Experiencing Multidimensional Realities

Q: Are bi-location and teleportation truly possible?

A: There are three things you need to know about this:

  1. All things are possible.
  2. It is already done.
  3. It is very easy to do for you now with the right consciousness.

Believe these three things and it will be revealed. The first is to understand that movement of a physical body is actually the changing of the physical body relative to the environment in which it operates. That is, the physical body that exists in point A is different than the physical body that exists in point B. You are sitting in a chair right now. If you get up and move across the room, you think “I was there and now am here.” That is how you perceive yourself. But this is not actually true. The you that was there is different from the you that is now here. Similar in many regards. So similar that you do not perceive a difference apart from your point in space and time. But you are an entirely different physical being.

Perception Creates ‘Reality’

Anything that exists is the sum of the atoms that give it it’s physical form plus the atomic and subatomic particles of the environment in which it exits. Right now you are sitting in a chair and holding a computer. You perceive these items as separate from you, but they are not. They are actually one and the same with you in this space you call your office. So is the desk and the chair and the lamp and the curtains. You are all interconnected. Anything within your field of vision is also connected to your physical structure. You are looking out at the water right now. There is a buoy floating out there. There are rocks on the shore. In the distance is a ferry boat and beyond that a mountain peak. You are not separate from these things. You can think about the house on the other side of the road—one that is not in your field of vision at the moment but is in your consciousness. And you can think about the Detroit airport because you have been there multiple times and have an understanding of how it looks. You perceive the mountain and the house across the street and the Detroit airport to be separated from you by distance, and thus by time because you perceive a certain amount of time needed to get there from here (3-4 hours to Detroit by airplane, or several days of driving by car).

This is all a matter of perception. It is all here in front of you at any given time, like looking at pictures on a computer screen. There was a time not too long ago when humans could rarely see things that were far away. Your technology did not allow you to travel far or fast, and people were tied very much to local areas. If you lived in the Midwest, it might be a lifelong dream just to see the ocean. Your perception of it was based on the accounts of other people and the occasional illustration you came across in a book or a newspaper (assuming you could read and had access to those things). Today you can travel the world from where you are sitting right now simply by searching location son your computer. When you look at these things, they are part of you. You perceive them as existing outside of you and separated by time and space, but they are not. That is a false perception. Or rather, it is a limited view of reality—a 3D view rather than a multidimensional view.

Stepping into Multidimensional Perception

You see, when you step into a multidimensional understanding of the world, the world shifts, as does your place in it. You are not bound by time and space. Nature already understands this and operates in this way. Look at all the plants below you on the hillside. Where did they come from? From a tiny seed. In that seed is the potential for a vibrant plant that gets bigger very quickly. That seed has consciousness and it knows how to work with the energies of Gaia to receive all the multidimensional elements that enable it to thrive. It shows up in your 3D reality as a particular form, but there is much more to it that you do not see. Think about a single leaf on a tree. Why does that leaf exist? Because the consciousness of the tree is to continually thrive and expand. That is it’s dharma. The dharma of every living thing in the plant kingdom is to thrive and expand. Left to its own devices without the limited human 3D consciousness weighing it down, it would grow faster and be even bigger. Consider the giant redwood trees that existed in the United States long before humans showed up and started cutting them down. They are examples of what nature will do without your limited 3D consciousness impacting the earth’s crystalline grid and limiting nature itself.

So you are all operating with a 3D understanding of the world, and that impacts your experience of everything. In 3D there is separation by time and space. The plant is over there about 50 feet away. It would take you a minute to walk downstairs and go stand by it. The mountain is way over there about 100 miles away. It would take you about three hours to cross the water that surrounds you and then drive to it. Portland is three hours’ drive in the other direction. All perception.

In a multidimensional reality, the plant and the mountain and Portland do not exist apart from one another. They are one and the same. It is like a big primordial soup from which all physical form exists based on the collective beliefs of the human consciousness—a 3D consciousness. You expect Portland to be over there and the mountain to be over there and so they are. But they don’t have to be.

Getting back to the idea that everything you can see and perceive is with you—it literally is. The mountain is here with you now. With a multidimensional consciousness, you could be there now. Physics does allow for this.

Q: Does it require a device of some kind?

No. It is done with consciousness. You see, the multidimensional consciousness opens up new tools for you to use—new processes and actions that are not apparent in 3D. Right now, in your 3D consciousness, you think, “To be next to that bird feeder out there in the yard, I have to either walk downstairs, go outside, cross the yard, and stand next to it, or someone has to take it off of its stand, bring it inside, walk upstairs and set it beside me.” Correct, in a 3D understanding of the world. But also going on right beside it is a multidimensional reality that allows for that birdfeeder to exist right next to you right now without you getting out of your chair and without anyone else bringing it to you. You do not perceive that reality yet, but that doesn’t mean it does not exist. When you enter multidimensional consciousness, new tools reveal themselves to you, as do new possibilities for their use.

What you are asking is whether you can create a device that will enable people or objects to move across time and space instantly. You have considered a device that is attuned to the vibration of a point in space time and replicates that vibration at another point, thereby collapsing the physical distance and matter between the two points. This is not how it will work. The reason for this is that you must take into account more than just the vibration of the physical space. It is also the vibration of the surrounding area, and that is constantly shifting due to the consciousnesses of the people and things around the point, as well as the consciousness of people in remote places who may be thinking about that location or looking at a picture of it. It is all entangled.

For example, let’s say that you wanted to create a sort of doorway in New York City right outside the Guggenheim Museum. You can conceive of a space about three feet wide, about seven feet tall, and one inch deep and you think it’s possible to isolate the resonant frequency of that space somehow—or the combined frequency of every point that exists in that space. You can do that for a moment in time, but only for a very, very brief moment—we’re talking milliseconds. The reason is that the resonant frequency of the points in that space are constantly being affected by the consciousness of those people and elements around them and entangled with them from a distance—even the weather and the sun’s rays. It is never static. So let’ say you were able to create that doorway and replicate it in another place like Seattle, you would only be able to do so for such a minuscule amount of time that you would not be able to move through it into New York City. That is coming at the challenge with a 3D view of things.

The way to come at it is with a multidimensional understanding. In this understanding, you are already in New York City without the need for a portal. It is no different than the places you visit in your dreams. When you travel to other multidimensional realities—locations, timeframes, and dimensions—in your dreams, the multidimensional part of you (that is, the part that transcends the physical) does actually go there. You leave your 3D body behind. But you don’t have to.

This is where you are headed as a species—the ability to transcend time and space with your physical body because you raise your consciousness to a multidimensional state that is not bound by the laws of 3D reality. It is all about your consciousness expanding to the point where you can override the 3D laws. You just leave them behind and wake up to a whole new set of options that are hidden from you when in 3D consciousness. No different, really, than when radio waves were “discovered”, making the transmission of sound possible across great distances. If you are broadcasting a live concert performance taking place in New York and it is being listened to in Seattle, where is the music happening? New York or Seattle? The answer is both. It is the co-location of the sound. It doesn’t matter where it originates to the perceiver in either location. Sound is not something you can see, but you believe it exists because you perceive it with your auditory faculties. Smell is not something you can see but you perceive it with your olfactory capabilities. There are other capabilities that you do not yet see but are absolutely there. The way that you access them is by raising your consciousness—the consciousness of every cell in your biology—to a point where they are revealed. This is necessary because they cannot be perceived with limited 3D consciousness.

Getting back to the practical question that led you down this path to begin with—yes, you can at some point be in Seattle and say, “I want to go have dinner in NYC tonight, and then just show up there.” But it will happen when you have raised your consciousness to a point where you can “dream” yourself there and take your body along with you. That is the best way that we can put in in terms that you will understand at this point in your expansion, because there is much that you do not yet know. Devices don’t have to be involved to make this happen. You simply must have the intent to be there, and the confluence of vibration happens to draw you and NYC into shared experience in the moment. Start by continuing to expand your consciousness to a state of perpetual Divine Love of self and others. This is your work for now. Once you have achieved that and are able to maintain it, the next steps will be revealed if you keep continuing to ask these questions.

You are loved for your seeking.



Image credit: Gerd Altman