The Subtle Bodies

We would like to discuss the subtle bodies and their connection with manifestation and healing. Each human entity dwells within four earthly bodies: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

The Spiritual Body

The spiritual body is that part of you which is always connected to Divine Spirit. That’s already a bit of a misnomer because all your bodies are always connected to Spirit. There is no part of creation that cannot be connected—even that which you judge to be evil. But as you already know, different entities, physical objects, and circumstances are either closer to or further away from the Heart of God based on their vibrational frequency. If you think of the Heart of God as the epicenter, you can think of everything else in creation as revolving around it in concentric circles. Some things are very close to the center because they are of high vibration and filled with light, love, and Divine intent. Others are very far from It because they intentionally reject these higher attributes of creation. They are still always a part of the One God—All That Is—but they exist in a lower vibrational frequency while pretending to be something else. The spiritual body vibrates at the highest frequency of all four bodies and is thus closest to the Heart of God. They are, in fact, vibrational equivalents.

The Physical Body

The physical body is the one furthest removed from the Heart of God. It dwells in the third dimension, which is by nature of a lower vibration. The spiritual, emotional, and mental bodies exist in parallel with the physical body. They are tangible things—not just concepts—and each is as real as the next. However, the physical body is the only one that can be seen with the vision of a 3D consciousness. As you increase the vibrational frequency of your consciousnes your ability to perceive your subtle bodies increases, and they begin to play a more central role in your physical experience.

The Mental Body

The mental body surrounds and envelops the physical body band is able to be a bridge between the 3rd and higher dimensions if properly directed. Again, like concentric circles around a nucleus that also envelops the nucleus. The mental body is the realm of thought. You think thought happens in the brain, but the brain is just a receptor in the physical body for thoughts in the mental body. The brain exists primarily to animate the physical body so that it is capable of being a living, functioning vessel for the soul in the physical world. Note we said primarily and not exclusively. The brain also plays a role in anchoring higher dimensional consciousness into the physical world. But left to its own devices, it is essentially an engine that powers the machine that is your body—making decisions about how to keep it functioning, also known as ego consciousness.

Once you start accessing higher vibration thoughts and emotions with your conscious intent, the engine begins to evolve and transform. New connections and pathways are built within the brain, between the brain and the heart, and with other important organs such as the pituitary and pineal glands. These new pathways enable you to sustain a more constant connection between the 3D physical body and the higher-vibration subtle bodies.

Thus, the brain powers the physical body and acts as the first bridge, if you will, to the higher spiritual realms, the first step of which is the mental body. As you start thinking higher thoughts, you build a stronger connection between the physical and mental bodies. You take a step closer to the Heart of God.

The Emotional Body

The next bridge is to the emotional body. This is the realm in which you connect with the energies and spirit of love and compassion. This bridge exists in the heart. That is why an open heart is so important to connect with Divine Spirit. You can think higher vibration thoughts—such as “that fella is really a nice guy” rather than “that guy’s a jerk” and still not feel outright love for him. But the first thought is many degrees higher than the second. It puts you a step closer to the Heart of God and brings more of the higher attributes of the mental body into alignment with the physical body. That is why you are told that positive thinking is contagious. The more you think positive thoughts, the more positive thoughts you have. They feed on each other, and like attracts like.

Let’s pause here and point out that the brain is wired to linearize everything it ponders. However, there is no linear hierarchy to the subtle bodies. Think of them as dynamic spheres that envelop each other and expand and contract in ways that are both independent of and connected with one another. The expansion and contraction correlates to the resonant frequency of each, and the frequency of one affects the frequency of the others. The spiritual body is always, unceasingly connected to the Heart of God. And yet the spiritual body also dwells within the physical body. It is accessed and brought forward through your intentions—thoughts and feelings—that align with its higher frequency. Thus, the mental and emotional bodies are the bridges between the physical and the spiritual. They are intertwined and non-linear. In other words, one does not necessarily precede the other in your journey back to the Heart of God.

To illustrate, consider the emotion of love. You can meet someone and not feel strong love for them at first. But over time, your interactions with them via the mental body can trigger a stronger feeling of love within the emotional. Eventually, your emotional connection may grow to the point where you say you are “in love” with that person. Conversely, you may meet someone and experience love at first sight. The emotional body has taken precedence in a way that may seem completely irrational when examined through the mental body. Thus, these two are strongly co-influential, and one is not always subordinate to the other.

Now let’s return to the emotional body. When you feel love for someone—not a thought of love but a feeling of love—you are accessing the deeper territory of the emotional body. Your feeling of love brings you closer to the Heart of God because you are drawing closer to the frequency of unconditional love that God is. This expansion of the emotional body influences both the mental and the physical bodies in benevolent ways due to their interconnectedness. It reveals more of you inherent Divinity in your physical experience. You might say it awakens the God within.

Of course, you also feel negative emotions such as fear, shame, anger, and sadness. When you experience these emotions, your mental body is exerting more influence on the emotional body and lowering its vibration. Anger, fear, and shame are feelings that surface when you are in a state other than unconditional love. These feelings always start with a thought that something will not go the way you want, that you have been wronged in some way, or that you have done something that you know is out of integrity with your highest self or with a system of beliefs that you have made your truth. In other words, they are the result of confusion about the world, your place in it, and the degree of control you have over your own life and happiness.

In this regard, negative emotions are more closely tied to the mental body. How many times have you experienced fear over something you thought might happen, only to find out later that your thinking about it was completely wrong? For example, most of you have experienced fear that a teacher or boss will judge your work to be bad, only to find out later that they thought you did an excellent job. Your fear was triggered by a thought that you had somehow fallen short. In your mental body, you judged your work to sub-standard, and the emotional body responded. Conversely, when you experience love at first sight, your emotional body responds first, and then your mental body follows suit with delightful thoughts of all  the wonderful things you and your beloved can share.

So, when you strive to feel unconditional love, you push the boundaries of the mental body and expand the emotional body into higher vibrations that are more closely aligned with the spiritual body. In this higher frequency, negative emotions have no power over you. It is here that healing can happen.

The Subtle Bodies and Manifestation

When you begin to think higher-vibration thoughts in the mental body, you start to understand that healing may be possible, or that financial prosperity might be possible. But why do all the books and teachers of manifestation tell you that you have to reach for the feeling of having the manifestation that you seek—that you must feel the joy that you will experience when you get what you want? Because those thoughts, if practiced consistently, ignite the emotional body and step it up into higher frequencies. Once the emotional body is vibrating a frequency closer to the spiritual body, then your manifestation will happen more quickly. This is because the spiritual body always knows it is one with Divine Source, which has the power to create all things. It is the heart that connects you to the field of Divine potential in which everything you desire already exists. The more time you spend connected via the heart center to the emotional body, the more it and all that comes through it from the field begins to take shape in your physical world. This includes financial wealth, and it includes unlimited health and well-being.

All the masters say that love is all there is. Why? Well, it’s not just some pleasant idea. It is indeed the conduit to all that you seek. It is how you bring heaven down to earth. Healing in the physical happens first in the spiritual body and is brought into the physical via the emotional body. That is why you feel such catharsis after a processing out any negative emotion via crying or just venting your anger in a healthy way. The catharsis comes from clearing the barriers in the mental body that keep you from aligning the emotional body with the Divine potential of the spiritual body. In fact, if none of the mental barriers were present, you would always experience alignment with the perfection of the spiritual body. So, you can think of the mental and emotional bodies as filters that either allow more of the perfection of the spiritual to revealed in the physical, or that keep it from manifesting.

The heart chakra on up to the crown chakra (chakras 4-7) are where you can access the higher realms of vibration and manifestation. In other words, the heart chakra is plugged into the expanded emotional body. The higher chakras are also plugged into it and into the spiritual body. So, if your heart is open, you experience a much greater flow from the spiritual body and all the gifts of Divine Spirit that exist there. If your heart is closed, you exist more in the mental realm and dwell much more in negative emotion. You may have some narrow conduits into the expanded emotional, such as when feeling love for a pet or something benevolent that brings you joy, but the flow is much more limited.

Now, the spiritual body exists beyond even fifth dimensional reality. It is the part of you that is always connected to Spirit. It is your higher self. For the channel writing these words, the spiritual body is Keenu—the soul that has intentionally stepped itself down in vibration to animate the body that is Patrick, as well as other bodies in this plane and in others. The energy that resides in the spiritual body is anchored into the physical body via the pineal, and the pineal awakens the inherent divinity that resides in each molecule of human DNA. When the physical body achieves lasting connection with the spiritual body, it has the ability to transcend even the laws of physics. The Masters of the ages have all been able to sustain their connection to the spiritual body indefinitely. This is why Masters are able to perform what you call miracles of manifestation. This awakening is what you all aspire to.

Accessing Higher Dimensions

Thus, your journey as a human being can be seen as a progression from a purely physical awareness with all of its limitations, to a spiritual awareness via the mastery of thought and emotion. You accomplish this by always reaching for the highest thoughts and the emotion of unconditional love. This is why we keep telling you to ask to feel love in the moment whenever anything undesirable happens. In these moments, you are transmuting the negativity by raising its vibration. It is like looking beyond the present negativity, seeing a bright light on the horizon, and saying, “I have the power to stay here or go over there toward the light, and I’m going over there!” Through your intent, you flood the negativity with the higher vibration energy of Divine Spirit, and the negative situation simply loses power and authority. That’s what transmutation is—a gentle raising of the vibration of whatever you are focused on. Go to the light on the horizon and don’t look back.

Another good analogy is the layers of a digital picture that has been edited with a program like Photoshop. A photo editor adds additional layers to a base image to enhance color, remove parts, add other images, etc. You can think of the dimensions that sit between the 3D world of the physical body and the higher realm of the spiritual body like the different layers of a digital image. If you exist only on the base layer, you cannot look up to what has been added in the higher layers. If you exist a couple layers up, you can see a bit more as you look down at the image, but you are still missing the layers above you. But looking at the image from the top layer, you see the completed image as one thing. So it is with the higher-vibration dimensions—what you can see depends on your ability to perceive, which correlates to the vibrational frequency of your consciousness.

If you go around with a 3D awareness—always in your mind, often thinking negative thoughts, and rarely feeling unconditional love—then you are only going to see the base layer. If you are in a state of highly-evolved consciousness, you will see much more that the 3D person cannot. It’s not just about seeing auras and such, it’s about seeing different people and physical objects that would not have come into your experience otherwise, as well as encountering new events, ideas, and states of emotion. You can also see energy, entities, and lots of things that are not seen with the eye of a 3D person. All of this comes into your field of perception because higher consciousness actually changes your biology. As you live more in the subtle bodies—the expanded mental and emotional plus the spiritual—they become the vessel of your experience in the physical world. You may be in contact with a 3D person who sees only 3D, but you see 5D.

Subtle Bodies and the Charkas

How does all this relate to the chakras? The average human living in 3D is living mostly from the fourth chakra and lower, and mostly with a narrow connection to the emotional body via the fourth chakra (heart chakra). The lower chakras are about survival. The first is all about the drive the procreate—the animal instinct to further the species. The second is about meeting your basic needs to exist—food, water, and shelter. These first two are firmly rooted in the physical body—the body must survive, and it must regenerate. The third is where you start to broach higher thought and emotion—concepts of beauty. It is where you push into the mental body and can choose to use your free will and creative capacity either for higher or lower thought. Lower thought brings you into an experience of what you call lower emotion—which is really nothing more than an experience of the gap between lower thoughts and the heart center. You see, when you are operating just from the lower two chakras (and almost no human ever is), then there is little thought of beauty, and thus little pain or anger to experience. It is the experience that many of the animals on your planet that you call “lower life forms” exist in much of the time—survive and procreate. The third chakra is also where higher consciousness starts to come into play. Here you are tapped into the ability to recognize beauty, or the absence of it. Consequently, it is here that you can feel joy or sorrow, as well as fear, anger, and pain. It is also where your sense of individualism emerges—your place in the cosmos—and thus your connection with your soul. This is what differentiates you from those living a lower-frequency existence.

A third chakra existence is the basis of 3D reality. It is the “cost of entry” into the 3D game, so-to-speak. You discern, and you begin to make choices. Remember that you are on a journey back to the Heart of God, and so it is in the third chakra that you make choices that bring you either the higher or lower experiences of the 3D world.

The physical body is typically the only body you are conscious of when living in the first through third chakras, and even up into the fourth when your heart connection is limited. At the same time, you begin to access the mental body in the third chakra and up into the fourth. You can choose higher or lower thoughts, which correlate to higher or lower emotions where the mental and emotional bodies overlap. You can choose experiences that seem to defy the logic of the physical world. This is the place of questioning—the place of belief in things you cannot see. It is the realm of faith that brings you a knowing that there is a God and that you are loved, even though physical conditions that you judge to be undesirable continue to persist in your experience of the world. Here’s where you are constantly moving back and forth between a 3D experience of the world and leanings toward the higher dimensions—moments where you do feel unconditional love interspersed with thoughts and feelings of fear, shame, regret, anger, etc.

The fourth chakra is the gateway to the part of the emotional body that transcends the mental body—where the state of unconditional love exists without fear, shame or anger. Thus, it is the jumping-off point for spiritual body, which correlates to the fifth through seventh chakras.  The heart chakra is in the center of all the others for a reason. It is the bridge between the physical and the spiritual. It is the place where you consciously choose to live in alignment with your True Nature—your I AM presence, rather than just the physical. It is the place of choice.

Most humans in recent times have spent the majority of their waking hours in the lower three chakras, and thus the third dimension. Many are now starting to live much more of the time in the fourth chakra and thus are opening themselves more and more to the part of the emotional body that transcends the influence of a contracted mental body. They are opening their hearts, and thus their connection to the fifth dimension and higher planes of existence.

That is what this teaching is all about. We are here to help you examine your physical existence through the lens of your open heart, where you can connect with higher thought and emotion that brings you into alignment with your spiritual body. That is why you are here, friends. You are here to manifest the Divine in the physical, to transcend to the higher dimensions while existing in the 3D world, to bring heaven down to earth.

We wish you blessings on your journey.



Image credit: seanmacdubsithe