Getting Unstuck

Q: How do we get unstuck when we are in a job or situation that doesn’t serve us? How do we find the “true purpose” of our life path?

A: Everything that manifests in your physical existence is something you have asked to receive on either a conscious or unconscious level. You tend to associate the “good” aspects with conscious creation. For example, “I wanted to create the house, car, job, etc. And I did it. Yay! I create my own reality.”  But you discount the experiences that you judge to be negative. The loss or lack of a job. The failed relationship. The sickness. These are all things you created as well, but you don’t think you did.

Soul-Level Planning

Why did you create them? There are a couple reasons why circumstances show up in your life, and they are interwoven. One is that you planned for the experience on a soul level before you embodied. Remember that you are not here on this planet to have a good job, make yourself comfortable, die, and leave a fortune to your kids. You are here to realize your True Nature—your Divinity. You are on a journey back to the Heart of God—the Source of all things—of which you are a part. When you embody, you intentionally put blinders on that keep you from seeing your True Nature, and the game is to find your way back to the point where the blinders fall away. That is why you are here.

So, before you embody, you plan circumstances with those in your soul group—those with whom you sojourn lifetime after lifetime. The circumstances you choose together are those that will give you the greatest growth. And before you embody, you know that some of those experiences will seem unfair and scary to you from the human point of view. You know that your human tendency will be to experience anger, sadness, and fear. From the non-physical perspective, you have as much excitement about all of it as you do when you’re waiting in line for a roller coaster. You know you’re going to be scared at times, but you are thrilled at the thought of that and moving through it.

Then you embody, have the scary experience, and only feel the fear, anger, and sadness because you are no longer tapped into the excitement that the non-physical part of you feels. That is by design. That is the plan. But you have forgotten this, and so you only experience the negative emotion. Even so, the part of you that is not in physical is still experiencing the joy and excitement and is walking beside you saying, “Come on, you can do this! It’s a thrilling ride and you’re going to make it. Keep going!” You actually could choose to have that perspective in the physical, as well, if you are tapped in to your Higher Self.

The Free Will to Choose

Now, once you’re in the physical, you get to choose your life experience moment by moment. That is free will, and it is the second component of how circumstances appear in your life. Whatever you planned in the non-physical, you get to adjust, fine tune, and course correct—or even go off in a completely different direction—once you are in the physical. That is the beauty of it. It’s like that impulse you have to drive off the cliff when you are in your car. You never actually do that, but you absolutely could. You are always in control.

Your beliefs about the world are what cause you to make the moment-by-moment choices. If you judge something to be scary, you don’t usually do it. But there are others who may not judge that same thing to be scary. They may see it as joyful and choose to have that experience. Skydiving, for instance, or bungee jumping. It excites them and draws forth their Life Force in a strong way. So, they go for it. But if you believe it is too dangerous or scary, you won’t choose that experience.

How does this relate to your career path? There are certainly pre-set parameters in which you will operate in this world. That is, you plan in the non-physical to have life experiences within certain parameters. For example, business. You intend that you will do something business-related. But what form that takes, the timing of it, and how far you take it, all has to do with the day-to-day free choice decisions you make. For example, at a soul level you say, “I intend to be a business leader so that I can experience the lessons associated with that.” But what type of business or at what point you assume that role are not preset. Those are based on the free will decisions you make in your lifetime.

Feelings Indicate Path-Alignment

You can know on an ongoing basis whether or not your day-to-day decisions are in alignment with your soul-level planning based on how you feel about your choices and the place where you are at any given time. If you feel stuck, that usually means you have made choices, and/or are continuing to make choices that are not in alignment with the larger direction you planned at the soul level. If you intended to be experiencing one type of career path at this point in your life, and you are not yet experiencing it, you will feel stuck. Why? Because the higher-level planning is all designed to achieve soul growth. If that soul growth is not occurring, and you have not created another way of achieving it that is in alignment with your life path, the result is a feeling of “stuckedness”. It is the result of misalignment of life path with life circumstance.

Fear Blocks Alignment

Now, when you are in a feeling of fear about your survival, it’s very difficult to make choices that will get you back in alignment with soul purpose. It becomes about “How do I eat? How do I care for my family?” You think about it in those terms because you have forgotten who you are. You have forgotten that you live in a benevolent Universe that will provide for you if you are in a place of allowing rather than one of resistance. We understand that from the human perspective it is not necessarily an easy task to shift into a space of allowing. We also understand that if you have made your living doing one thing, or doing it in a certain way, it may be difficult to stay in a place of allowing when it seems that very familiar thing has left your life or is no longer a viable means of support.

The tricky thing is that you usually develop a whole lot of story around that. For example, some steady work you had goes away. You were used to it being a solid way for abundance to flow to you and now it is not. Fear comes in. Anger and worry are usually present. These are all emotions that take you further away from the Heart of God—your true Divine Nature—the part of you that knows exactly what you need and how to get it. The story is what keeps you from achieving what you want.

And still you have the question, “What is the correct direction?” The point is that there is no one correct direction. There is only the larger back drop of life experiences that you intended to have before you took the physical form, and, against that backdrop, the day-to-day freewill choices you make. You always get to decide whether you are going to be a software developer or a truck driver or something else. But the path that is most productive—the one that will meet the dual needs of soul growth and worldly responsibility—is the one that brings you the most joy. It is the one that feels right and correct when you become still and ask, “Where does my joy lie?”

The challenge you all face is to stay true to what you feel is right, even when you don’t see a clear path to making it work. The part of you that is connected to Source knows what will serve your highest good and the highest good of those you are in relationship with. Connect regularly with your Higher Self and ask with a clear expectation that the answer will come. Then follow that guidance, even if you don’t yet know how it will unfold. Put aside all bias and judgement that would lead to reasons why it cannot happen. That is the biggest barrier—belief that you cannot have what you want or that you don’t deserve it.

Decide, Feel Joy, Have Faith

Get back to basics. What do you know to be true about yourself? What serves you? Spend some time mapping it out. Write it down. Set the intent that you can move forward in the world while expressing your gifts and making use of your talents in ways that will serve the world while also taking care of your needs. Then HAVE FAITH that the right people and circumstances will manifest synchronously to move you forward and serve both goals.

It’s never about “Should I be a software developer or a truck driver?” Either one can bring both the soul growth and the security that you want. It’s about getting clear on what is in alignment with the plans you made for the evolution of your soul in this physical existence and then choosing the circumstances in the moment that feel the most joyful. Where there is an absence of joy, there is resistance, and abundance cannot flow easily against resistance. But when you act in joy, the Universe responds by lining up the circumstances to bring you the growth while sustaining you.

Choose Your Holodeck Experience

Remember the holodeck from the Star Trek TV show, where the Enterprise crew went to relax and play? They would enter the holograph chamber and choose a program to experience. “Computer, run Dickensian London,” they would say. Or, “Computer, run a wild west town of the 1850s.” Then the computer presented them with a live-action simulation that looked and felt entirely real—with joys to experience and obstacles to overcome. They could stop and change the circumstances of the program at any time. For example, “Computer, make me the town sheriff.”

It really isn’t that different from how the Universe presents you with opportunities for soul growth once you choose a path. If you select “software developer”, the Universe calls together the people and circumstances in the software developer “program” to bring you the soul growth you seek. But if you choose the software developer program for reasons other than your absolute knowing that your highest good lies down that path, the computer (Universe) will nudge you to seek something else. You ultimately get to choose whether you stay in the current scenario or pursue another. But if you choose to stay because of fear, you will receive circumstances that reflect that fear back to you. That is how the scenario then becomes more uncomfortable, prompting you to seek something better for you.

So, let’s say you choose “software developer” because you feel the most opportunity for growth and abundance there. “Feel” is the operative word here, not “think”. It is not about what the intellect tells you is “correct”. It is not about what the job market is doing or how old you are or what anybody has said you should do. It is about using your intuition—tapping into the part of you that is always connected to Source. When that alignment happens, there is joy, there is calm, and there is a contented knowing that “this is it!” With that intuitive knowing in place, the next step is believing that you can have it.

FAITH IS KEY. Remember, you all get to choose everything in your life. You are in absolute control at all times, even when it looks like you’re not. If you think you are creating one thing and the opposite shows up, it is because you don’t believe you deserve or can have the thing you want. Lack of self-worth is a very big factor in this equation. You must BELIEVE you can have it, and that YOU DESERVE IT, without qualification. Any qualification will limit the flow.


To sum up, feeling stuck equals being out of alignment with soul purpose. Soul purpose is not about one job versus another—it is about the learning that comes through that experience. You all get to choose moment by moment what direction you will take. To make the choices that will get you the results you seek, you must first be very clear about what you are seeking. If what you desire is in alignment with your soul purpose, you can absolutely have it if you BELIEVE that you can have it and that YOU ARE WORTHY of having it. Connect with the part of you that is connected to Source all the time as often as you can (via your conscious intent and making space for it in your life, such as through meditation). Put aside all doubt, fear, and worry. Then go out in the world and take action as you feel inspired to do so, knowing that the part of you that is not in the physical is already working behind the scenes to help you be in the right places at the right times to make the connections that you seek.

Then look for the signs along the way, like the navigation system on your phone or in your car. It tells you when to turn left to get to your destination. Pay attention and take the signal. But if you miss it, don’t worry. Like the navigation system, the Universe constantly corrects your course and will find a new pathway for you to get to your destination. That is, as long as you remain clear on where you are headed (i.e. the results that you seek, not the circumstances you think will bring them to you), and as long as you don’t give it conflicting instructions.

Happy travels!



Image Credit: Pok Rie