The Truth about Healing

We wish to speak today about healing. You are all in the process of healing some aspect of yourself. You are all in a state of becoming that which you know yourself to be on an unconscious level. You are becoming that which you were born into this body to realize—the part of you that knows no limitation, no boundaries.

How does this relate to healing? Humans tend to think of healing as fixing a part of you that you see as broken. That may be a physical aspect, such as a wound on your body or a virus within it. It may be emotional, such as a past trauma that continues to come forth in your psyche and pull you off center. It may be financial—recovering from an unexpected loss (which is also emotional). It may have to do with a relationship—growing back into a state of openness, respect or kindness with another person after a falling out. And there are many other forms of healing.

Healing is Returning to Wholeness

You know when some aspect of your life needs healing because you can feel the disconnection from Source that your current situation causes. You feel physical pain and/or emotional distress. Your thoughts become aligned with the “problem” in your life. Then your emotions align with your thoughts, and you feel things like:

  • Anger about having to experience the pain
  • Longing for the pain to go away
  • Confusion over which option(s) to choose that to make it go away
  • Regret over choices you made that contributed to the pain
  • Fear about how your current situation will impact your future

All of this is perfectly understandable from a 3D perspective. But what we want you to know is that you are so much bigger than 3D. The challenge of the human experience is to find your way back to an understanding of this Truth. Your path is to rediscover your Divinity—your wholeness. Did you know that the origin of the word “heal” is synonymous with “whole”? To heal is to become whole again.

Any pain you are experiencing is the result of not realizing your innate wholeness as a Divine Being. It is the result of not truly understanding and believing how magnificent you really are. Most of you who have been on a Spiritual journey for some time have heard this before, but do you really know what it means? If you look in the mirror and say, “I am magnificent”, do you really understand the profundity of this statement? Most do not, and because the deep significance of the statement is lost on you, your belief in the Truth of it is not yet unshakable.

Try this right now if you can. Get up, go to a mirror, look into your own eyes, and say with conviction, “I am magnificent!” How does that feel? Do you know in the depths of your heart that you are indeed magnificent? Does every cell of your body tingle with excitement as you say it? Do you feel your soul crying out, “Yes! It is True! It is absolutely True!”? Or does it make you a little uncomfortable? Or a lot uncomfortable? Do you cringe or squirm a little bit? Try it again and watch how your body reacts. Do you need to shift or sway a bit? Maybe clear your throat or look away?

These may all seem like insignificant things, but they are not. They are pointers to where your personal Truth lies. Until you can you hold your own gaze and state “I am magnificent!” repeatedly without shuffling, shifting, looking away, or even so much as sniffing, you know there is some belief about yourself that is keeping you from fully embracing the Truth of your magnificence. And that, friends, is the root of all dis-ease.

Dis-ease is the Absence of Wholeness

Let’s talk about “dis-ease”. If you are listening to this message, what you don’t see is that the word is hyphenated between the syllables. We do this to shift your thinking about what the word means. Any dis-ease is simply the absence of ease. You have evolved the word in your own thinking to mean a severe physical ailment. That is certainly one example. But so is a mild physical ailment, such as a common cold or a sore ankle. And so is an emotional ailment, such as sadness over the death of a loved one, regret over a financial decision that did not bring the desired results, shame over treating somebody poorly, or fear about the future. All these situations take away some of your feeling of joy and centeredness—your feeling of ease. And thus, they all represent dis-ease.

What, then, is the effect of applying that term to just the life-threatening conditions like cancer? It leads you to tolerate the seemingly smaller situations: the day-to-day fears, the headache, the niggling worry. You don’t like any of them, but you put up with them because they seem to be a necessary part of the human experience. Plus, you have many quick fixes that help you shift out of the immediate pain: a pill for the headache, a therapy session to process your emotions, an intoxicant to make you feel more free for a while, or the purchase of something you desire to bring you temporary joy.

We are not saying there is anything wrong with any of the above. In fact, anything you do to raise your vibration away from the negative emotions associated with fear (anger, shame, sadness, regret) and toward those associated with love (joy, compassion, hope, acceptance) is a good thing, as long as it doesn’t harm yourself or another. And you are fortunate to live in an age in which there are many wonderful therapies, both physical and emotional, that can help you make lasting shifts. The point we want to make is that any therapy you choose is incomplete if it does not help you get to a place where you can look yourself in the eye, affirm your magnificence, and feel it’s Truth beyond the shadow of a doubt. Anything other than that means there is space in your life for dis-ease, and that means you will continue to experience a lack of ease in some way.

Take a moment to pause and get in touch with how you are feeling right now as you read or hear the words, “I am magnificent.” Just pause and breathe for a moment as you ponder them. What comes up? Does your mind go to all the reasons why it’s not true? Do you find yourself feeling guilt, shame, or worry because you’re afraid it’s your ego talking? Maybe your religion taught you that you are a sinner, and that to state your magnificence will draw the wrath of God?

Or maybe it’s not as severe as that. Maybe you feel something more along the lines of, “Well I don’t know if that’s true, but I’m doing OK. I’m in pretty good health overall and have a nice family and enough money to feel comfortable. So I get a headache every now and again, and I live with moderate knee pain. And sometimes I argue with people because we see things differently. And, sure, sometimes I feel regret that I didn’t choose a different career. But that’s all just a part of life.”

It is indeed a part of human life to experience the milder forms of dis-ease. Our question is whether you are using them for their intended purpose—to point you to the understanding—the complete and total understanding—that you are a magnificent Being of God.  If you believe yourself to be anything other than that, then you are accepting dis-ease into your experience. Stated another way, you have decided to remain less than whole.

Again, you may say, “What’s the big deal? People cause each other pain sometimes, and people get sick. It’s just what happens.” Yes, it is, but we’re telling you that it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, you are here on the planet right now to help create the collective shift in consciousness that results in higher and higher beliefs about what is normal for the human experience. You accept a certain degree of dis-ease as normal and tolerable because it’s what you all currently know and agree to. But the goal of this whole human experience that you have chosen again and again, lifetime after lifetime, is to move the collective consciousness ever forward. The reason you are playing this game is to help push the collective consciousness away from fear and toward love.

Divine Love is the Foundation of Healing

When you align your consciousness more and more with the Divine Love of God that you truly are—when you align with your magnificence—you are aligning with greater and greater ease, because that’s what the Divine Love of God feels like. In fact, it feels like an ease you have never felt before in the physical body. And because you have not yet felt it, many of you are not sure what you are striving toward. That’s why you look to the 3D world to make sense of it for you. Ironically, because the 3D world does not comprehend the Divine Love of God, it cannot model for you that which you are truly seeking. And so, you get caught up in a cycle of self-limitation. A certain degree of dis-ease becomes acceptable. A certain lack of magnificence is standard. A certain comfort with the undesirable aspects of the status quo becomes, “just the way things are.”

If you’re fortunate, you’re able to keep enough joy in your life to make your dis-ease tolerable. You manage to steer clear of the life-threatening conditions and the deeply traumatic experiences. And yet, there is still so much more available to you. So much more joy to be had. So much more ease of experience. So much more acceptance and compassion and love to be felt. That is what we want all humans to understand. Whether you are dealing with a major challenge to your health and well-being, or just a low level of discomfort about one or more issues, it is all dis-ease, and you are worthy of healing all of it.

Have you noticed that major health challenges don’t just show up overnight? That’s because the little things that are easy to dismiss as “part of life” or “how things work” gradually grow into the bigger issues. Don’t take that information and go into fear about it. Don’t compound the worry you feel today with more worry that it’s going to give you cancer tomorrow. That’s not a hard and fast truth because there are so many variables at play—too many to go into here. But also, do not simply accept as normal any dis-ease you feel. All dis-ease exists to help you understand that you have chosen beliefs that separate you from fully embracing your innate Divinity. It means you have accepted the belief that you are somehow separate from the Heart of God. Therefore, be appreciative of the message that the dis-ease is sending you. Don’t dismiss it as “part of life”. Instead, see it as reminder that you have work to do to bring yourself more into alignment with the Divine Love of God, which is your True Nature.

Practice Allowing Healing

As you become aware of your dis-ease, be still, breathe, and ask to be filled with the Divine Love of God. It’s always there, and you can never be separated from It. So, by asking to be filled with God’s love, you remind yourself to bring your knowing of this Truth back to the forefront of your consciousness. And in that state of higher consciousness, greater ease returns, regardless of the current circumstances of your life.

We encourage you to practice making this shift as often as you can throughout your day. When you notice yourself experiencing a lack of ease in any form, acknowledge it as an opportunity to shift your understanding of who you really are—how magnificent you really are. Then affirm your magnificence with conviction. The more you do this, the more ease you will feel, and the more your beliefs about how the world works will begin to evolve. When you make space for your true magnificence to emerge and give yourself permission to believe in it, higher Truths begin to reveal themselves. Your very understanding of what ease is then evolves, and you begin to expect more and more of it. Then, lo and behold, more and more ease manifests in all aspects of your life.

That is what healing is, friends. It is a shift in consciousness that puts you in alignment with your True Divine Nature—your innate wholeness that waits to be discovered in your 3D experience. It isn’t just about getting rid of this physical ailment or that emotional pain. It is about aligning completely with your Source. As such, you are all in a state of healing. Don’t think you aren’t simply because everything seems to be going OK. Unless you can look yourself in the eye and state “I am magnificent!” without any twinge of feeling that it isn’t true, then you have healing to do.

At the same time, please do not interpret these words to mean you are broken. If you feel that way, it is also only a belief. Just take your feeling of dis-ease as a happy reminder to invite the Divine Love of God into your life. Do it every moment you feel out of sorts in any way. Be still and allow the Divine Love of God to fill you up. Do it daily, hourly, or every minute if that’s how often dis-ease shows up. Then go forth knowing that the infinite healing power of Divine Love is working in your life. You don’t have to know how it works—only that it does. So have faith that you are indeed healing and watch how greater and greater ease begins to show up. Watch how the barriers to your understanding fall away.



Image credit: Glady