How Beliefs Affect Healing

Q: How do beliefs affect the body’s ability to heal?

A: The essence of all healing is bringing the physical body back into full alignment with the perfection that resides in the Spiritual Body, which dwells in the higher dimensions. Think of it as a template of perfect health that exists in the field of unmanifest Divine potential. The template of perfect health of the human organism includes all aspects of human physiology, from muscles to the chemical structure of the brain. The cells are the building blocks of the template, and they are amazing receptors of energy. Most of your scientists have no idea what cells really are and can really do because they see the cells as purely physical. But they are mostly energetic. The part that you can see is about 10% of what is actually there. They are indeed receptors of energy.

The Template of Health

The energy your cells receive exists in perfection in the field, where your complete and total abundance exists. Part of that is your financial abundance, which exists in your own ‘storehouse’ in the field and which you bring forth by your receptivity and action in the world. For example, you intend to make $100. You meditate on it and truly embody the belief that it is so. Then you take action in the world, and the field lines up all the right receptors—in this case the people and events that steer you and the $100 onto a collision course.

It is the same with perfect health. When you intend for it, you are accessing the template of perfect health that exists for you in the field. The degree to which your physical body matches the template is the result of the receptivity you have in the physical. The receptors that are your cells mirror your thought. That is, each cell is a microcosm of your consciousness. If your consciousness is not in total alignment with the template of perfect health, then only a certain amount of the design of that template can be received by the cells, and thus only a limited amount of the abundance of physical health. That is, you realize less than perfect health.

The flow from Source to the receptors is constant, but the ability to receive is muted by your beliefs and thoughts. It is like how sound travels to the receptors of the ears. Sound is constant, and the ears receive all of it all of the time. But if you put your hands over your ears, then they don’t receive all that they could. Their ability to receive is not diminished at all, but there is now something between the ears and the sounds. The template of perfect health is always trying to get to the cells to manifest in the physical, the same as how sound waves will permeate any flaw in the sound barrier, and how water will always find and flow through the cracks in any obstacle in its path. But the stronger the barrier, the less will get through. Those things that block the flow, that limit the cells’ receptivity, are the same things that limit the flow of money or satisfying relationships—it is anything other than love. Love is all there is in Spirit—in the field. Anything other than love will block the flow of perfection.

How Consciousness Affects DNA

The consciousness imprints the cells. DNA in the cells is like a chemical soup in the physical. In the Spiritual dimensions, it is all energy. But energy must take on a lower density to become physical matter. The lighter the vibration of the matter, the more in line with Spirit that matter is. The chemical compounds that form your DNA are capable of very high vibration. That is to say, they are capable of moving between the Spiritual and the physical. It is not movement in space but movement in time and dimension. You know that there are many dimensions you don’t yet see. This is because they vibrate at a frequency that most human vessels are not in alignment with most of the time. Your consciousness keeps your cells at a vibratory level that simply cannot see those dimensions. This is true for most of you. But the chemical soup that is the DNA has the ability to bridge the gap of seeing and knowing. As you raise your consciousness via your intent and practice—opening your heart and aligning with love—the chemical soup changes.

Think of it this way: you are cooking a pot of soup in your kitchen. You add some stock, tomatoes, and veggies. It has a certain flavor based on the ingredients, their unique quantities, the timing of their coming together and the application of heat. All of the ingredients on their own have their own unique flavor based on their chemical structure. But when you put them together, their chemical structures blend and reform, which gives the combination a new collective flavor. Add some seasonings and those molecules combine with the molecules of what was already there. Now you have a new flavor. If you simmer it for hours, the chemical structure changes again, perhaps giving it a deeper flavor. If you boil it at too high a heat for too long, you might burn it and cause a different chemical structure, resulting in a different flavor.

The components of the chemical soup that is the DNA are like all the ingredients in your pantry. They are combined and activated by your thoughts—your consciousness. The template in the field is the recipe. You are trying to achieve the manifestation in the physical of the template, and it is trying to reach you. When you align with high-vibration thoughts, emotions, and beliefs (aka consciousness), you are automatically aligning the “ingredients” in the soup of your DNA in such a way that you will get the result in the physical that matches the recipe in the non-physical. That is, the template in the field manifests in the physical. You do not consciously manipulate the ingredients of your DNA the same way you do the ingredients in your kitchen. But through your intent to achieve the recipe, and through your alignment with high-vibration consciousness—love, compassion, forgiveness—the correct amount of the chemicals are activated in every cell. It’s like having a personal chef that knows exactly what to do at exactly the right time. You just say, “Make me the perfect soup.” Your chef knows exactly what to do, and you are delighted with the results.

But if you say, “Make me the perfect soup,” and then stand around in the kitchen saying, “Are you sure you know what you’re doing? I don’t know if I trust you. I don’t think you did that right. I don’t see how that is going to work. I don’t understand your process. This is how everybody else does it. Your method can’t be correct.” etc., then the chef will likely respond to your contradictory orders and produce a less-than-perfect result. You will be disappointed, but you will still blame the chef: “See, I knew you couldn’t deliver what I asked for.”

There is so much that is unseen at work. Because you don’t see it, you don’t trust it. Faith much? You also can’t see the heat from your stove, but you rely on it to bring about the chemical change that cooks and flavors your food. Order up what you want, align with love as much as you possibly can—constantly if you are able—and then stay out of the kitchen! Your personal chef will deliver the perfect results on time if you let him. Your job is to just relax in the other room in full anticipation of the delicious meal that awaits you and sending positive intention like: “You are so good at this! I know this meal is going to be awesome! Take your time to make it just right—I’m patient because I know what you bring out will be better than I could have hoped! I love that you are doing this for me!” Love, love, love—in all of its wonderful forms. Anything other than that is barking contradictory orders to your chef. If you give him mixed signals, then don’t act surprised when he messes up your dinner. He WILL follow your orders, every one of them. And the only order that lets him do his thing without interference is unconditional love.

Love & Compassion are the Key

Compassion = love. Joy = love. Peace and contentment = love. Anything else—shame, guilt, anger, fear, worry, resentment—any of that limits the synchronicities that appear in your life and deaden the cells’ ability to receive the template of perfect health. That is why you become sick or injured, even if you think you are striving toward health. When you undertake a regimen to transform your body, but your desire to transform your body is partly fear-motivated—such as the fear of not being loveable or loved if you don’t look a certain way—then you are blocking the easy manifestation of the result you seek. Fear is present. Guilt is present. Shame is present. That template for the body you seek is in the field and is trying to get to you, but your motivation for wanting it is partly fear-based. That actually keeps the pattern of physical perfection from coming to you in fullness. In other words, it limits the cells’ ability to receive the template fully.

The results of physiological processes you undertake for health and well-being vary not because every body is different, but because every consciousness is different. You believe that DNA affects an individual’s predisposition to certain physical conditions and their receptivity to one form of healing of another, but that isn’t completely accurate. It is the receptivity of the cells that carry the DNA, based on the instructions of the “mother ship” of the mind—acting with free will—that determines the results. The consciousness of the cells mirrors that of the mind. Consciousness is what makes them fully open and willing receptors or not. Thus consciousness impacts DNA. Science observes DNA that looks a particular way and they link it to certain physical conditions. They say, “If you have this gene or that gene, you have a greater chance of getting this or that ailment.” That is accurate to a degree, but where they go wrong is in assuming that you came in with those genes and that they are unchangeable. Your consciousness is what causes the DNA to look and behave the way it does.  Consciousness alters the cells, and therefore DNA, and that leads to results in the physical.

This also explains why the seemingly unexplainable phenomenon of spontaneous remission is possible. This is why it is so important for healers to read the energy of their patients, and it is where medicine will continue to focus more and more. It is not about treating or removing a manifestation of imperfect health—it is about clearing the energy that limits the perfect health that is downloading to the cells all the time if there are no barriers in the way.

We are complete.



Image credit: Dae Jeung Kim