The Window of Awareness

You have heard it said that there is a time to every purpose under heaven. In these times of apparent confusion and upheaval, you may be wondering what is Heaven’s purpose. It seems strange to many that the systems and beliefs that have guided their lives for so many years are deteriorating. It is as though the world you once knew is crumbling before your eyes. Some are desperate to keep things the way they were, and others seem to be focused on hastening the upheaval. What is your role in all of this as a lightworker?

Ah, my friends, what a joyous time it really is for all of you. It may not seem that way, we know. But what many do not see is that the light you have all sought for so long is emerging. It is growing stronger, and it is shining more brightly. This is such good news, because it is what you have been working toward lifetime after lifetime.

The difficulty even Spiritually conscious people have in these times is that many still don’t understand the difference between thought and awareness. Awareness is the ability to perceive the goings-on of this planet with clarity. It is the ability to connect with the Truth of what is happening, free of the bias that the human mind imposes. Thought, on the other hand, is perception of objective reality through the filters of the human mind, complete with the personal beliefs that create your own subjective reality. This means you are perceiving reality through beliefs that limit your understanding of it.

Think of it like looking through a window onto a beautiful pastoral scene. There are rolling hills covered in lush green grass, a winding stream with a gentle waterfall, a couple of young deer drinking at the stream, birds flying overhead, and a picturesque old barn atop a hill in the distance. If you view this scene through a completely clean window, you can see it all vividly, and it is beautiful.

Now, what happens to your perception of this scene if the window hasn’t been washed in a while? It is still beautiful, but perhaps not as vivid. The colors are somewhat muted, and objects might even be slightly blurred.

And what if there is lots of dirt on the window—as though you recently had a rain and dust storm? Your view is more obscured. Colors are more difficult to distinguish. The stream does not stand out nearly as much. You may not be able to tell that it is indeed a barn over there on the hill, and you have a harder time identifying the deer drinking from the stream. Might they be coyotes?

Now suppose someone threw mud up against your window and let it run down, leaving dark streaks of caked-on dirt. Some light is still getting through, and if you press your face close to the window, you can see that there is something out there. But are those bears moving about? And what’s that in the sky? Are they dragons? And what’s that scary looking structure off in the distance?

Your Beliefs Limit Your Awareness

You see, friends, so many are perceiving the changes taking place on earth through a dirty window. The amount of dirt blocking your view is analogous to the number and strength of the limiting beliefs you hold about who you are and why you are here.

Any belief you hold can be limiting. We have discussed this many times before, as have others. Many Spiritual seekers are aware by now that your perception of the world around you is tainted by these beliefs. You were given an understanding of who you are, how the world works, and what your place in it is by well-meaning parents, teachers, and peers, all of whom came to their understanding of themselves by what their own mentors taught them. It has been a self-perpetuating cycle for millennia.

There was a time long in the past when the beliefs that were passed down from generation to generation were more enlightened. As a new human coming into this planet, the window that was created for you by others was naturally cleaner. This is because the collective consciousness of humanity was of a higher vibration. Because all matter is energy vibrating at a particular frequency, your ability to observe the reality of all things was inherently stronger. In other words, you were more able to perceive the Divine underpinnings of all things. You naturally had a greater awareness that the basis of all things in the 3D world is the Divine Love of God—the force that creates Universes.

But over time you lost this higher perception. The earth is a planet of free choice, and some chose to begin experimenting with lower-vibration thoughts and actions. As the Law of Attraction in action, the Universe responded with lower-vibration manifestations. Reality as you knew it gradually began to shift. The earth may have looked the same as it always had from an objective point of view, but your perception of it gradually became more limited. Lifetime after lifetime, the window through which you perceived the world became less and less clear. Eventually, you came to perceive it as a fearsome place, full of people and things that could harm you. Survival-mentality and competition among humans became the order of the day.

Way-showers incarnated at times to help you get back on track—the prophets who were able to maintain clear sight despite the limited consciousness around them. But with most viewing their teachings though a dirty window consciousness, their messages were diluted and manipulated to suit collective humanity’s ability to perceive. For example, the Buddha and Jesus both taught the importance of respecting all life. But the dominant human consciousness of the day could not cognize the Truth of that teaching because it was operating from a lower vibration set point that included some degree of fear in the mix.

Consciousness is a Continuum

As we have said, human consciousness can be viewed as a continuum, with love on one end and fear on the other. The enlightened prophets of the ages lived at the love end of the continuum, but they spoke to humans whose individual and collective consciousness was further down the spectrum toward the fear end. The amount of fear in the human consciousness is akin to the amount of dirt on the window through which you view the world. This is what causes the inability to cognize a teaching of pure Divine Love. It is what leads you to think, “Well, they say it’s wrong to kill, but surely there are times when killing is necessary. Jesus didn’t live in the modern world with the kinds of dangers we have today. Surely, He would say it is OK to kill in self-defense. Surely, He would guide us to protect our borders with armed guards.” And so on.

My friends, do you really think the world was any less of a dangerous place 2,000 years ago, or 5,000 years ago? No, humans lived with the same social pressures, border conflicts, political intrigue, and risk to life then that you have now. In fact, the daily risks were even greater than they are today. The prophets came at times of great stress and upheaval to show humans the path of love rather than fear. But the fear-based human consciousness applied filters to their teachings that qualified and distorted the message to suit reality as they perceived it through the filters of their limiting beliefs. In other words, they looked through the dirty window of their own consciousness to the lovely pasture of the teachings and said, “Those are obviously bears and dragons out there, and they’re dangerous. So of course, the prophet was not talking about them when he said I should love and respect all life.” It was the best they could do at the time.

Things are no different today, and yet they are very different. Let us explain. The collective consciousness of humanity has been slowly rising over centuries. Although your fear-based consciousness led gradually to a dumbing-down—a devolution—of consciousness (think of what you call the Dark Ages), it has been steadily climbing ever since. Yes, consciousness ebbs and flows as does all energy. There have been times even in the past century when lower consciousness spiked, creating global upheaval (World War II), and there have been spikes of great awakening (the 60s). But the overall trend of the collective consciousness has been a slow, steady movement up the continuum away from fear and toward love.

This is because even though there have always been plenty of people on earth who misperceive their True Nature and think and act from a place dominated by fear, there have been many more who embody the qualities of love—such as forgiveness and compassion. That still, small voice that leads one to consider whether it’s possible to love everyone and harm no living thing—whether it might actually be possible to live in this world as the Buddha and Jesus taught you to—has gradually gotten louder and louder. As it has, more of you have passed this awareness on to your children in the form of beliefs that are closer to the love end of the continuum, less tainted by fear.

At the same time, you have had help in the form of energies from the Higher Dimensions that you are unable to perceive through a dirty window consciousness. But they are there, nonetheless. The energy that an enlightened one like Jesus brings to the earth never leaves. It stays in the very ground you walk on and in the hearts of those who resonate with it. Together, these energies amplify each other to where they are more easily felt by others who perhaps haven’t yet crossed over into the love end of the consciousness continuum. It nudges them along over years and lifetimes, and slowly the dirt begins to fall away from their view. Lifetime after lifetime, the birds come to be recognized as birds rather than dragons, and the beauty of the grassy hills and stream is revealed.

The Evolution of Consciousness

You are evolving, my friends. All of you. It is why you are here on this planet—to find your way back to a consciousness of pure Divine Love. This is the game you agreed to play. But most of you don’t know that yet because you remain focused on the world around you. When you focus on the external world, you see people behaving out of fear, and a part of you says, “That’s how the world is.” At that point, you have developed a belief that reinforces itself. You have opted to include a degree of fear in your own understanding of who you are and what the point of human life is. You have placed a little dirt on the window, obscuring your understanding of reality.

But when you decide that living life in complete alignment with the Divine Love of God is possible and you make it your goal, everything begins to shift. Because you are operating from a higher-vibration consciousness, the lower-vibration, fear-based thoughts that clouded your vision fall away, and you start to see the world very differently. Circumstances that previously drew a fear-based response from you no longer seem so fearful. In fact, you might even find joy in them. And you find that you now have compassion and love for people you used to judge as “bad” or “dangerous”. This is because you begin to see them for who they truly are, beings of pure Divine Love, just like yourself, who are simply choosing to live from a place of fear that clouds their judgment and guides them to hurtful actions.

This is what you’re seeing so much in the world right now. It is the age-old struggle between fear and love coming to a head. The vibration of the collective consciousness of humanity has been raising for centuries—since the Dark Ages—and it has been gaining strong momentum in the past 50 years. Look at the tremendous strides that have been made in racial equality, gender equality, and sexual-orientation equality. You say, “There is a long way to go,” and you are correct. But so much progress has been made. Look at how those who have sexually abused others are being held accountable. Look at how younger generations are embracing diversity and inclusion—standing up for treating each other and the planet with respect and love. There is so much evidence, my friends. Light is winning, and momentum is increasing.

Love Strengthens Your Awareness

Your greatest challenge as a human being living on the planet today is to be aware that you are not seeing things through a completely clean window. If you are attached to anything that exists in 3D reality—a belief about the world, an object, a place, a set of conditions that you feel must exist in order for you to be happy—your vision is obscured. If you judge any circumstance to be good or bad, your vision is obscured. If you harbor any ill feelings toward another, your vision is obscured.

This is very difficult for most people to grasp because your frame of reference for all things in your physical world is all the things you have known. In other words, you have only known the world as viewed through a dirty window. So, if you’re convinced that those are bears drinking from the stream or dragons flying overhead, and someone comes along and says, “No, those are deer and birds”, your belief is what you rely on. It’s pure logic. “I know those are bears. That’s what they have always been, and everyone I know who looks through this window with me agrees they are bears.” You’re convinced that your perception is accurate because you can’t see the dirt on the window. You’re so used to it that it’s invisible to you.

Friends, your perception of reality is indeed obscured. This is true of almost every human alive today. There are a few who already see with the clarity of vision that Jesus, the Buddha, and many other enlightened ones saw with. Most of you do not yet have that clarity. But guess what? It’s why you are here. That is the meaning of human life, my friends. It is to gain the clarity of vision that the enlightened ones have—to embody in your human vessel the pure Divine Love that you all are when not in the physical body. It is to bring Heaven down to earth in your own life and then model it for others to speed them along on their own path to awakening.

How do you do it? By keeping this understanding at the forefront of your consciousness. If you are feeling anything other than love in any circumstance, there is another choice available to you. Get quiet for a moment and ask to be filled with the Divine Love of God. Ask to be shown the Divine Truth of what is before you. Ask for strength to persevere in this endeavor even when it seems like the world around you does not value a more enlightened perspective—when others are reacting out of fear rather than love. Ask for the strength to model brilliant love in the face of the darkest fear.

Ask and it will be given. Knock and the door will be opened unto you. Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else will be added. These are the Truths that were given to you by enlightened prophets of the past. And they were entirely correct! The challenge each human faces is whether you choose to believe and act upon these Truths. But it is our absolute promise to you that if you do so, the Truth of who you really are will emerge. Consciousness expansion is a self-perpetuating phenomenon that grows exponentially. As your consciousness reaches higher vibrations, new levels of understanding are revealed, and your capacity for feeling and expressing love expands—like a train that just keeps gathering speed as it races up a mountainside. And at the same time, your vision of everything around you becomes clearer. People and circumstances that once bothered you no longer do because you are seeing them through a window of love rather than fear.

Friends, fearsome circumstances do not exist in the objective reality of Divine Love. They simply don’t exist. There are only deer and birds and lush green hills. Fearsome things only exist through the limited perception of human consciousness in the 3D world. If you think there is anything that threatens you in this life—anything that you should fear—you are seeing the world through a dirty window of limited belief. It’s that simple.

Put this awareness to the test. But don’t expect your vision to become clear overnight. Most have limiting beliefs they are not even aware of, and as your consciousness and capacity for love expand, more of them may surface. But remain committed to the journey and you will gradually see your vision clear. When that happens, notice how much more joyful you feel. And we mean lasting joy—not the temporary joy you experience by getting something you want or having a peak experience. We’re talking about being joyful all the time.

Doesn’t that sound good? Keep at it, friends. Fear not and love always. That is your purpose in these times. Ask to be filled with love and watch your vision clear. It’s as simple as that.



Image credit: EvgeniT