The Spiral of Consciousness

We wish to speak about what we will call “the spiral of consciousness”. A spiral is something dynamic that indicates constant movement, and you usually think of it in terms of either upward or downward motion. You say “downward spiral” to indicate when someone or something is progressively headed in an undesirable direction, and “upward spiral” to indicate movement in a positive direction. We wish to focus on the continuously upward spiral of human consciousness and offer some perspective to show you where you are today and motivate you to keep moving forward.

To do that, let’s take a journey back in time. Three hundred years ago, the light-skinned people of the planet were largely ones who held the trappings of worldly power—namely gold, guns, and ships at that time. And it was common practice for these “powerful” humans to travel to the homelands of the darker skinned people and enslave them. These less fortunate souls were taken to foreign lands, forced into hard labor, and treated like livestock. This kind of treatment of one human to another, dear friends, is born of low consciousness thinking. Most humans on the planet today know this and would be opposed to any return to such a barbaric practice.

But slavery was not even a new practice three hundred years ago. In fact, by that time it was quite an old practice that had existed for thousands of years. There were always those who opposed it, but societies, by and large, accepted it as the correct way of things. They believed that some humans were pre-destined by God to be the keepers of wealth and power, while others were pre-destined to serve the wealthy. And of course, some still believe this even today.

Shifting Paradigms

Around 150 years ago, a shift in consciousness happened on this planet. By that time, many more people started to see the inappropriateness of slavery. They became more vocal and organized about it. They began to build campaigns and enact policies against the belief that one human could own another. Eventually, wars were fought over it, and the practice was largely abolished.

Fast forward to modern times. Apart from the COVID-19 virus, the primary event capturing the attention of humanity is the building momentum of the movement to ensure equitable treatment and access to opportunity for people with dark skin in the countries that are still controlled mainly by white people. And just as almost two centuries ago, there is substantial polarization among humanity on the issue.

Hold that thought for a moment and let’s take a look at how the evolution of consciousness works. As we have explained many times before, the consciousness with which the majority of humans operate is but a tiny sliver of the vast consciousness that you all have when not embodied in the physical. The Higher Self that you are when not in a human body is so immense that you cannot conceive of it with your human mind. It is like a vast ocean as compared to a single drop of water.

That’s because the limited human mind is, by design, focused on the business of sustaining your body in the context of the current times. In other words, it is focused on survival, and its definition of what survival means is based on the dominant paradigm of the time and place in which the human is raised. “Surviving” means something different to the 21st century human who is used to cars, Internet, and modern food than it did to a 15th century human, a 2nd century human, or a human from 1000 BCE. Collectively, your paradigms keep evolving.

So, the definition of survival and what constitutes a “good life” is constantly evolving for humanity. Over the course of human history, this definition spirals up and down with the collective consciousness of the day and dominant beliefs it engenders. At times, human consciousness has spiraled downward, as it did in the times leading up to what you refer to as the Dark Ages. At other times, it  spirals upward in great leaps, as it did during the Renaissance, the wave of global revolution that started in the 18th Century, and the global movement for worker’s rights that exploded in the early 20th Century. In those times and others, human consciousness “leveled-up”, and the oppressed began to demand change. They of course met with opposition from those who benefitted most from the status quo, but they eventually won because consciousness is like that. Once the momentum of the upward spiral reaches a tipping point, it cannot be stopped. When enough humans have shifted their own thinking toward embracing a new paradigm, that paradigm must manifest. It is law.

Building Forward Momentum

But here’s the other thing about human consciousness: Once it pushes through a major change, it tends to say, “Well, I guess my work is done here.” It mistakes reaching a milestone on the journey for having arrived at the destination. At least that tends to be the dominant consciousness of those who were initially most resistant to the change. They may think, “Well, I didn’t like that we had to change in that way, but I guess this is the way things are going to be now.” Or they may think, “I wasn’t keen on making that change at first, but now I see the wisdom of it.” And of course, there are always a few who remain focused on returning to the way things were.

But if you look back at your history, you’ll see that you never return to the way things were—at least not for long. Once you reach that tipping point of consciousness, humanity as a whole reaches a new plateau from which it is very unlikely that you will go back down. You can, however, choose to stay on the plateau and create systems that intentionally or unintentionally hinder your further momentum up the spiral.

Slavery is one example. In the United States, the Civil War was fought over slavery, and eventually it became illegal for one human to own another. That was a tremendous leap forward, but it was only a milestone. Next had to come the changing of laws and policies so that black people had the same rights and privileges as white people from a legal perspective. Each step along that journey took time and effort over many decades. Along the way, there were always those who opposed the forward progress and tried to stop it.

That’s usually how it goes. Those who are most tied to the old paradigms are the ones who work the hardest to keep the new paradigms from emerging. They don’t see it at the time, but what they are really doing is trying to slow or stop the momentum up the spiral of consciousness. When they are dragged kicking and screaming into the change—such as Southern states in the American Civil War—they eventually go along with it in word and deed, but not in consciousness. They think, “Well, I guess this is the way it is now, but I don’t have to like it. And I’m certainly not going to do more than what I’m obligated to by law.” Typically, these recalcitrant souls must depart the planet in large numbers and be replaced by new souls who only know the new paradigm before another leap forward can happen.

When black people received freedom from ownership, it took years before many of them had the ability to choose other options for their survival. And it took an entire century before they could enjoy the freedom of movement that white people had. Every step along the way, there was resistance by those in power. Every step of the way, a tipping point was reached, the change manifested, and the majority of white people felt a sense of accomplishment. “We did it! We broke down those old laws that kept black people down. Now everyone has equal access to opportunity by law. Congratulations and you’re welcome!” But black people knew that they had only reached a milestone—not the end of the journey.

The Journey Continues

Now, what does all this tell you about the collective human consciousness and the place at which you all find yourselves today? At this time, black people all over the world are speaking out against systemic racism that is still very much a part of global social, economic, and political structures. Yes, they have the same freedoms as white people according to the letter of the law, but they do not enjoy the same access to opportunity because there remains substantial work to be done in tearing down the old structures that were built during the times of greater oppression—the times of lower consciousness. And, yes, new structures have been put in place that comply with the letter of the law but continue to treat white people and black people differently. You are seeing one such structure exposed now via the protests against how law enforcement treats people differently depending on their race and ethnicity.

If you can expand your view of human existence to see beyond the current time, incorporate the larger arc of humanity’s story, and recognize the upward spiral of consciousness that you are all on, logic will tell you that you still have a long way to go. Yes, logic, not esoteric spiritual concepts, should tell you that.

Think about it. When you view the progression toward achieving racial equality on the planet through the lens of history, logic dictates that you are on a journey which has been centuries in the making. It further dictates that while you have reached some important milestones, you still have a long way to go. Looking back, you can see that every milestone constituted a leap in consciousness as the old paradigm was shattered. Each leap brings with it a new level of understanding, patience, tolerance, and compassion. Again, it may take time for the resistant ones to die and be replaced by non-resistant humans, but the paradigm shift always heralds a new era that is more defined by those higher human qualities than the last era did. And that equals further movement up the spiral of consciousness.

Given all of that, logic also dictates that humans should question where you are today. Considering your history, why would you ever see the place where you are today as the end of the journey? It would be far more logical to realize that you probably have only scratched the surface of progress that could yet be achieved. It would be far more logical to exchange handshakes and high-fives when you reach a milestone, and then dig in and say, “OK, what’s next on this journey? Where are people still oppressed? We passed a law, but is that enough? Is that going to help this group of people in my community rise out of poverty? Is that going to ensure they are treated the same way by the police as I am? Does it ensure they feel safe as a member of the community? Is there mutual trust between us? Can we openly express our love for one another?” Yes, it would be logical from the human perspective to ask these questions at every milestone and just keep pushing forward down the road to the destination. It is decidedly illogical from the perspective of human history to think the goal of equality has been met.

It Is Time for Rapid Progress

We ask you to ponder these Truths. You are entering a new period in human history in which change is going to happen even more quickly than it has in the past. Momentum up the spiral of consciousness is increasing and is currently so strong that it cannot be stopped. It cannot even be slowed for long because too many people are demanding the manifestation of new paradigms, and the natural laws of the universe dictate that the manifestation must happen. Forward progress toward a world of boundless love and compassion must and will continue to happen. That is the destination, friends. Look no further than your own scriptures that you have turned to for thousands of years to paint the picture for you.

What is the highest human expression of love you can conceive of? Have you ever been head over heels in love with someone? Have you ever experienced the love at the first sight of your newborn child? Those experiences approach the closest human expression and feeling of Divine Love possible in the physical form. The destination, friends is that you feel that same “in-loveness” for all humanity. Every single human on the planet, without exception. That is the love that God feels for you—each one. Until you manifest that Divine Love for all in your physical experience as a human, you have only achieved certain milestones on a much longer journey.

The good news is that it does not have to take many more centuries, or even decades. It could happen very quickly if enough humans came to embody the Divine Love of God for all humanity—regardless of outward physical expressions and experiences. And it is inevitable. So why put off your forward momentum any longer by clinging to old beliefs based on worn-out paradigms. Why not get busy today opening your heart to the Divine Love of God that is always there for you. Ask to feel it moment by moment. Anytime you feel resistance to anything you see—racial or otherwise—ask to be filled with the love of God and ask to be shown what else is possible. Practice this consistently and watch how your beliefs about the world shift. Watch how your openness to other perspectives expands. Watch how your capacity to feel empathy and compassion for others grows wider and deeper. And watch how your desire to be of service—to be an agent of positive change—grows.

This is why you are all here at this time, friends—to break down those old paradigms of duality, separation, and inequality. You are here to anchor Divine Love into the earth experience through your free choice. You are here to ascend the spiral of consciousness, and to expand your own momentum so much that you bring the rest of humanity with you. It’s so simple from the perspective of the Higher Self, and yet seemingly so difficult from the human perspective. But you have so much help. Ask for it daily and hourly in your quiet moments. Act as you feel inspired to do and watch as the world around you shifts to the new paradigm you seek.

We honor your commitment to the journey, and we wish you endless blessings as you travel it.



Image credits: Silvia Rita