Practicing Bold Forgiveness

Q: How do I forgive when I feel I have really been wronged—when I acted in complete integrity and with an open heart, yet I ended up suffering at someone’s hands?

A: We have told you already that the best teacher you have in this regard is the Master Jesus. We have spoken of the forgiveness he offered to those who were crucifying Him. “Father, forgive them,” he said, “for they know not what they do.” He was an exceptionally enlightened soul, incarnated at a time when few could come close to matching his vibration. That is why it was easy for him to heal so many and create other events that you call miracles. He lived in near constant union with his Divine Nature—in a way that the rest of you are progressing toward. So, yes, it was easier for him to forgive all the time. He was in such a high-vibration state of being that forgiveness was not negotiable. Although He had free will as all humans do, the guidance He was getting via his constant connection to Source meant that He was always choosing from a high-vibration “menu”. While He was capable of lashing out at the men who killed him—shouting expletives and telling them how awful they were—those things weren’t really on the menu for Him. He just didn’t consider it.

That’s how it is when you vibrate higher and higher. Not only do you see higher-vibration options that were not apparent to you before, but you also overlook the lower ones because they just don’t resonate. It is like a vegetarian visiting a restaurant that has meat dishes on the menu. Even though meat is in the option set, the vegetarian will ignore them and look for the options that are in alignment with her values—her desire to eat only that which is not meat.

Create a Higher-Vibration “Menu”

Humanity as a whole is creating a higher-vibration menu. You have made lots of progress in making higher choices, and you are seeing higher-vibration options as a result. In other words, your menu has a lot of options that are filled with light—compassion, unconditional love, and forgiveness. But most are also still living with a degree of fear, resentment, doubt, and other such negative emotions. And just like someone who has decided to eat mostly vegetarian but still enjoys a steak every now and then, many lightworkers still consider the lower-vibration options in their day-to-day lives. The “almost vegetarian” will look at the menu, seek out the vegetarian dishes, and then look at the meat and think, “Hmm, do I want a steak tonight? Maybe a hamburger? It’s been a while, and I haven’t fully given up meat. It sure would taste good. And I deserve it,” etc. In a similar way, many are still seeing anger, resentment, and fear in their option set. Unlike the restaurant experience in which you evaluate which choice will bring you the most joy, your consideration of negative responses to life circumstances that make you feel threatened comes more from a place of wanting to protect yourself. But both have a common origin in the desire to feel good, safe, smart, and correct.

Humans really want more than anything to be correct. Have you noticed that? You are constantly searching your own mind for a barometer of what is correct and whether you have you accomplished it. This is what leads you to make choices based on what you think is expected of you by the world, your peers, your parents, your teachers, etc. You are always trying to get it “right”. And there is a very powerful paradigm in your world today that says if somebody wrongs you, it is correct and appropriate to give them a piece of your mind. It’s OK to close your heart, tell them how upset you are (angry, sad, whatever), and tell them how you aren’t going to stand for this—how wrong it all is. You then find allies who will confirm this for you. On a personal level you turn to friends who will corroborate your story and validate your point of view: “Yes, they were a real jerk to you. You were right to stand up to them. You did the right thing by telling them how upset you were. Don’t let your guard down with them because you know they’ll do it again. Give ‘em an inch and they’ll take a mile,” etc. You also do this on a national and global level. You have allies that agree with you about this threat or that threat and you form coalitions to oppose them and point out how wrong they are—how bad they are acting—how they must pay for what they did. This is also the basis of your prison system. Show them how wrong they were and make them pay for it. Don’t give them an inch of love or compassion because they don’t deserve it after what they did. They’ll do it again if given the chance.

Now, we are not saying that you should let all the prisoners free, that nations should not respond when one attacks another, or even that you should not seek the solace and comfort of your friendships when you feel hurt. But what we are asking you to do is to look at the attitude with which you enter into those discussions. Is it working? Are you creating more safety and comfort in your world when you do this? If that were the case, there would be less conflict in the world and fewer people in prison. But that doesn’t seem to be the case, does it?

The reason is that you are looking at a limited menu. There are many higher-vibration options on your menu for dealing with life’s adversities—difficult people, difficult nations, and undesirable circumstances—than you are seeing because you are too invested in the dominant paradigm. It is the way things are done on your world, and you rarely question them. Your own vibration as individuals and as a species are still fairly limited, and so you naturally gravitate toward those choices that are in alignment with that energy. Jesus was always operating at a very high vibration, and so He had the opposite response. That is, He would not even really consider the low-vibration options. Instead, He naturally just chose the highest: forgiveness, Divine Love, compassion. There was no need to be “right”. There was no fear about being “wrong”. There was no fear about losing or being taken advantage of because those things didn’t concern Him. There was no logical reason for Him to choose those things.

Use Spiritual Logic

So, there He stands as the model for humanity. Humanity, however, still sees all of the lower-vibration menu items as options, and there is a certain logic that leads you to consider them. The logic comes from the dominant paradigm in your world. It makes “sense” that you would choose to lash out at someone who is mistreating you because that’s what everyone does. However, the more you increase your vibration, the more that logic gets reversed. What makes logical sense to a lower-vibration human does not necessarily make sense to a higher-vibration human. This is because your resonant frequency pushes you into an understanding of the Spiritual logic of forgiveness, compassion, and Divine Love for all. This understanding is not available to someone vibrating at a lower frequency. It just isn’t seen or felt, and so the dominant paradigm of the temporal world is what governs your thought and action. As we have said, that is why there were men who could willingly drive the nails into Jesus’s hands. They knew not what they did. In other words, they were so caught up in a lower-vibration worldview that the spiritual logic was unavailable. They acted on temporal logic: “This man is an enemy of the state and therefore must be punished to make an example. This is how we keep the world safe. This is how we protect ourselves and our families. This is how we maintain the status quo that is familiar and we can control.”

Spiritual logic does not come easily for most. Everyone has their moments, but as we have said, you tend to reserve it for a select few—such as your immediate family and closest friends. That is because of two dissimilar things:

  1. Your natural tendency to gravitate to love, because love is the heart of everything in the Universe.
  2. Your belief that the dominant paradigm is how you are supposed to think, feel, and act.

Everyone generally agrees on “how the world works”. You WANT to believe that everyone and everything in creation is worthy and deserving of your love and compassion, but “that person did thus and so, and look how that made me feel, so they should suffer, too, because the Bible says ‘an eye for an eye,’ and karma dictates what goes around comes around, and if I don’t nip it in the bud it will get worse, and blah, blah, blah.” You are looking for justification to stay in low-vibration consciousness. And guess what? You will find all sorts of evidence on this planet to give you that justification. Everywhere you turn.

In contrast, on your Sabbath days you go to your congregations and read what your Masters had to tell you, and it is anything but that. It is high-vibration stuff. Most of you simply don’t believe you can live it. You want to, but you are not a vibrational match yet and cannot see the Spiritual logic in it. Most are not at a point where you can see that love, compassion, and forgiveness really are the ONLY logical choice if you are going to create the peace on earth that you all say you want. When you resonate with the frequency of these Divine attributes, the logic is apparent, as is the sheer folly of choosing anything less. But although the Masters have pointed the way, although the logic of the dominant paradigm continues to yield increasingly unwanted results, you continue to follow the temporal logic.

You do this in interpersonal relationships, on a national level in business and government, and globally in your relations with other nations. So many people in this world have a negative story about someone else who did them wrong. So many groups in this world have the same story about another group. So many nations feel so justified in their fear, resentment, and hatred of other nations. If you had been able to yet venture out into other inhabited planets, you might even have a global feeling like that toward the collective inhabitants of another world. But it isn’t working well on earth, and you know it is not your destiny. So what is holding you back?

Your fear of being taken advantage of is one. Your anger about the suffering you have experienced through your shared history is another. (Any nations have that story? Israel and Palestine, perhaps? The Hutus and the Tutsis? Iran and Iraq?) You are not allowing yourself to see the spiritual logic of love, compassion, and forgiveness. You are instead choosing temporal logic—the same logic that continues to lead to acts of violence among citizens, to overcrowded prisons, and to wars among nations.

Practice Unconditional Forgiveness

You know what to do. We don’t have to say it. You just have to do it. Unconditional love of self and others. Forgiveness of self and others. Compassion for self and others. All others. There, we said it anyway. : )

We suggest you get on with it. Choose higher, constantly. And know that your efforts might not be returned. Know that you may still be served up more of the negativity that has led you to distrust, resent, fear and hate—reason after reason to default back to temporal logic. When Jesus said, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do,” those fellows did not stop driving the nails. And then they erected the cross and let Him hang there until he died. And yet forgiveness was still the only logical choice for Him, and it has served as the model that humanity has aspired to for over two millennia since. That’s how big the impact. Oh, and a few days later He was back and walking among you pain free. See, it’s all temporary. It’s all a rite of passage if you choose to take it. All of this negativity is like a wall in front of you made of Jell-O. It seems solid enough to be a barrier, and it’s opaque enough that you can’t see through it to what’s on the other side—the unknown. So, you stay on the side of the wall where everything is not so desirable but at least it is a known quantity. But if you dare to step forward and push yourself, you can actually move through it pretty easily, and then your world expands. Then Spiritual logic clicks into place and you realize that not only can you live as the Masters taught, but that you really have no choice. You no longer see the lower-vibration choices on the menu that seemed like the only options before. You don’t even consider them. That’s what the Masters are guiding you to do.

So, are you going to get on with it or what? You know what to do. And you literally have nothing to lose and the world to gain. And the world is actually quite a bit bigger than you think.

We wish you blessings on your journey.



Image credit: KeYang