The Great Awakening

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We wish to speak about the Great Awakening taking place on earth and all that is possible when you allow Spirit to come through. In Truth, Spirit is always coming through, but just as with your stereo or phone, the volume must be turned up for you to be able to hear the guidance being broadcast.

Much of humanity is walking around with the volume down on your “Spirit channel” and the volume up on the myriad other channels present on the earth plane. We understand that. The apparent “reality” of the earth plane causes humanity much confusion about who you are, why you are here, how to behave, what is the “best” use of your time while on the planet, and what is truly possible.

As we have said, none of what you focus on is inherently wrong. God doesn’t have specific plans for you other than that you live with an open heart. But so much of what humanity focuses on is what we would call closed-hearted fear. This vibration turns the volume of Spirit way down. Thus, you move about your lives without being aware of how much higher guidance is constantly available to you. You allow yourselves to be limited by the fear that you’re not enough, that you’re not living correctly, that you have disappointed or hurt others, that you are not worthy of love, and so on.

Earth is Receiving Higher Frequencies of Divine Love

We have said many times before that fear is the opposite of love, and we have said that love is all you truly are. This is not new information. But what is new is the strength of the energy of Divine Love available to you now at this very point in the earth’s long history. Humanity is receiving this energy from the very center of the Universe. Quite literally, everything on the earth plane at this time is being showered with an amplified and intensified frequency of Divine Love. As a result, the resonant frequency of all matter is being quickened.

Even more important, this energy resonates with dormant energies within your very DNA, unlocking the potential to raise your own vibration and illuminate your world in every moment. Yes, everything on earth is being illuminated by high frequencies of Divine Love. When you hear about the apparent increase in darkness on the planet, know that the darkness is not increasing. Rather, darkness is being illuminated by higher frequencies of light. Yes, darkness is actually receding on earth. There is less of it than there was 10 years ago, 100 years ago, and 1,000 years ago. The difference today is that the darkness is very visible.

Here’s a fun illustration: Imagine there are 100 excited dogs in a room, and they are all running amok, barking, howling, and chasing each other. And imagine you are looking into that room through a window, but it is dark in there except for a small spotlight that illuminates five dogs. You might think, “Interesting—there are five dogs in there chasing each other.” It doesn’t seem concerning because you can only see a very small part of what is really going on in that room.

Let’s say next door there is another room with 50 dogs in it who are also running about and causing all sorts of mayhem. This room is very well lit, so you can see all the dogs at once through the window. The site of 50 dogs running amok makes this room seem way more chaotic than the first, and perhaps even a bit frightening. The first room, however, has twice as much chaos in it. You simply can’t see it all, so you assume the second room is the more concerning of the two. This is an apt analogy for the dark and light quotient on the planet at this time. There is less darkness than there has been in past times, but it is far more visible than ever before. This is ultimately a good thing because a problem can only be cleaned up once you see it.

So, rather than becoming upset by what you see, bless your ability to see it, and give thanks that humanity is now in a position to deal with that which was previously hidden. Love is winning, and it will continue to do so. Darkness will no longer be able to hide because of the amplification of illumination on the planet today. Yes, love is winning, and it will not fail. The momentum is already too great.

The New Normal

Although there may appear to be greater chaos for a time, it will no longer seem normal and acceptable to the majority of humanity. Only a limited perspective about what is truly possible has caused it to seem normal in the past. Consider all that has been part of the human experience throughout your recorded history. Conflict, struggle, conquest, scarcity, disease, depression—these things have defined much of the human experience for quite a long time, and thus it is imprinted in your psyche and in your very DNA.

But now humanity is receiving the transmission of greater frequencies of Divine Love than have ever been available. From the central sun at the center of the Universe, through the central sun of your galaxy, and through the sun at the center of your solar system these light frequencies come. This intensified and direct transmission to the earth is possible because of how the earth is now aligned with the central suns  in space.

Thus, these frequencies are bathing the earth in Divine Love, which is then illuminating your very DNA. You can amplify your cells’ ability to receive and integrate these frequencies as often as you wish by visualizing them and giving them the command, “Illuminate”. The effect is like turning up the brightness of your internal radiance and the volume of Spirit full blast. This not only enhances your biological structure, but it enhances the ability of your physical mind to perceive clearly.

Activate your Own Divine Alchemy

The physical mind of your personality perceives only the 4D world of time and space, and as we have said, this is the least real of the many multidimensional planes in which you exist. But the heightened frequencies of Divine Love bathing earth at this time bring with them the potential for much greater awareness of the higher-dimensional realities that reflect more of who you truly are as a Divine Being in a human body. The simple mantra of “Illuminate” will activate and accelerate your ability to receive, integrate, and amplify these frequencies at the cellular level. Your cellular structure in turn will illuminate your mind’s ability to comprehend this Divine Alchemy. Thus, it illuminates the mind’s ability to perceive your multi-dimensionality—to know that you are your I Am presence in the physical body, and to abide in the consciousness of both the 4D and the higher-dimensional realities simultaneously.

Why does this matter? We’ll explain through a practical example. Say you are at a party and you’re speaking with somebody who is still operating from a limited Spiritual consciousness. That person is going on and on about politics and something they disagree with. Perhaps they’re not happy with something somebody did or said about their candidate, and they’re really fired up about it. Or they think someone or some group was unfairly targeted or suppressed, and now they’re calling out the whole system of government. The more they say about it, the more agitated they become, and the more agitated they become, the less you want to engage with them.

We giggle a little at this idea, because from the multi-dimensional point of view, it is like being really invested in a board game. The game is supposed to be fun, but maybe you think someone didn’t play fair, or something didn’t go the way you had planned, and you get so caught up in your story that you’re unable to separate your disappointment from the fact that this is just a game you’re supposed to be enjoying. Your chosen reality at that moment keeps you from being able to have fun anymore. This isn’t so different from how many people on your planet go through life. It’s supposed to be enjoyable, but their stories about all the wrongs or injustices become the focus, and then they won’t allow themselves to have fun anymore.

But getting back to this fellow at the party—he is on a holy rant now. But you as an awakened one, as an illuminated one who is conscious of your ability to recognize your Higher Mind simultaneously with your physical mind in the body, do not get sucked into this drama at all. You simply listen and allow this one to have his chosen reality. Maybe you nod your head, and maybe you shake your head, but you’re listening and receiving him. And when he seems to have blown himself out, you say, “Is that so? I see that it upsets you. I’m sorry for that.”

You are able to do this objectively, neither affirming nor denying his drama, because you have a much bigger awareness of what is taking place. You know that what seems so meaningful to this person is almost meaningless to Spirit. Spirit is only concerned with the circumstance as a means for this person to grow into their own higher awareness should they choose to do so. It may be important for this one to experience the world in the way in which he is experiencing it. It is perhaps part of his path of awakening to move through these perspectives and come to the understanding that they really are no more important than the disappointments he might experience while playing a board game.

As we have said, all of it is important and none of it matters. Perhaps through disillusionment, or perhaps through pure fatigue, this one will remain invested in his drama for only so long. Eventually he will reach the perspective that the apparent drama exists only for his personal growth, and that his particular point of view on the drama is no more or less meaningful than any other point of view from the perspective of Spirit. It’s just stuff that’s happening. From your illuminated perspective, you are able to clearly see this, devoid of judgment. You know that none of what he is ranting about has the ability to somehow muck up your life. You know that you’re not somehow going to be unhappy, unfulfilled, and unable to complete your Divine mission on the planet.

Free of such limiting perspectives, you feel the energy of Divine Love coursing through you. You know that you are one with All That Is, and thus you know there is room for this fellow’s experience, for it is also part of All That Is. At the same time, you choose to illuminate and see it from the higher perspective. You choose to embrace your own magnificence and see only magnificence in this fellow, regardless of how negatively he may be expressing himself in this moment. And when you feel this strongly in your heart and radiate the benevolent energy of Divine Love out to this confused one even as you stand there and listen to him, his energy doesn’t drag you down. Instead, he may walk away a little bit more uplifted because you received his fear and transmuted it with love rather than amplifying it through resistance. And because you did not validate his story of how wrong things are, perhaps he walks away with a greater feeling that things are actually starting to improve.

Dawn of the Great Awakening

This is the perspective of illumination. This is the perspective that the new energy is bringing in. And this energy is flooding your physical mind with the ability to choose illumination in any given moment and leave others feeling more illuminated as well.

This is one reason we say that more systems on your planet will fall in the coming years. As more people choose illumination, they will opt out of systems that no longer resonate with their high vibration, and thus these systems will be unsustainable. Several years ago, you might have engaged this fellow at the party, and said, “Yes, it’s terrible what they’re doing! And another thing I don’t like is  . . . “ and blah blah blah. But you won’t do that now. You will simply refuse to be a part of that way of operating in the world.

More people are now able to see the darkness on your planet for what it is, and more will continue to awaken to this greater vision. They will also be more aware of their ability to choose their response to it at any time. This is what is happening now. This is the Great Awakening.

And this awakening will give rise to many new creations, new paradigms, and new structures that resonate with the frequency of the Divine Love. Humanity is stepping into a place of possibility and choice unlike any seen before on this planet. When humanity turns away from a dark thing and asks, “What else is possible?”, the Universe answers with a flood of new potential—previously unknown discoveries and solutions to yesterday’s problems.

Show your Divine Consciousness

We have said already that if humanity would simply choose to forgive any and all things you hold yourself in resistance toward—if you would choose illumination—you would break the dam that holds back so much more Divine assistance than you have previously allowed. This assistance is waiting to burst forth and flood your consciousness if you will but allow it. Fortunately, because of the Divine Love flooding the planet now, allowing it is easier than it has ever been.

The snowball is rolling down the hill and gaining speed. More and more people are opting out of the old systems and the old ways of thinking. This is why many of the old paradigms have already fallen, or their ability to influence the minds of others has been greatly diminished. You can see all of it for what it truly is, just like the dogs running amok and the angry fellow at the party.

Your task is to keep in the forefront of your physical mind the awareness that you are Divine Consciousness in full control of your reality at all times. You are the illumined sons and daughters of God on earth who co-create your reality with All That Is. Create wisely. Create with an open heart and a full knowing that all of the abundance God has to offer is available to you and to each and every person on this planet at all times, without fail.

Let that Truth be your mantra. Let that Truth be visible in your countenance. Let it be how you show up in the world. Choose to illuminate your own body and mind and amplify the Divine Love on the planet at all times and everywhere you go. This is why you are. Receive it, embody it, and amplify it. Illuminate. This is how you are changing the world.

We thank you, and we wish you blessings on your journey.



Image credits:  jplenio