The Coronavirus Opportunity

Q: Please speak about the coronavirus. What do we need to know?

A: There is blessing in hardship. Hardship is something humans strive all your lives to avoid. That’s understandable, for it’s certainly more pleasant to live a life of comfort and certainty. But there are few in the human experience who know only comfort and certainty. Even if you do not live in a country dealing with the front lines of war, mass poverty, or other maladies that can impact entire populations, you likely know some personal hardship.

So now the entire planet is in the middle of an experience that can be described as globally shared hardship. There is much uncertainty, much fear. Some are taking it in stride and having a positive outlook. Others are preparing for the worst-case scenario. Still others are ignoring it and trying to live their lives the way they are used to.

Whatever your response is to the current pandemic, there are a few things you should know. First, the world will get through this. Your individual societies will get through it, and the global community will get through it. Second, there may be more hardship to come. Those who are not yet experiencing much disruption may soon find themselves pulled into it. Those who believe they are isolated from the impact of the virus may soon find that it will touch them in unexpected ways. They may not necessarily contract it, but they will be impacted through changes to relationships, financial changes, and other shifts in what they consider to be normal life.

That’s the key point we want to get to. “Normal” is a social construct, you know. There is no objective “normal”. There is only a collective agreement among humans about what constitutes reality. The world works the way it does because you have collectively decided it to be so. We have said this before. But the world as you know it is shifting.

The Potential of Human Creation

Think about this now. God, or the Universe, or whatever you want to call the Creator, did not create the world as it is today. The Creator of all that is created the playing field. That includes the galaxies, solar systems, and planets, and the natural laws that govern them. The Creator created human life through the continuous flow of Life Itself—the Divine Creative Power. The flow of the Creative Power through the prism of the laws of nature gives rise to all life forms on your planet, and all other planets. This includes human life. But the Creator also imbued human life with consciousness and gave you free will to choose what you would do with it.

For illustration, think of a parent creating a play world for her children. She takes a big section of the yard, fills it with materials and tools, and says to her children, “This is your world. Do with it what you will. Create what you would like to see, have, be and do. Invite some friends in and let them also create with you. Take your time. Take years. Take your entire life, if you desire. This will always be your world, and I will always provide you with the materials you need for whatever creation you desire.”

Now, the children are delighted by this. They get busy with the materials and tools, constructing a world that is straight out of their daydreams. They enjoy letting their imaginations run wild. The mother watches from a distance, getting involved only when the children ask for help. Otherwise, she stays completely out of it. But she is always paying attention.

The mother’s hope is that the children will create things of beauty and inspiration. She hopes they will create structures and games, perhaps stories and songs, and ways of interacting with each other, that express the best of what she knows to be true about them—that they are beautiful, loving, compassionate beings. And often that is indeed what they create.

But every now and then the desire to “mix it up” stirs in some of the children, and they think, “Wouldn’t it be fun if we burned that structure down.” Or, “Let’s pretend you’re a bad person. You pretend to rob the store, and then I’ll catch you and put you in jail.” And so on. This saddens the mother because she prefers to see her children playing joyfully together with games that create feelings of love and compassion between them. From her more mature and elegant point of view, she knows this is infinitely more satisfying. But the children don’t know it yet. And in order to gain the same perspective, they must dabble in what their mother would call “undesirable creation”.

Now, suppose the game has been going on for several years. This world of the children’s creation is much more developed. It has changed over time because they have continuously built upon the original structures—both physical and social. The games they play have also evolved because their tastes and preferences have changed as they have experienced life and matured in their own knowledge of the greater world. They want different things at the age of 12 than they did at the age of 8.

One day some new kids arrive in the neighborhood and come over to play. They are delighted by what has already been created in this world of free choice and unlimited resources, and they actively participate. They interact with the other children, the things they have built, and the rules of play they have created. But the new kids do so from a place of acceptance of what has already been created. They weren’t there at the start when all that existed was an open space and some raw materials. Therefore, the way they engage with the game and the other children in it is based on an understanding that what has already been created is the way things ought to be. This is very important: The new kids come into the world of creation accepting what is already in place, and they attempt to establish their own role within these pre-existing constructs. In other words, they participate in the creation not from a place of unlimited potential, but from a place of acceptance that certain things already exist. And because these things exist, they must be appropriate. In other words, they accept the reality that is before them as essential to the way the game must be played.

Now, the children who have been playing the game for several years tell the newcomers that their benevolent mother made all of it possible. “She gave us the means to build all of this,” they say, and so the new children automatically assume she agrees with what they created. In other words, they assume it pleases her, and that she wants it the way it is. In Truth, while she does want the children to continue to create what they will of their own free choice—for that desire has not changed for her—she still always hopes that that they will choose to play loving, compassionate, joyful games in which everyone gets to participate and share in the fun equally. It saddens her to see them playing games of limitation in which some children end up crying because of something another said or did. It saddens her when the games end up isolating someone from the group. It saddens her when one becomes injured or feels distressed. And there are times when she shakes her head in bewilderment while the children destroy something beautiful, or when they choose to create something harmful or ugly.

Friends, it is the same with the Creator of All That Is and your experience as humans on planet earth. It is difficult to say this without offending some, but it must be said nonetheless. From the perspective of the Creator, the human race is like the children in the yard. Creator has given you everything you need to create lives of abundance for everyone. That includes physical comforts, but also love, joy, creative expression, and a sense of shared purpose and belonging. It is all there at your disposal and has been for as long as humans have been on earth. Sometimes—even often—you have created things of immense beauty and wisdom. At other times—also often—you have created social and physical structures that hurt, isolate, and even destroy. And when new souls embody on the planet and experience the veil of separation from Source that defines the human experience, they assume that this is the way it is because God has decided it must be so.

Friends, that is a mistake. God does not create destructive things. God only creates benevolence, love, tolerance, respect, compassion, and forgiveness. It is impossible for God to create anything other than that. But humans have the choice to create whatever you want. Humans have the free choice. You may choose to create from that same place of love or from a place of fear. And so, when you step into the world as a new soul, what you experience is not necessarily what God has created, or even what God wants. You experience what humans have created. The way things are is what humans have decided must be.

Creation Matches Vibration

With that in mind, let us return to the virus. Unfortunately, humans have also created the virus that is now circulating across your planet. And humans have created the means for it to spread quickly. There is no judgment in that from God. Creator always watches human co-creation, hoping you will make choices to create things that will benefit everyone, but not judging you when you don’t. So, for those who have the perspective that the virus is an act of God to punish you for your “sins”, know that it is not true. That just doesn’t happen.

And for those of you who have the perspective that the virus is created by man, know that this is correct. It was indeed created in a lab. But that is not always the case, and it ultimately doesn’t matter. Whether there are humans actively engaged in creating biological weapons, or whether all pathogens are the result of genetic mutation occurring naturally is of no consequence. Both do exist, but both are the result of the choices humans make through your collective consciousness.

All creation is at its very core a manifestation of Source energy—just like the tools and materials that the mother gave to her children in our illustration. It is a constant flow from Source into the 3D world of human existence. But what is done with it is the result of the vibrational frequency of human consciousness. High-vibration consciousness creates high-vibration manifestations, and low-vibration consciousness creates low-vibration manifestations. Friends, anything that can make so many people sick, killing many, and bringing your global economy to its knees in a matter of days, is a low-vibration manifestation. Whether it was created in a lab, or whether it emerged in nature as a genetic mutation, it can only be created if the collective consciousness of humanity lays the foundation by being a vibrational match. In other words, low-vibration conditions cannot exist in a high vibration world. They simply cannot exist.

We have said it before, and we will say it again: The world works the way it does because you have created it to be this way. It has taken tens of thousands of years to arrive at the point where you are today. But if you are alive on the planet today, you have played a role in creating the world as it is. You have done so in previous lives, and you are doing so in this one. This time around, you were born into a world of complex social structures—political, economic, and familial—that no doubt define your reality. In other words, you see all of what has come before and what exists today, and you think this is the way it is because it is all that you know this time around. You are the new kids in the neighborhood. You accept the rules of the game that were given to you by those who came before and said, “This is how our world works.”

But once you are in the game, you are an active participant. This is very important. Now we’re getting to the heart of what we want you to understand. You are constantly, actively creating the world. You are constantly, by your thoughts, feelings, and actions, contributing to the vibrational frequency of the collective consciousness. You are deciding moment by moment whether the world is a place where dangerous viruses can exist or not. It’s as simple as that. In a high-vibration world, a genetic mutation resulting in a virus that can decimate entire populations simply will not happen. And in a high-vibration world, anyone who tries to create a deadly virus in a lab will fail at it. The intended low-vibration product of their labor simply will not survive.

The Potential for a New Creation

So, what does this tell you about what you must do in order to combat the virus? And what does it tell you about what you must do to ensure no such things emerge again on your planet? You know the answer, and it is the same one we have given many times before. You must align your own consciousness with the Divine Love of God that is the heart of who you are. Keep your thoughts and feelings aligned with the vibration of love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude as much as you possibly can. Every moment of every day. This is how you limit the conditions that will enable the virus to continue to exist.

Let us be clear, we are not saying that you should not heed the advice to physically distance yourselves from others while the virus is spreading. It spreads through physical contact, so it is important in this time to maintain as much distance as you can. But if you want to create the conditions in which this virus or anything else that would harm you cannot exist, you must keep your own vibration high. The more who do this, the more the collective consciousness of humanity will ascend, and the less the virus can continue to exist.

Many will read this and say, “That’s nuts. Science knows many things that exist in nature that can kill a human. It’s always been that way, and it always will be.” We say that it has not always been that way. It has been that way for a very long time on this planet, but it is not the natural order of things. When humans first came into this planet as beings of evolved consciousness and free will to choose what you would create, there was very little that would harm you. But like the children who sometimes chose to play dangerous or hurtful games, you used your free will to make low-vibration choices that then created the conditions in nature that would allow for the development of harmful things. That’s right, human consciousness affects the natural world. You are not victims of it. You are, in fact, masters of it if you choose to be. But you don’t believe this. You show up in the world, observe what is, and assume things are the way they must be. Thus, you continue to create from this place of limited consciousness—this place of low vibration—and so you manifest things that are a vibrational match, such as viruses and wars.

But now you find yourselves at a crossroads. Now you find yourselves suddenly forced to stop much of what you would normally be doing. Most everyone on the planet is being forced to spend most of your time in your homes without access to many of the things that you would normally distract yourselves with. Do you see what an opportunity this is? You have collectively just set the “pause” button on your entire planet. Why do you pause anything? You do it to stop for a moment, rest, and see whether you want to continue in the direction you have been heading. You do it to stop forward momentum and allow for new perspectives you have not been considering because you were so focused on “the way it is”. That is the opportunity before humanity right now.

There are many who are longing for life to get back to “normal”. But we want you to understand that from the perspective of your Higher Selves, none of you want that. It is like the children in the yard all having to rush in from play because of a rainstorm. They were busy playing a game of exclusion and limitation, and they’ve been forced to stop. They are bored now and can’t wait for the storm to pass so they can get back to their make-believe world—back to the game that captured their attention for years. But the mother is watching them and thinking to herself, “When the storm passes and you are able to go back outside, please return to your games of kindness in which everyone has an equal opportunity to participate and share in the fun.” And you know what, they very likely will do so because the pause gives them an opportunity to shift out of the low-vibration consciousness that led them to play the hurtful game to begin with.

That’s where you’re at, my friends. The question you all need to be asking right now is whether you want to go back to “normal” or whether you want to create something new. Do you want to go back to your world of separation? Do you want the world in which there are haves and have nots? Most of you do not, but you have made your peace with its existence because, once again, you have decided that this is how the world works. But now you have the opportunity to change it. Now you can start creating a world in which conditions like this virus simply cannot exist.

Friends, a world in which some thrive while others suffer is inherently a low-vibration world. A world in which certain individuals have wealth that exceeds that of some countries, while others cannot get access to the food or medicine they need is inherently a low-vibration world. A world in which some exploit others for their own pleasure or gain is inherently a low-vibration world. In such a world, it is possible for a virus that can do so much damage so quickly to exist. And what you know about the virus at this point is that it does not discriminate. The wealthy can get it as easily as the poor. A CEO can get it same as a janitor. A president or prime minister can get it same as a beggar. Doesn’t this show you that in a low-vibration world you are each one as vulnerable to low-vibration manifestations as the next? Maybe you can afford to eat healthier than some. Maybe you can afford better quality medical care. Maybe you can surround yourself with high security to protect you from crime. But you are all equally vulnerable to a deadly virus for which there is no cure and inadequate supplies for treatment. Your massive amounts of military spending have not prepared you for it. Your political bickering has not prepared you for it. Your arguments over who or what God is and what He or She wants has not prepared you for it. Your building up of great personal fortunes, often at the expense of high ethical standards, has not prepared you for it. And so, continuing to focus on these things will not solve it. Nor will it make you any more prepared for other non-discriminatory manifestations that can create global upheaval.

What will solve it is calm, compassionate action. For the average person, that means distancing yourself from others to stop the spread, but it also means doing everything you can to align your consciousness with high-vibration thoughts, feelings, and actions: love, compassion, forgiveness. This is usually not what your news media is serving up. They tend to stay focused on the drama and hardship. So, we encourage you to stop paying attention. Look briefly once a day to get updates that may give you important information you need to act on but resist the temptation to get sucked into the drama and bickering. Instead, focus on the stories about people helping each other. The more you pay attention to these things, the more they will be offered to you. Make no mistake, those who make the decisions about what people are watching and reading on their screens are paying very close attention to your choices. They make money by programming that which gets a lot of attention. So vote with your attention. Vote with your clicks. Show them that you only want high-vibration content. Even the basic information you need can be programmed in a high-vibration or low-vibration way. So be very conscious of what sources you avail yourself of and how they spin the information. Watch the headlines and choose those that are at least neutral.

But perhaps even more importantly, spend this time on “pause” to really think about what you want the new normal to be. Do not doubt for a minute your awesome power of creation. Do not think that your thoughts and feelings don’t make a difference in where this planet is headed. They do. Every single one of them. If you want a normal in which something like this virus, war, devastating natural disasters, or famine cannot exist, get busy creating that world with the choices you make every day. Choose love over fear. Choose compassion over anger or ambivalence. Choose forgiveness over grudges. Choose generosity over greed. The more you do this, and the more of you who do it, the more the world around you will shift. It may happen slowly, but it doesn’t have to. Humans control the speed of this shift via the vibration of your collective consciousness. As an individual, you can begin to contribute more and more to high-vibration thoughts, feelings, and actions, and you can model them for others to adopt as well. That’s how you change things for the better in a lasting way.

This situation will pass, and you will emerge from it with a greater sense of how vulnerable each one of you is regardless of the physical trappings you have created for yourselves. But you will also emerge with more understanding of how powerful you are through the personal choices you make. And you will emerge with a greater sense of how connected you all are. You can choose to take this understanding toward a consciousness of much greater shared purpose. You can take it toward a world that craves more benevolence over more drama, and more love over more fear. A world of true equality and kindness really can be the new normal. It really can be the way the world works in the future. This is the blessing in the hardship you now face. You are on “pause” now, but soon the “play” button will be pressed again. What do you want the new story of humanity on earth to be? What role will you play in creating it? The choice will continue to be yours. Choose wisely, my friends.

We love you and honor your commitment to the journey.




Image credits: 12019

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