Chakras, Cells, and Manifestation

Q: How do negative or lower vibration thoughts limit the manifestation of good things that we desire? What is going on in the chakras and cells at these times?

A: The chakras can be thought of like pipes to the field of unmanifest potential from which all you desire is brought forth. Each energy center in the body is connected to the field and vibrates at a certain frequency. As such, each is capable of letting only certain experiences in, based on how those experiences are linked to consciousness. For example, money. If you have a consciousness of survival—the idea that you have always barely gotten by, or it is difficult to make ends meet—then only a limited supply of money and good experiences can reach you from the field. This is because survival is linked to the lower chakras, which are only capable of letting in a limited amount of abundance—that which comes through more dense experiences and beings.

If you are tapped into the field via your higher chakras, the possibilities for manifestation expand. You can attract more abundance via higher vibration experiences and people: the job that pays more where people are happier, the home in a safer neighborhood, relationships that feed your soul.

When you dwell on negative or lower vibration thoughts, you drop down into your lower chakras. They are only capable of delivering so much—and so much less than the higher chakras that are aligned with every higher-vibration consciousness. You can still access those conduits to the field by raising your vibration again. You just have to choose to do so.

Religion has taught that God is punishing you for your ‘misdeeds’ when you get less desirable results after thinking or acting in a negative way. But that isn’t accurate. God is actually quite neutral about all of it. Your purpose on this earth is to seek, embody, and spread Divine Light (Love). That is why you are here. And doing this puts you much more in alignment with God. But God does not judge you when you fall short. He/She loves you the same whether you are helping someone in need or yelling profanities at your neighbor. You have free will to do either, and God will not punish you or reward you either way. But what is happening is that you are either letting in more abundance or limiting the flow of it from the field into physical form based on the vibration of your thoughts and actions. When you are yelling at your neighbor, you are pinching off the flow from the field via your higher chakras. Thus, only the lower-vibration elements of life-force can get through via the lower chakras. You get that which is necessary to sustain you in the physical body, but you get none of the good stuff. You get a piece of stale bread that will sustain you and curb your hunger, but you cannot select from the bakery full of fresh-baked loaves and delicious pastries. God did not decide this—you did via your free will.

Manifestation Aligns with Vibration

It is all simple magnetics. Assume energy falls on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the densest and 10 being the highest vibration. The beautiful things in the bakery vibrate at a level 8-10 and the stale slice vibrates at a level 1 or 2. You can only draw to you that which matches your own vibration. You attract all the time, regardless of your vibrational level. So you will draw people to you that are a match, and you will draw circumstances that are created by and involve people who are a vibrational match. That’s also why sometimes you find yourself feeling like you just have to get out of a relationship or change jobs—because you have evolved to a vibrational state via your thoughts that are in alignment with higher-vibration people and circumstances. There is something better for you—you are able to select more of those yummy things in the bakery.

But fear about the change will keep you in the lower state, too. That’s why people feel stuck a lot of the time—they know there is something better and that they can have it if they reach for it, but then the fear limits their ability to receive. So, they go back and forth inside this box that contains their energy, one moment rising up to the fifth chakra and feeling like they are about to eat a chocolate croissant, and the next being afraid that they can’t have it or it won’t come, so now they are back to the second chakra and Wonder Bread. Sometimes there is comfort in that because they at least know they can count on the Wonder Bread. And there is no judgment about that from God. For some people that is just good enough and they are happy with it. But most will continue to feel the nagging knowing that there is something more and better for them if they can push past the fear, and that’s what makes them feel stuck. Fear is always transformed via love. Ask to feel love in the moment whenever negative/limiting thought or emotion is present. It is the catalyst that catapults you to the higher vibrations where you can receive more through the higher chakras.

Cellular Alignment to Chakras

The energy of the cells matches what is coming through them from Source (field) via the conduit of the chakras into physical manifestation. As above, so below. It is all there for you, but you can only receive that which you are in alignment with. So, if you block the flow with fear, shame, guilt, resentment, anger, etc., then the cells can only receive a limited amount of the energy that is available to them in the field. This actually affects their chemical structure, as we have explained previously. The chemical make-up of the cell is determined by the energy that is available to it via the field.

When you think a thought about someone, that thought falls somewhere on the vibrational scale that ranges between fear and unconditional love. If you love the person unconditionally, it is of a very high vibration—10. If you feel what you describe as hate for them, it is very low—1. Hate is actually a form of fear. All fear comes down to a feeling that you cannot have what you want, or that somebody can take from you what you have. When you hate someone for something they did, you are giving up your control over your own happiness. If you deconstruct it, you are saying “I fear you because your actions have made me unhappy and caused me to feel pain. You have taken something from me—my joy, my peace, my understanding of how things work,” etc. Or you may fear them because you believe they have the potential to limit your happiness. This explains why people at the far ends of the political spectrum seem to hate each other so. They fear that the opposing group can do something to take away their happiness. This is of course never true. Nobody can take away your happiness. They may act in a certain way that is very out of alignment with what you are trying to create or maintain in your life. And many people may be in agreement with you that what they did is wrong. It may even be out of alignment with universal law—such as “Thou shalt not kill.” But when you match their choice with thoughts and actions of your own that see them as anything less than Divine, you are dropping into lower chakras and limiting the flow of abundance of all that you seek. This is why people often get sick after a major tragedy or the death of a loved one. They focus on the fear—what they have lost or may lose, and the fear that they will not be happy without it, or that they may never have it again—and that literally changes the chemical structure of the cells to match the vibration of that fear, resulting in physical aliment. This is one reason why it so important for lightworkers to remain positive and uplifting in spite of seemingly negative world events. You are doing it for yourself, and for so many others who are prone to sliding into despair.



Image credit: Sciencefreak