The Second Coming

In your Christian tradition, the Second Coming is seen as a time when Christ will return to earth and lift the “righteous” up into eternal life, while condemning the “wicked”. Given the seemingly chaotic times in which you live, many believe it must happen soon, and they look forward to it as a time of reward for their faith and service. Others fear it because they don’t know if they will “make the cut”. Still others regard it as a myth perpetuated by the church. What we want to tell you is that the Second Coming is not a myth, but it is also not what most humans expect.

The Second Coming is real, it is happening now, and it has been going on since even before the time of Jesus’ incarnation. In order to understand that, most will have to put aside their box of belief given by parents or religious leaders. You see, when Jesus the Christ said that he would come again, he was not referring to a single event at a particular point in time. He also was not saying that he himself would return in physical form. He was talking about consciousness.

Seeing in Color

It is an unfortunate side effect of the relatively low-vibration consciousness humanity has experienced over the past few millennia that you would see yourselves as anything less than the Master Jesus. Your tendency to place him above you is not what he wanted and not what he taught. If you doubt that, pick up a Bible and reread the passages where he encourages you to believe that you are indeed Gods, and that all he did you can also do and more. That was the core of his teaching—to show you how magnificent you are and what you can do if you elevate your consciousness. His mission was to demonstrate what is possible when you vibrate at a frequency of pure Divine Love—the frequency with which he lived his life. His many acts of instant healing and manifestation were called miraculous only because most of those who witnessed them did not believe in their own ability to do the same. Thus, he came to be seen as someone who is much more capable than the rest of humanity, and thus he was worshiped as God. Churches were formed around his teachings, and humans then spent centuries trying to “get it right” so that when he came again, they would be selected for an eternity of bliss.

Then humans did what humans do when they are trying to understand high-vibration concepts from a low-vibration set point—they build structures of belief and practice and argue about the proper way to do things. Every now and again someone decides the current way is incorrect and breaks away to start a new structure around a slightly different interpretation of what their prophet taught. Unfortunately, most of the new structures don’t arise from a much higher-vibration interpretation. And even if they do, the start is only as good as the consciousness of the people who carry the structure forward. Beliefs become rigid as individuals interpret and re-interpret their doctrines with a limited field of vision.

It’s not unlike trying to show color to a world in which most people only see in black and white. Jesus was capable of seeing in color at a time when black and white was all that most people knew. Through his example, his words and his deeds, he showed what a world of color looked like. But most could not see it for what it was—a destination to strive for while in the physical body and a road map for how to get there. Because black and white was all they knew, most could not even imagine themselves seeing in color. Thus, they showed awe and reverence for what this man could do without believing him when he told them that they could do likewise. Therefore, they could only apply his teachings to a limited degree. It’s as though he showed them red, blue and green for a moment, but they still placed their belief in the shades of grey they had always known. Not being able to believe past their own limitations, they did the best they could, which meant that most did not even try to do what he showed them was possible.

Of course, Jesus could see all of this. He knew that the collective consciousness of humanity was in a very limited state at the time he embodied on earth. That is, in fact, why he embodied. His mission was to show humanity a path to rise above low-vibration consciousness. He taught love, compassion, kindness, forgiveness and generosity because they resonate at the frequency of Divine Love, and he knew that through alignment with Divine Love one can live what many would call a miraculous life—one of joy, peace and abundance. He said, “Look at all that’s possible for you once you lift yourselves out of a consciousness of fear.” He taught that every single human being on the planet has the innate ability to elevate their consciousness to resonate with Divine Love and realize the Christ Consciousness in which he lived all the time.

The Second Coming of Christ Consciousness

Christ Consciousness is the Second Coming that Jesus spoke of. It is not a global event that takes place at one point in time. Rather, it is an ongoing state of being that happens at a personal level when individuals elevate their own consciousness to the consciousness with which Jesus lived. Many have already experienced their Second Coming—their awakening to their own True Self in Christ Consciousness. Many experienced it before Jesus walked the earth. After all, he did not invent enlightenment—he only modeled it.

Some will realize the Second Coming this very day, or in the coming weeks, months, and years of their current life. Others will wait many more lifetimes before they experience their own awakening to Christ Consciousness. When it happens for you, you will look back upon many aspects of your life as though they were a dream. From your higher consciousness you will say, “How different everything looks now. Did I really live that way before?” Some of you have already experienced shifts in perspective that feel this way, so you know what it is like. Perhaps you look back on experiences you chose or beliefs you held ten or twenty years ago and you say, “What was I thinking?!” It is as though you were dreaming back then because the way you lived was not in alignment with how you currently believe and act. Your reality has shifted.

Such as it is with the expansion of your consciousness. A belief works for you until it starts to fall short for one reason or another. A little voice inside says, “This isn’t right for me.” That’s when you seek new ideas and experiences. The beliefs, structures and practices that once made sense start to feel not quite right. This is because there is a part of you that is always connected to the Christ Consciousness that you are when not in the physical body. The more you make space for that consciousness in your life—though meditation, prayer, and acts of service and kindness—the more you will feel out of sync with the aspects of your beliefs that lean toward fear instead of love. They start to feel like a wool sweater that you washed and ran through a heat dryer. It used to fit just fine, and you enjoyed wearing it, but now it is too small and feels tight and confining.

Embracing Your Magnificence

The Master Jesus, as well as many other masters, was trying to show you that you are all magnificent beyond your current ability to see. And he showed that by practicing beliefs, thoughts, words and actions aligned with the Divine Love of God—devoid of all fear and its components, such as anger, resentment, vindictiveness and greed—you can gradually expand your consciousness to allow for more and more of your magnificent God-self to come into your physical experience. He taught that your return to Christ Consciousness is your purpose for being in the physical plane, and he showed you how to do it. But as the old saying goes, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”

So, we ask, “Where are you placing your consciousness? Are you investing in fear, or are you investing in love?” Think not about what seems to be going on around you in your politics or economy, or even in your personal relationships. Regardless of outward appearances, your goal is always Christ Consciousness, and your path to reach it is always Divine Love. As you come to know this more and more and your practice of loving thoughts, words and actions takes more of a central role in your life, your Second Coming begins to unfold and your progress toward it begins to accelerate.

Are you ready for this ride? We know that you absolutely are, or you would not be on the planet right now. So, we ask you all, “What are you waiting for?” Do not wait for Jesus or another savior to come down from heaven and make everything right. Instead, start consciously exercising your free will to draw closer and closer to your own Second Coming of Christ Consciousness. Then watch how the world shifts around you to fit your higher vibration.

We wish you blessings on your journey.



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