Lessons from Gaia

We wish to speak more about the opportunity facing your planet with the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, and we will do so via a discussion of your earth, Gaia. Let’s examine who she is and the nature of your relationship with her. Gaia is alive, you know. You say, “Well of course—just look at the life all around us. The trees, flowers, grass, and even the rushing rivers and ocean tides seem to move with an animate force of life. Nothing new there.” But we want you to go deeper in your understanding of what “alive” means. Gaia is sentient. That is, she has a consciousness same as you. In fact, your consciousnesses are linked.

There are many things in the natural world that amaze and inspire you. You seek them in your times of need for relaxation and renewal—the mountains, the oceans, the rivers, the places of warmth and bright sunshine. These places bring you comfort and a feeling of being settled. They enable you to drop the mundane aspects of your life—those that often cause you stress—and bring you back to a feeling of centeredness, a feeling of connection to something greater. You leave feeling more hope and less fear.

Almost every human on the planet has a desire for this connection, this restoration. But most do not fully understand what is taking place in these moments of clarity and rejuvenation. You simply have come to rely on the experience as a predictable way to feel better. But it is time for a greater awakening on this planet to what your connection with Gaia is truly all about.

The Human-Gaia Connection

The “you” who transcends the confines of your physical body—your Higher Self—is not separate from the entity that manifests as the physical planet you call earth. The entity is Gaia. You are connected in Spirit in very profound ways that you intentionally choose to forget when you enter the earth plane. But when you go to those places of physical beauty and connect with the tremendous energy that is there, you reconnect with the knowing that you are much bigger than anything on the planet.

Gaia knows this already, and she never forgets it. It is her duty and her great pleasure to support you in your awakening to the Truth of who you are. But in your busy world, most humans rarely make time for this connection. Often you wait until things become overwhelming. Then you say, “I just have to get away from it all.” You think you are seeking relaxation, but you are really seeking a reunion with your Higher Self. And Gaia is pleased to remind you. When you sit by the ocean or gaze at the mountains or even just lie on the grass, you are giving permission for Gaia to whisper to you, “Remember who you are. Remember.”

Isn’t that a beautiful gift of service? But there is much more. Gaia also provides you with everything you need to exist in the human body—food, water, air, the materials to create shelter, and organic compounds that assist in the healing of your body. As complex and seemingly sophisticated as life has become in modern times, these are in fact the only things you need to stay alive and healthy and be in relationship with each other. And at the heart of it, they are the only things you truly want as Spiritual beings.

Think about it for a moment. When you feel like the pressures of the world you have created for yourselves are too much to bear, you intentionally seek places where nothing stands between you and a direct connection to Gaia. You do this, because you inherently know that all you ever need in the physical is available to you in those places that humans have left untouched. (Well, mostly untouched.) What does that tell you about who you are, what the earth is, and what your relationship might be?

Gaia is your Teacher

Let’s take it deeper, now. The earth is constantly creating. Constantly. Look no further than your backyard garden. You plant a seed and almost miraculously it grows into a plant that can yield large amounts of food. Or you plant another kind of seed and it grows into a massive tree. Or you scatter some grass seeds and before you know it you have a lush lawn that will soon grow tall and spread all over the place if you let it. Trim a hedge, and before long you must do it again. Prune a rose bush, and in a short while it will yield many new blossoms. This evidence of the unceasing stream of creation is all around you all the time. Even if you live in a city where the ground has been paved over with asphalt and concrete, look at the cracks in the sidewalk and you will notice little tufts of grass and weeds popping up through them. Sometimes a small tree even finds its way through. The significance of this is completely lost on most humans because you’re focused on getting to your next appointment or whatever your priority may be. But every now and then, you can intentionally stop and seek a deeper connection no matter where you are. Look down and you will see evidence of this constant flow of creative life force.

You have heard it said by mystics and tree huggers that every blade of grass contains the secrets of the Universe. Poets have written that the beauty of a single flower contains all the wisdom you need to know in life. Most humans enjoy these reflections on nature but take it no further. What we want you to know is that these are not just idle musings on beauty. They are, in fact, Universal Truths that provide doorways to greater consciousness if you choose to see them as such and believe in the possibilities they hold for you. In fact, the earth, Gaia, can be your greatest teacher as a seeker of Truth if you choose to recognize her for what she is and allow her to guide you.

Most of you who have already spent some time in the pursuit of Spiritual awakening know about the law of attraction and the principles of co-creation. You likely have already heard of the field—the multidimensional energetic place in which all potentialities exist and from which all physical matter arises. This field is commensurate with the energetic life force that underpins all of creation. You probably have also come to know that you are a co-creator with All That Is, and that you can bring forth into physical experience those things you desire—objects, people, and experiences. The creative process involves you using the power of your thought to draw forth from the field that which you seek. Every thought you think is creating. If you hold a thought long enough, with the full power of your intention and BELIEF that you can have what you seek, it will indeed manifest. It must do so because that is the law. The field is a constantly flowing stream of creative life force, and you get to choose what to do with it. And you can do absolutely anything with it. But if you desire something without embodying the BELIEF that you can have it, or if you go back and forth in your mind about whether you actually want it, or if you feel that you don’t deserve it, or if you fear how your world might change if you get what you want, you are limiting the ability of that desire to take form. This is why so many experience mixed results when they consciously work with law of attraction. The mind and the emotions often get in the way of the manifestation.

With that in mind, let us return to the understanding that you and Gaia are no different when seen from the perspective of the Higher Self that transcends the limited 4D human experience. You choose to put on the mantle of a human being on earth and play the game of co-creation with the end goal of realizing that there truly is no separation—that you and every human, and indeed all life on the planet, are a part of all that is. You choose to embody and play this game, and Gaia is your partner. She is sentient—meaning she has consciousness and the ability to control her own destiny—same as you.

But what is most important is that Gaia is the perfect model for manifestation. She is the greatest teacher you will ever have while embodied in this lifetime or any other. Gaia is constantly channeling the creative life force from the field into all the magnificent manifestations of natural beauty that you see around you. But she doesn’t do it alone. She does it in complete synchronicity with countless numbers of other entities—elementals—that take the form of the flower, the leaf, and the blade of grass. These entities are also sentient, same as you, but they are multi-dimensional. What does that mean? It means that while they have an appearance in the 4D world that you perceive with your eyes, they never lose their connection to the higher dimensions from which they emanate. That is why they appear to emerge out of nothing. It is the intention of the entity that chooses to be a flower, working in complete synchronicity with Gaia—who is the master channeler of the creative energy of the field—that cocreates the flower you admire.

Pause, take a deep breath, and sit with that for a moment. The flower is not just a random occurrence, it is an entity that is using the law of attraction to cocreate the physical form that you perceive as a flower with your physical eyes. Likewise, the blade of grass is an intentional manifestation shared between Gaia and the elemental entity that intends to manifest as grass. Together they draw upon the creative life force and manifest what you see with your physical eyes.

Gaia, then is the great channeler of creative life force. She never stops manifesting. That is why the grass will find its way through the cracks in the sidewalk. She simply never stops flowing the life force that exists in the field into all the marvelous creations that the entities of the elemental kingdom choose to become. And it’s all for you, dear humans. It’s all here to support you in your awakening to who you really are. They do it all to provide you with the materials you need to sustain yourself in the physical and to inspire you to seek the Truth of who you are beyond the physical. Your innate understanding of this is why you all want a home with a view and a vacation in Hawaii as often as you can get it.

Ask Gaia to Guide You

So how does all this relate to the current challenges humans are experiencing as a result of the COVID-19 coronavirus? Viruses are also part of the creation of the planet—and in the natural world they serve very important roles in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem that exists to support human life so you can continue to play the game of awakening. But humans have also evolved your ability to manipulate the creations of the natural world, and that ability has been used to create this particular virus. Those who created it did not intend for it to be released out into your world, but it has been released nonetheless, and now it is forcing you to shut everything down.

As we have said, this will pass with time and the continued efforts of humanity to limit your direct contact with one another. But that’s not our main point. The point we want to make is that never has there been a better time to reconnect with Gaia and explore the possibilities of co-creation together. Most of you are being forced out of your normal reality of rushing about, trying to get it all done, and then distracting yourselves later to relax. You are getting a forced timeout. And as a result, so is Gaia. Your news reports have already shown how the global shutdown has led to much cleaner air and water, as well as a quieting of seismic activity. Gaia is getting a breather, too. And the two of you together can now reconnect in ways that will enable you to learn her secrets of manifestation.

Before long, the world will start getting busier again. In the time you have left before that happens, we encourage you to do whatever you can to consciously connect with Gaia. Don’t worry that most parks and beaches are closed—you don’t need them. If you have a yard, go out into it and sit directly on the ground, or sit in a chair with your shoes off and your feet touching the ground, and just be still. Focus on your breath until you feel calm and centered and ask Gaia to teach you how to manifest. Ask her, in whatever words feel appropriate to you, to show you how to channel the life force of the field of unmanifest potential into creations that will benefit not just you but the entire planet. Then sit and breathe, without any expectation about what happens next. It may appear that nothing happens at all. But we assure you that you will have opened a door to new possibilities in your life.

You see, the secret of Gaia’s ability to manifest is that she does it completely from her heart. There is no human mind at work with all its fears, judgments, and pre-conceived ideas about how things must be. Gaia has no point of view on anything of human creation—she simply directs the life force energy of the field through her heart-based desire to be of service to all of creation. That is all she does. And the results speak for themselves, do they not? If you were to completely abandon one of your big cities, it would become overgrown with plant life in a relatively short period of time. Plants would start to push up through the cracks in your paved surfaces, and even take root on top of them. In a few decades, the city would be unrecognizable. In a few centuries, you would not know a city was ever there.

This is your guide for manifestation, especially in these trying times. Use the stillness that has been thrust upon you to look at Gaia with new eyes and see how she constantly manifests beauty for the higher role she has agreed to play in support of human evolution. Ask her to connect with you deeply and show you how to manifest, through your own heart, that which will benefit humanity. Then watch what thoughts and inspirations come to you in the days ahead. They may be different than anything you have previously known. You may be inspired to take action that never occurred to you before. And you may just feel a greater sense of ease amid the global turmoil. But by allowing it, you are setting yourself up for the manifestation of new things that will serve not just you, but all of humanity.

If you live in a place that does not provide easy access to a patch of grass—like a high-rise building in the heart of the city—go to the Internet or a book and find a picture of your favorite beach or mountainside, or even just an image of a lovely meadow. Sit and gaze at it, feeling into the energy of that location, and then ask Gaia to teach you. You don’t need to be there physically. Remember, you and Gaia are connected in the nonphysical. And through that connection and your conscious intent, you can connect with the energy of Gaia anytime you want from anywhere you are. Know this and know that it is her complete delight when you do so.

We seek to help all humanity realize that you are much more than the physical body and the experiences it desires. Gaia seeks to help you realize that, as well. She is the most prolific teacher you will ever have, and the evidence is all around you. Make the most of this opportunity to connect with her. It will help you to weather this challenging time with greater ease and grace, and it will supercharge humanity’s ability to manifest many new wonderful things that will more rapidly advance your collective ascension once your suspended activities resume.

Fear not, for you have help. Believe this and put it to the test.

We wish you all many blessings on this next step in your evolution.



Image credits: Sinousxl