Love, Fear & the Gaia Connection

There have been times on this planet that have been quite fearsome for humanity—periods of global war and upheaval. And there have been times of relative calm and ease. The planet is now in a period of turmoil, and that has many people frightened. For most, it is a fear that they will not get what they want or that someone wants to take what they have or keep them from attaining the life they desire. This fear-based consciousness is all over the planet right now.

We have spoken many times before about how fear is the opposite of love. They sit at two ends of a continuum. The current global events in politics, government, public health, and the global economy are all contributing to the fear. And this is amplifying the fears of even those who are used to feeling much joy, love, and compassion. The uncertainty over the upcoming elections in the United States and what the outcome means for that nation, and indeed for the world, has even the most optimistic souls in a state of heightened anxiety. Where will it all go? How will this play out for humanity?

If you feel yourself becoming anxious just reading these words, take a deep breath. Take several. Breathe, and center your energy in your heart. Stay with that until you feel calmer and more relaxed.

The Divine Appointment

There are some things all of humanity needs to know now more than ever. First, everything that is happening in your world is right on time and by Divine appointment. That does not mean the entity that embodied as Donald Trump was predestined to be the President of the United States. Nobody is predestined to be or do anything because you all have free choice. We have spoken of this many times before.

But the entity that you know as Donald Trump came into this embodiment with the potential for being the man that he is at the time that he is. At any point along the way he could have made other choices that would have taken him down a completely different path. Can you imagine Donald Trump as a wealthy businessman who set the standard for kindness, ethical behavior and generosity? It was entirely possible, and it still is. The fact that he made choices that led him to become the man that he is today was based on the exercise of his free will in response to the circumstances he was presented with and the models for behavior that he was given.

This is true of every human on the planet. You are presented with circumstances and models that represent choice for you, and you have at every moment the opportunity to make choices that lead you more toward love and away from fear. Donald Trump has chosen fear over love in most cases, and that has made him who he is.

And yet, there are so many in the United States, and on the planet, who resonate with the energy he represents. That is what has made him the influential catalyst that he is at this time of great change on earth.

Gaia is Ascending

As many of you know, the earth is ascending into the frequencies of the higher dimensions. That is the significance of the year 2012. The planet and all its inhabitants entered a new era of personal and planetary evolution in that year. You did so via your own free will as a human race. Enough of humanity desired strongly to move toward love and away from fear, and because of that you were granted the dispensation to collectively ascend. The significance of this should not be lost on anyone. There are no words in your languages to describe how incredibly important it is on a Universal scale. All of Creation is paying attention at some level and is incredibly pleased.

But with this dispensation comes responsibility. When not in the 4D human experience, you all know that you have tremendous responsibility when you embody on the planet. You come in with the desire and conviction to seek love, to embody love, and to model love to others. Then you embody, experience the veil that separates humanity from the higher dimensions—including your higher self that continues to dwell beyond the veil—and your life’s work then becomes finding your way back. That is why you are here.

As we explained in our last message, Life is never about the business of living—having a career, raising a family, acquiring things and experiences. These are all elements of the playing field, but they are not the object of the game. The object is to realize that you are God. All of you. Not a single person on the planet today is anything less than the Divine Love of God. You only think that you are because of the veil of separation.

It is quite like being an actor on stage or screen. An actor will don the make-up and costume, adopt mannerisms that are not their own, perhaps speak in an accent, and immerse themselves in the experience of being someone else for a while. If they are good at it, the audience will be completely lost in the belief that this person is indeed someone else. The actor may even find themselves continuing to express certain traits of the character off stage. But it is still just a character that the actor decided to play. It is not who they really are.

That is the model of human existence as best as we can describe it, friends. You all truly are actors playing a role. You are doing this, and so are all the people who support the “other side” of the political spectrum—be they politicians or voters. You are all actors in a great play that you eagerly auditioned for and gladly accepted a role in.

You passed the marker of 2012 and the earth—Gaia—began her ascension into the higher dimensions. What does that mean? It means that the veil is becoming thinner and will continue to do so. That is the Universally significant event that has captured the attention of conscious life in galaxies distant beyond your comprehension. It is a rare event. It is a sacred event. And you are all here not just observing it, but actively playing a role in making it happen. You, dear human, are creating the ascension of this planet. That means you are laying the foundation for a highly evolved humanity that will inhabit the planet for eons to come. Isn’t that exciting?!

But you look at the world around you and you say, “How can this be? We seem to be going backwards, and rather quickly. Everything is in turmoil. Humans are being so hurtful to each other now. And we no longer have a definitive source of truth that we can trust—not the government, not the media, perhaps not even our own neighbors.”

Well, what do you know about hardship in your personal life? You have all experienced it. Perhaps it was a romantic relationship that went away before you were ready. Perhaps it was the loss of a job you liked. Perhaps it was the death of someone who’s companionship you cherished and who you thought would always be there for you.

Think for a moment about whatever significant hardship you experienced and ask yourself what you learned through it. Do you know yourself better as a result? Do you feel closer to your true self—your Divinity—for having suffered the pain of heartbreak or disillusionment? Most would say they do. Most would say, “While I hope to never endure that pain again, I’m a better person for having experienced and learned from it.” Does it not make sense, then, that the upheaval your planet is experiencing now is leading to a similar perspective, but on a much broader scale?

Challenge Creates New Perspective

This is difficult for many to hear, but you chose this experience of planetary upheaval. You knew before you embodied that if you passed the marker of 2012, you would start to see the breakdown of so many structures and beliefs that defined your experience up to that point. You were excited about it. The part of you that remains on the other side of the veil still is excited about it because It remains separate from the challenges that come with being immersed in the 4D illusion. And It is cheering you on to keep going despite the challenges.

You see, global challenge of some type or another is necessary to propel the ascension of the planet. The ascension cannot continue to happen without the free will choices that humans make daily. You must want to continue to move closer to love and further from fear as your dominant vibration.

But you do not easily come to that on your own, dear humans. You love your family, friends, and pets, but few can say they have tremendous love for all humanity. Few can say they love the neighbor who has a sign in their yard promoting the candidate you oppose in the same way that they love their children, spouse, or even their dog. It’s easy enough to intellectually approach the concept of love for everyone, but much more difficult to truly embody that love when you are so focused on what divides you.

And that is why global hardship is part of the process of ascension. Like the failed marriage or lost job that catapults you to a greater understanding of who you truly are and what matters most in life, the failure of political and social institutions that so defined your world in the past are a spring board to accelerate humanity’s collective realization of who you are and what’s important as a human race. When you achieve that level of realization, you will begin to see more clearly who you truly are as an energetic Being of Light.

To put this another way, achieving the perspectives that will lead the family of humanity to always choose love over fear on a global scale are most easily achieved through the breakdown of the structures and beliefs by which you currently define yourself. If you have a career that is a primary piece of your human identity and then that career goes away for whatever reason, you are left to ponder, “If I am not this, than who am I?” The moment you ask that question, your Higher Self jumps for joy because It knows you are beginning to seek It. That is the blessing in the hardship.

Similarly, if humanity sees the institutions and beliefs that define current existence crumbing before your eyes, you collectively begin to ask, “If we are not this, then who are we?” When you do this, there are countless benevolent entities on the other side of the veil who spring into action to help you find the answer. But they will not act until you ask. And you will not ask as long as the current state of the world provides you an acceptable level of comfort with the way things are.

So, you see, that is why the turmoil is important and honored. The planet cannot ascend if humanity does not choose it. And humanity will not choose it unless the old structures and paradigms of belief fall away and you experience some disillusionment in the process that causes you to ask, “What else is possible?”

Love Yourself, Love Your Neighbor

Now, let’s get back to the current political and social climate in the United States. If you can see it as necessary to wake humanity up and start seeking answers to the question of “Who are we really?”, then that is half the battle. The other half is to remain detached from how the turmoil shows up or who is the catalyst. In the US, your catalyst right now is Donald Trump. As we have explained, this was not necessarily his destiny. Had he not made the choices he did, he would not be in the position he is in. But his choices made him the ideal catalyst at this time. Were it not him, there would be another because that is what is necessary to accelerate the planet’s ascension that you all agreed to help facilitate.

But here is something to think about: Is the turmoil you are experiencing right now preferable to other options? Those who remember the horrors of World War II might have a different perspective on that than someone who has only known times of relative peace. Planetary hardship can and has come in many forms. What you are experiencing right now is not nearly as bad as other times of hardship on this planet, both in your recorded history and beyond.

So how do you get through this hardship and onto the higher perspective and enlightened choices that the hardship is propelling humanity toward? It’s simple, and you’ve had the model in front of you your entire life in the form of the enlightened ones who have walked the planet—the ones you now worship. You simply practice feeling love for all of creation, including those who you might see as enemies, or who see you as an enemy. That’s all there is to it.

We have said it many times before, and so have the enlightened ones you worship. “Love your neighbor as yourself” is the only instruction you ever really need. The challenge comes in loving yourself enough that you can also love the neighbor who has the other candidate’s sign in their yard. So much about human existence at this time seems to stack the deck against self-love. But it is the love of self that will open your heart wide enough to allow the flow of love to anyone who opposes you. This is indeed your goal, whether you are conscious of it or not.

When you can flow the Divine Love of God to all humanity, regardless of outward appearances—how they believe or act or even how they may treat you—that is when your personal transformation takes off like a rocket. That is when you ascend in your own consciousness to the higher dimensions. And that is when you can affect the vibration of others simply by being who you are. It is what accelerates the ascension of the planet and causes the old paradigms of separation and combat to fall away quickly.

Yes, there are those on the planet today who do not want the old paradigms to go away. There are those who are making a concerted effort to keep the old in place, and they are doing it by inciting division. They may appear to have control over things. But the structures and paradigms they control are of a low-vibration. Meanwhile, the vibration of earth has already risen to a point where those structures and paradigms are crumbling beneath their feet to make way for the new.

The best thing you can do to quicken the pace of positive change is to love your neighbor as yourself, regardless of outward appearances. So, if you don’t love yourself, start there. Every time you look in the mirror, tell yourself how much you love yourself. Mean it and feel it deeply. Once you can look yourself in the eye and say, “I love you!” and truly mean it, then focus on your neighbor.  Love that neighbor as much as you love yourself. Feel it and mean it. Even if he thumbs his nose at you as he walks down the street, love him with all your heart. That is how he will eventually come to match your own higher vibration and become another catalyst for hastening Gaia’s ascension. It is through your love of self and others that you become a lighthouse for others to find their own path to ascension. And it is how they become lighthouses for others. When enough of humanity does this, the low-vibration, fear-based beliefs and behaviors will fall away very quickly.

This is why you are here. It is the role you auditioned for and gratefully accepted. Are you delivering your best performance every day, or are you just going through the motions and reacting to whatever the old structures present you with? Are you in command of your thoughts, feelings, and choices, or are you allowing yourself to be manipulated by the old energy that seeks to keep you in division and fear?

These are the questions to ask yourself at this especially important time on the planet. Ponder them.

But more importantly, love yourself. And then love your neighbor unconditionally. No matter what happens in the coming weeks, love your neighbor as you love yourself. Stay alert and be aware that you always have a choice of what you think and feel. Nobody can take that from you. Please see your thoughts and emotions as currency more valuable than gold and spend them very wisely.

We wish you blessings on your journey.



Image credit:  Lumina Obscura