Sharing Your Gifts

We have a question for you. Do you share your gifts boldly with the world? If not, what do you fear? If you look back at your life to this point, you may think things have not always gone as you thought they would. You may think, “Oh, if only I had done this or that, or gone here or there, how much better things would be.” But hasn’t every choice brought you to a new level of understanding—even those you judge to be bad choices. That’s because they have brought you to ask more questions and seek new pathways, all of which are leading you back to the Heart of God.  That is where all of humanity is headed, and you are doing very well.

If fear is strong in your vibration, is it a fear of not being enough? Is it a fear of wasting your gifts, or of having missed opportunities to express them more fully? Regret is a form of fear—the fear that you will never realize desires yet unfulfilled. However, you are never locked into one single reality. In fact, this reality that you perceive to be so fixed is very fluid. You are shifting it all the time, but the moment-by-moment shifts are so slight that your reality appears the same as it was before. You wake up in the same place every day (apparently) and do more or less the same things (apparently), and so reality looks the same to you day after day. Nevertheless, it really is a new world each day, and in each moment. Really.

What is Your Source?

What is it you want to create that you have not? Make a list. Keep it to 5-10 items at the most. Then rank them in terms of what your conscious mind thinks will be the easiest to achieve. Put the easiest one at the top and progress down to the hardest. Then, starting with the easiest, meditate for 5-10 minutes and ask yourself, “What would need to be different about my life to achieve this?” What do you notice that comes up? It may be as simple as changing something in your morning routine, and it may be something bigger.

If the answer seems too difficult, requiring too much money or time or too much of a lifestyle change, then ask for another answer. Drop in again and ask your Higher Self to bring you new options. You see, the human mind, when it is running the show, is usually going to present a limited set of options. It does this for the same reason that it created a similar reality when you woke up today as the one it created yesterday. Without conscious intent to create something new, the mind will create from the familiarity of past experience. The bed is here, the dresser is there, the bathroom is down the hall. There’s coffee in the kitchen. At 7:05 Mr. Jones is going to pull out of his driveway and go to work. The dog needs to go out by 8:00. And so on. These are all “truths” that the human mind expects and so that is what it continues to serve up in your experience.

But these are not the Divine Truth of the Higher Mind. It sees so much more possibility for each and every moment. Higher Mind is always connected to the Mind of God without human filters. Human filters are like forcing a large amount of water through smaller and smaller pipes. In the process, a great ocean becomes a trickle.

If there is something you want to do or be or have, your Higher Mind is the place to go to get the very best options for achieving it. There are metaphors for this in human existence. Think about purchasing something. Let’s keep it simple and say you want to buy a gallon of milk. The convenience store just down the street has milk, and that’s the easiest place to go. But you can get a better price, more selection, and perhaps healthier options by making the effort to drive to a larger market. The simple act of choosing a different source expands your options. But if all you knew was the convenience store, you would always choose only from the limited option it offers. The day it occurs to you that there must be another place to get milk, you will soon discover many other options.

So it is with feelings of dreams not yet realized, wishes not yet fulfilled, latent abilities not yet come to fruition, and gifts not yet fully expressed. Where are you shopping for answers about how to proceed? Where are you looking for inspiration? How are you settling for “good enough”?

What Else is Possible?

Be at peace and know that you are loved by God regardless of what you do. You have brought so much light into the word already just by being the magnificent, caring, and generous soul that you are. You are so much a part of helping to create the shift that is taking place on the planet. In other words, you have done very well, and you are honored for that. Very honored. But if you feel pangs of things left undone, know that you can still do them if you choose. At the same time, there is no judgment from our side if choose not to. You are loved all the same. Dearly loved. But if you choose to use your free will to write your book, create your art, learn to sing, or be of service to others in a bigger way, know that you have more help than you are fully aware of. Much more.

Write down these words and put them by your bedside. “What else is possible today?” Read them upon awakening and meditate on them for just a few minutes. Ask you Higher Mind to present you with options throughout your day. Then be still as much as you can at intervals during the day and take just a few minutes to ask again. Set a timer for the top of every hour to remind you if needed. Or place sticky notes where you will see them. Try this for 10 days and see what new pathways present themselves.

The human experience is all about expansion. If you are not expanding, you are by default limiting the flow of life force through you, which limits your health, happiness, and longevity. There are a couple things to keep in mind about expansion:

  1. It does not require doing It only requires being with correct intent—that is, the intent to expand into greater communion with Higher Self. In fact, doing can be a distraction.
  2. The joy and satisfaction experienced through expansive doing leads to exponential progress. In other words, if you act in an expansive way (such as sharing your gifts by creating and sharing something beautiful, helping others, etc.) then you get the benefit of connecting with Higher Self in consciousness, plus the human satisfaction that comes from the feeling of physical accomplishment, plus the positive feedback others give you for your service.

The two together are greater than just the sum of the parts. The renunciate who sits in a cave and meditates until he transcends the limits of the physical body is doing himself and the world a service. The artist who creates and shares something beautiful is doing the world a service. When the artist creates and shares with the same fire in her heart to know God that drives the renunciate, the result is the anchoring of even more Divine Light into the world than either one of them does on their own. Why? Because the act of physical creation and sharing in service to God is an extremely powerful catalyst for others to expand into their own magnificence. Thus, the effect is exponential.

When you share your gifts, you are a catalyst for others to awaken to their own magnificence. That is why we encourage you to embrace your gifts. Make space in your life to develop your gifts and share the fruits of them with the world. And, yes, we also honor you if you choose not to. The choice is always yours.



Image credit: Angeleses