Positive Expectation in a Changing World

Q: This seems to be a time of great divisiveness in politics and governance, and many feel that basic decency and decorum have gone away altogether. How do we maintain positive expectation with the world we know changing so quickly?

A: There is nothing new under the sun, the old saying goes. This was never more true than it is today. You are returning to a time of great awakening, when humans will know their True Nature with a depth of understanding few can conceive of yet. You will know it in time. It is a returning to wisdom and understanding you have known before but have long ago forgotten. The awakening is at hand. This is very, very good news for you all.

But at the moment, you are still in the dream state—the state of forgetfulness or limited remembering. You will all awake. You will all realize your True Nature. This is inevitable. It is the arc of the story of humanity on this planet, and it has an unavoidable benevolent conclusion. But the speed at which individual souls awaken is subject to the choices they make of their own free will while in the physical.

Many are currently using their free will to reinforce old beliefs and patterns of behavior. They are completely unaware of the energetic shifts that have already taken place and are continuing to gain momentum. That is, they are unaware of it in the human mind. Yet they see old paradigms shifting, and it frightens them. So, they retrench and try desperately to keep things the way they have always been. They do this because humans, most of you, do not like change. You are happiest when your world is predictable. If things start to change around you, you will often try as hard as you can to block the change. Look no further than the tremendous social change of the past 50 years and all the resistance to it by many in positions of power. Yet the change came nonetheless. Does this tell you something?

Seeing Positive Momentum

In the 1950s and 1960s, African Americans were at the center of tremendous social change in the United States. It came with struggle. It came with ugliness. It came with violence, pain, and death for some. But it came nonetheless. Many will say, “The changes have not been big enough, and they have been too slow in coming.” Yes, there is a long way to go before all people no longer see skin color or discriminate on the basis of it. And, yes, would that positive changes came more quickly. But to deny the tremendous changes that have indeed occurred is to ignore the facts of history.

What does this mean for the political upheaval of today? Many are concerned that leaders in the United States and other countries are going backwards by overturning progressive policies, institutionalizing inequality, and acting in indecent ways. It would appear that way in the moment, and we can understand why you would become upset by this if you were focused on the moment. But, you see, there are things at work that many of you are not aware of. There are benevolent energies working “behind the scenes” to influence the evolution of the entire planet. While it may look bleak and scary from the point of view of your current place in time and space, that is only a matter of perception. The arc of the story is very optimistic, and the ending very happy.

Recognizing Your Point of View

To illustrate, think about going to a suspenseful movie. You leave the realm of your day-to-day world—what you know to be “true reality”—and go into a theater. You choose a seat that will be your point of view of everything shown on the screen for the next two hours. The story is likely a hero’s journey. It starts off happy, with everything going very well, and then gradually descends into tension, hardship, and even chaos. From your point of view in the theater seat, it is scary and uncomfortable. But do you ever doubt that everything will come right in the end? You know that it always does in the movies, but that doesn’t stop you from getting caught up in the drama for a while, mostly because you aren’t sure exactly how it will all come right. That’s the exciting—and sometimes uncomfortable—part. You may even find yourself squirming, cringing, or biting your nails at times. Then everything is resolved and you leave the theater happy and relieved.

It is quite the same in your life. If you think of all that you are seeing on the world stage right now as exactly that—a stage—you can lift your point of view up to where you know it will all come right in the end. That is the Divine Plan, and the benevolent forces at work will not allow it go any other way. What are these forces? They are the flow of positive energy from the higher realms and from the majority of human consciousness that desires peace over war, love over fear, and abundance over scarcity. That is what the overwhelming majority of the people alive on this planet today want. And because they do want it, it must manifest. That is law.

The difficulty for so many of you is that you see what’s going on at the levels of leadership in some countries and you say, “It’s not happening! We’re going backwards!” But, truly, this is not the case. It is no different than the hero of your movie experiencing temporary setbacks on his way to the happy ending. The setbacks are inevitable. You pay to see them on the screen, but you don’t like them showing up in your physical life experience. We understand that. But from our point of view, they are equivalent. That’s because our point of view is non-physical, and we know how the story ends because we can read the collective consciousness of humanity.

It’s very important for humans to keep in mind that every experience in life is relative to your own point of view. Many of you in the United States (a majority, in fact) judge your current president to be unqualified for and unworthy of the office he holds. You wake up every day afraid to look at the news to see the latest. Will you be outraged today, or only embarrassed? For those of you who feel this way, do you realize that there were millions like you that felt the same way during the Obama administration? They had the exact same point of view about your last president as you do about this one. Does that tell you something? Some of you will say, “Well, Barack Obama didn’t call people names and repeatedly make statements that are obviously false. He implemented policies that protected the environment and disadvantaged people, and now Trump is rolling those back.” That may be so. But there are many who see Obama’s policies as damaging and at odds with their values, and therefore worthy of repeal. We are not saying that either is correct because we don’t take sides in your domestic disputes any more than we do in your international wars. You get to be in charge of all of it and we love you all the same. But we are saying that you must recognize that other points of view exist. Why? Because you who are so certain of your correctness are no different than those you oppose who are also certain of their correctness. You disagree on so much, but the thing you all have in common is your certainty about your point of view.

Many humans are missing something very important as you watch the drama of life on earth unfold. You are all watching the same movie, but you think you must shout and point fingers at each other to get the happy ending. You do not. The happy ending is assured because of the balance of loving consciousness manifest on the planet today. What you must do is show respect and love for each other on the journey toward the happy ending. That is what will make it come more swiftly.

Everyone is Evolving

How do you show love and respect for each other when you seem to disagree about so much? You start by recognizing that EVERYONE IS CONSTANTLY EVOLVING, whether they know it or not. Just as the character in the movie is constantly adapting to new circumstances in the film, so are you in the drama of human life. If the hero becomes angry at things not going his or her way and starts resisting the conditions, he or she will make no progress. It will be a long, boring, and even painful movie to watch. But that never happens. The hero adapts because that is what’s required. You, too, must adapt to the changing circumstances of your world.

Things happen that make you say, “I can’t believe that happened! How could that be?! How could they do that?!” Can you see those things with different eyes? Eyes that enable you to say, “Hmmm, isn’t that interesting. What can I do to work toward the outcome I want while still showing love and respect for this person who sees things so differently?”

That last bit is a big hurdle for many humans, isn’t it? Love and respect? After what they did?! After what they said?! Yes, after all that, show them love and respect. Why, because you all are only seeing things from a point of view. Those people you think are behaving so badly also think that you’re way out of line. However correct you may know yourself to be, they see it differently. If you want them to see a different perspective, you must meet them with love rather than resistance. And you must expect that they can and will respond to love with more love. That is law, and if you believe it and dare to act on it, you really can change the world quickly.

Let’s talk about the current example of your recent Supreme Court nominee. Many are outraged by behavior he exhibited in his younger years—behavior that was disrespectful and threatening toward women. We understand your reaction. But what we don’t understand is why humans want other humans to remain static. Before we go further, we want to be clear that we are not commenting either on his guilt or innocence, or on his suitability to hold the office to which he has now been appointed. What we are commenting on is your reaction to his behavior years ago. You are bringing all of that forward and saying that because he did something then, it makes him unfit to serve today. We understand why some of you feel that way, especially those who have been similarly treated by another. But we ask all humans to consider whether you are the same person you were 20 or 30 years ago. Do you display the same behaviors now that you did then? Do you have the same values? Do you say the same things and treat people the same way? If you are evolving, the answer is that you do not. Most humans are indeed evolving. Most of you have learned a few things as you’ve sojourned through this life. Most of you, as you age, come to feel much more compassion and empathy for others. When you do, you often experience regret over things you did in the past, and you want people to see you not as you were then, but as you are now.

Again, we are not saying, this man should not be accountable or that he deserves this privilege or that. We are saying that many of you who see yourselves as more enlightened than others in your society are often the least forgiving. Part of the human experience is to make mistakes, learn from them, and make better choices next time. That is, in fact, the main path to realizing your True Nature—to constantly evolve. Yet you seek to deny others their ability to do that. You want to put everyone in a box, label it thus and so, and stick it away for evermore. It angers you when the “other side” does that to you, but you ALL do it to some degree.

Seeing the Gift of the Drama

What if the point, or even the gift, of all of this recent drama is to illustrate that Truth for you? What if it’s a scene in a movie that has a very happy ending? The scene presents you, the hero, with some challenges to which you must adapt. Your goal is a more benevolent and loving world, full of compassion, safety, and equality. This thing has happened that makes it seem like you are going in the opposite direction. What does the hero do? He draws upon his strengths. She reaches into her utility belt and pulls out the right tool to overcome the challenge. If the goal is a loving, empathetic, and compassionate world, then the right tool is love, compassion, and forgiveness. If the goal is a world in which elected and appointed leaders show a high degree of self-awareness and accountability, the tool is reflecting on one’s own choices, including mistakes, and embodying the lessons learned from them. This is how you move the story forward to the inevitable happy ending. Anything else creates more scenes of conflict you all must endure.

This does not mean rolling over and letting “the other side” have whatever they want. If you think someone is unfit to lead, use the means and processes available to you to advance better options. But do it with empathy. Do it with self-reflection. And do it with the Divine Love of God in your heart—not anger and not fear. Divine Spirit knows that this is all just a movie, and all of you are just actors in one improvised scene after another on your way to the happy ending. Divine Spirit knows the choices you have made and what you learned from them, and Divine Spirit knows the choices “the other” has made, and what he or she learned from them. To adopt the perspective of Divine Spirit is to affirm your own divinity and that of the other. The awakening of every human being to their own Divine Nature is the arc of this story and the inevitable conclusion, and you will get there more quickly with the love of God in your heart. Remember always that love is the opposite of fear. So, if you are experiencing fear over this situation or any other, there is a higher choice available to you.

How do you stay out of fear? Remember that nobody is static. Everyone is constantly evolving, including this new Supreme Court justice. He has many years ahead of him. In this time of great change, he, you, and everyone else evolving on this planet have no choice but to be influenced by the benevolent energy of the times—the intensified Love of God that is emanating from the higher dimensions and the collective consciousness of humanity. What this means is that those you fear may just surprise you in what they do and say in the coming years. And we mean the good kind of surprise. They may just prove to be a whole lot more enlightened than you think. How can you help bring that forth? Through your own consciousness of love, compassion, and forgiveness. No fear. See them all as the Love of God that Divine Spirit knows them to be. Be relentless in that vision and encourage others to hold it as well. Then watch for the “miracles”.

We are complete.



Image credits: Sasint