging from several millimeters to several feet. Now observe the leaves. Some are almost round, some resemble a star, and others a fish. Some are like needles.

Consider, too, the animal kingdom. From the tiniest of the many types of ants, to the largest of the whales, there is endless variety. And this is true of the human animal, as well. In size, shape, and color of skin, hair, and eyes, in skills and interests, and in cultures and beliefs, you are all so vastly different in many ways, even though you share tremendous similarities.

How did there come to be so much variety of life on this planet? Biologists have already discovered and taught about the physical principles of the evolution of life. And there is much truth in your understanding of it. But there is also much more to it that is largely missed.

The piece of the puzzle that science has yet to fully embrace is the consciousness of all life. We have spoken of this before—that all life has consciousness and a role to play in the evolution of the planet. When consciousness takes physical form, it remains a reflection of the nonphysical Life Force that underpins all life on your planet. And that Life Force is open to infinite possibility when devoid of resistance. In fact, it is the Life Force’s joy to continually manifest new realities from new potentials. That is worth repeating: The Life Force that underpins and gives expression to all life on earth finds Its joy in infinite possibility. This openness to infinite possibility—and indeed the delight in infinite options as an expression of joy—is what makes the infinite variations of the physical expression of life possible. It is what drives evolution forward.

Evolution is Driven by Openness to Possibility

You know evolution as the result of adaptation. Anyone who has studied biology knows of Gregor Mendel, the Austrian scientist who observed how the coloring and markings of certain moths make them blend in with certain tree trunks. Because they are essentially invisible to predators when on those trunks, more moths with certain coloring survive, while moths whose markings make them more visible to predators are eaten. The result is a declining population of the more visible moths, and an increasing population of the ones who can easily blend in with their surroundings.

Once this process became fully realized and documented, it seemed rather obvious and complete. But it remains only part of the story. The other part is energetic. As we have said before, there is so much more to life than just the biological components—the chemical compounds working in combinations that make life possible. All life on the planet, and indeed all life in the Universe, is constantly sustained by the steady flow of Life Force energy. The chemistry is important in the physical manifestation of the vehicle in which the Life Force resides. But the chemistry that gives rise to the appearance of a plant, animal, or human happens at the direction of the conscious intention of the Life Force. This force is like a fast-rushing river. When met with resistance, it does not stop flowing. Instead, it adapts, and quickly.

Let’s look again at the moth. There are many different colors and patterns of moth, and there are many predators of moths. The predators represent resistance. The Life Force that manifests as the moth is aware of the resistance and consciously flows around it by adapting to colors and patterns that make the moth harder to detect, and thus it increases the moth’s chances of survival. Once an optimal color and pattern combination becomes part of “moth consciousness” the other moths coming into existence will quickly embody this consciousness and begin to adapt by displaying that combination physically.

This process of embodying optimal physical chemistry to manifest life happens much faster than you think. That’s because the speed at which adaptation happens is not just about the population of predators. Once the Life Force registers that at this particular time, in this particular location, a shift in the physical appearance or some other form of defense is needed, the DNA of the physical entity will begin to morph quickly in response to that knowing. Because moth consciousness is designed to create more moths, it will adapt to any resistance by incorporating and responding to the data gathered from the physical expression of the Life Force in its ecosystem. This is what you observe as adaptation of the species. Those that prey on the moth will then also adapt, as will the plant life that the moth preys upon, so that the entire ecosystem remains in homeostasis.

It is no different than if a large boulder tumbles down a mountainside and lands in the middle of the rushing river. The water continues to rush on, flowing around the boulder. The combination of resistance and flow around it may eventually alter the shape of the river, but it does not stop the flow.

Now, the key to achieving homeostasis in the presence of constantly changing physical variables is that the Life Force is open to infinite possibilities. It does not have a point of view that moths must be either white or grey. It does not believe that rivers must only flow in straight lines. It only seeks to express and to continue doing so. Thus, when resistance comes up, It does not attempt to force things to be the way they were. It asks, “What else is possible?” And then It flows in the direction of the most expansive possibility. If the greatest potential for the continuance of moth life depended on all moths being pink, then you would see a whole lot of pink moths, and it would happen more quickly than your current understanding expects.

Human consciousness—by and large—has yet to embrace this energetic component of adaptation because it is not something you observe with your physical eyes. It is something you come to know through the elevation of your own consciousness to the point where you can “see” what remains hidden to a lower consciousness. In the lower state of consciousness, you still believe that the process is entirely about physical chemistry. So, although your observance of evolution is accurate, it is not complete. This is because the flow of Life Force energy is not something your current instruments of observance have enabled you to see. But they are starting to emerge.

What Else is Possible for You?

So, then, how does this relate to the times in which you now find yourself? Well, simply put, most of you are excluding a tremendous amount of possibility with your point of view. The vast majority of humanity is just waiting for things to return to the way their point of view is used to seeing them. Some are waiting patiently, and some are trying to force it to happen quickly. But few are asking “What else is possible?” What if this time of unexpected resistance is overflowing with new potential for exciting new realities that are much better than life as you previously knew it? What if racial equality, economic equality, kindness, and compassion by and for all is more achievable now than it has ever been before? What if the only thing keeping it from happening is the human point of view that you must choose from only two options?

There is more to say about this. Much more. But for now, there is homework. We challenge all people reading or hearing this message to begin seeing the world not as a place of polar opposites, but as a place of infinite possibility. You begin this by asking “What else is possible?” Do this anytime you meet with resistance in your life. Usually, resistance shows up in the form of someone or something taking a contrary point of view to the direction in which you think you are headed. This may be someone at work who disagrees with your direction on a shared project, or it may be a driver in front of you who drives more slowly than you want to go. It could be a child who refuses to do what you have asked of them. And it may show up as a new law or policy that favors a point of view you disagree with.

It does not matter what form the resistance takes. From the perspective of the Higher Self, all resistance is equal because it is all energetic. If that idea triggers you, recognize that this, too, is resistance. Yes, the Higher Self does not view the passing of a policy from a group of strong-willed adult politicians any differently than it views the refusal to put on shoes by a strong-willed child. Only the human mind draws these distinctions.

Isn’t this wonderful news? Think about it. All resistance that shows up in your life is an opportunity to open yourself to infinite possibility. And it is through your opening to infinite possibility that your options expand, and that your comfort and excitement with having unlimited options expand. When enough humans on the planet cognize and practice this regularly, that is when the physical expressions of the Life Force on the planet begin to reflect this higher perspective. And that is when you will begin to realize the change you are all seeking.

You see, it doesn’t matter whether you are in the liberal camp or the conservative camp. It doesn’t matter whether you watch Fox News or CNN. You only think it matters because you are excluding most other options by your fixation on the belief you have chosen.

The moth does not have this consciousness. It does not think, “I must either be grey or white, and I must force the world around me to adapt to this reality in order to survive.” Instead, it’s consciousness is aligned with infinite possibility, and it allows the Life Force to express through it in the way that will achieve both its own survival and homeostasis within the larger ecosystem of which it is a part.

Ponder this, and practice opening to infinite possibility. It is very simple to do. Just recognize resistance when it shows up, in whatever form it takes, and ask, “What else is possible?” Make a conscious choice to do this today and you will be utterly amazed at how many opportunities present themselves. You will become acutely aware of how much of your life is lived in a state of resistance rather than a state of flow. And in time, with consistent practice, you will see the points of resistance diminish. They may still be present, but you will live your life unaffected by them. After all, the water molecules in the river do not recognize the boulder. They simply flow forward and around the boulder as though it is not even there.

Ponder this. Practice asking, “What else is possible.” And open your life and all of humanity to infinite possibility.

We wish you blessings on your journey.



Image credits: Kim Daejeung