Shifting Limiting Beliefs

Q: What is the fastest way to shift limiting beliefs.

A: There are many ways to do it. The fastest is to simply believe that you can change your beliefs on a dime. That is all any process is getting you to—the place of believing. Seems like a bit of a catch-22? Not really. Limiting beliefs are beliefs that you have built up in this lifetime and in previous lifetimes that you carry forward into your current experience. But they have no real power on their own—only whatever power you decide to give them. You do this unconsciously most of the time. That is, you believe something and thus it is intrinsic to your experience of life. You don’t question it because it’s a pillar of your reality. For example, if someone believes that all people with a different skin color are lesser beings, that belief holds incredible power in their life, and they can find all manner of evidence to support and reinforce the belief. But in an instant a person of another color could save their life in a selfless and heroic way, completely changing their belief. It’s not necessary for the near tragedy to happen, though. What really happened is that new information came to the believer in an extreme circumstance—brought forth because they had an extreme belief—and that led them to CHOOSE a different belief. The choice might take only a few seconds, and it can be made at any time.

Shifting Before the Evidence Appears

It seems more difficult than that because usually you need evidence to convince yourself that a choice is correct. In our example above, the selfless act of bravery was a very sudden and large demonstration that made it possible to see past the limiting belief—to see another option, to give yourself permission to choose differently. It’s like you are saying “It’s now OK for me to CHOOSE another belief about myself (or about the world) because I see evidence to support it.” Absent that, it seems harder because YOU ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR EVIDENCE BEFORE YOU ACT. But it is not necessary. Faith is the key. Once you have identified you have limiting beliefs (e.g. I’m not worthy of this or that), you can shift it on a dime by choosing another belief. If it does not feel like something you embody yet (because you do not have evidence) then you are stepping out in faith. The Universe always rewards you for stepping out in faith because you are here to be on the leading edge of creation. Once you step out, the evidence to support your new belief will appear AS LONG AS YOU DON’T JUST DIP YOUR TOE IN THE WATER. That is, don’t go back and forth, believing you are worthy one day and berating yourself the next. Be consistent in your belief and firm in your resolve and watch what happens. Affirm out loud the belief you want to adopt. Do it in front of a mirror. Say it to yourself while driving your car, while you are falling asleep at night. As much as you need to in order to keep the momentum going toward the shift.

Can you anchor it more quickly with modalities like hypnotism or NLP (neuro-linguistic programming)? Yes. Use these techniques to help make the shift more quickly if you so choose. But know that like with all healing modalities, it is only a permission slip that you choose for yourself or not. You don’t need to do anything other than believe differently. But these devices can help you get there more quickly if you are invested in them—if you need a “hook to hang your hat on”.

Choose and believe. It’s as simple as that. Don’t make things more complicated than they need to be. That also stems from a belief that “it can’t be that easy.” Everything can be as easy as you want it to be. Or as difficult. You get to choose.

“All life comes to me with ease, joy, and glory” is a good mantra to return to.



Image credit: Devanath