Shifting Paradigms and Building Momentum

Q: Many old paradigms seem to be shifting. What does humanity need to know?

A: This is a time of shifting paradigms, as you already know. Old models of ‘reality’ are changing quickly, and there are many who will be confused by this. The systems that they have known for so long and that they have invested so much of their life force into are now starting to fade. Some of them will evolve into new systems that are more benevolent and inclusive of all people. Others will simply crumble like a building that is being destroyed. And in their place there will be new systems to replace them.

You are here right now—all of you—because you chose to be, and you were selected to be. It is a time when all of you have the ability to transform your consciousness at a greatly accelerated speed. And when you expand your consciousness, when you allow love and light to define who you are, what you do, and how you show up in the world for others, that is what will cause the shift away from systems that no longer serve you. Stick to the light, and share your love, for that is all there is.

Release All Fear of Shifting Paradigms

Do not be afraid of the changes. You have many metaphors in your human existence that mirror the circumstances taking place on a larger scale. For example, when a building is demolished, it is blown up, it falls to the ground, the area is cleaned up, and then a new building is erected. Or in some rare cases, the land is reclaimed for nature. But the old must be destroyed first to make way for the new. Why destroy the old? Perhaps the building was first constructed at a time when the knowledge of how to build a lasting, safe structure was not nearly what it is today (limited consciousness). Perhaps the purpose it was designed for does not support what the people need today (again, limited consciousness, or just alternate priorities that are based in an old energy).

A more personal example: You have a car, and it serves you well. You love it when you first buy it, but over time your love starts to diminish because your needs and tastes evolve. At the same time, the technology evolves to where your car is rather outmoded. It doesn’t offer you the safety or comfort it once did. It may also not be safe for others to have it on the road. So you seek a new car that once again gives you that good feeling you had when you first bought this one. That is evolving energy. That is shifting of the old into the new, with new ideas, new paradigms, and new standards for what is appropriate or inappropriate.

Let’s talk about those words of appropriate and inappropriate. There are many events taking place in your world right now that are exposing what is now judged to be inappropriate. Sexual misconduct. Unwanted sexual advances or harassment of one by another. People are speaking up and saying, “This is wrong. This has to evolve.”

So why is it wrong now but it wasn’t before? You can say, “It was always wrong, but now people are standing up for what is right.” This is true to some degree. We do not use the terms “right” and “wrong” to describe anything, because there is no judgement from our point of view. But there is higher vibration and lower vibration. You get to choose which vibration you want to be in. All of you do. And we don’t judge you if you choose a lesser one. We love you all the same—equally—even if you choose lower vibration thought and actions. But we are of course very delighted when you choose higher. Why? Because that means others will begin to choose higher. And we will all be closer together as a spiritual family. That brings us much joy. And it means that the world is moving toward a higher-vibration state of existence, which is its destiny. And when you see the steady progress toward the manifestation of a long-desired goal, that is a joyful experience.

But you must understand that finding joy in the raising of the vibration is not the same as being upset with the lowering of the vibration. The same level of love flows to you all, regardless. But you are able to receive more of it when you are in a higher-vibration state, and that means you become amplifiers for each other, creating a confluence of good energy that leads to a snowball effect.

Free Will and Choices

It is not so unlike your relationship with your children. Your child goes away to college. She moves clear across the country to the other coast, and you will see her much less frequently. Four years later, upon graduating, she will face a choice as to where to go next. She could choose to stay on the East Coast and you will be far away. You still won’t see her much. Or she could choose to move right back here. Then you will be much closer in proximity and will have the opportunity to see each other more frequently. Do you love her any more or less depending on where she decides to go? Do you love her less if she stays far away? Do you love her more if she moves back home? Absolutely not. You love her the same regardless. And you respect her right to choose what is best for her without your interference. But you will of course be very delighted if she decides to live in a place that is closer to you.

You see, it is the same with us. You get to choose, and we love you the same. But we are delighted when you choose to live in a vibration that is closer to our own. That means we get to relate more to each other as family—and more as equals. Because we are equals in reality. This veil of separation on earth makes it seem like we are above you. But we are not, and we don’t want to be. We want only for you to realize your True Nature, which is also our True Nature. We want you to come “home” to our vibration so that you can see who you really are and amplify that vibration of love in the world to others, so that they, too, can see who they really are and amplify their love to others. But we do not judge you if you choose something else, same as you will not judge your daughter if she decides to live further away. You respect her path, her process, and her free will.

So everyone gets to choose what is appropriate for themselves. And what was appropriate and acceptable several years ago no longer is. You as humans have a tendency to do a couple things vis a vis your relationships with others:

  • You tend to think that what has been taught to you is correct. Or a variation on that: What you observe in the world around you is what you believe to be correct. The evidence is there before you. So, if it looks this way, then it must be true.
  • You tend to not question so much out loud. This has been the dominant tendency—to squelch yourself even if you disagree with the status quo. This is related to the first tendency. Because you accept that something is “how the world works”, you silence the voice that says otherwise. Part of you knows when something is wrong for you, but you doubt yourself because you have been taught that this is how the world works—that this is correct.

What is happening now is that people are speaking their truth. They are looking at the world and saying, “This can’t be right. Or at least it’s not right for me. And I know there are others who feel the same way. I can’t live with myself anymore if I don’t say something or do something to change it.” Then there are those who are very invested in the old ways because it serves them. Or because they have invested so much in it being the correct way of things.

Strive for Greater Integrity

All of this comes down to integrity. There are those who so believe in the current paradigm—whether that’s about how money is made, how governments operate, or how men and women relate to each other in the workplace—that they don’t feel a strong lack of integrity around behaviors that are in alignment with those paradigms. They don’t lie awake at night feeling that they are doing anything wrong. Or if they do feel a sense of wrongness about it, they can easily rationalize it away with, “But I’m just doing what everyone else is doing.” Or “I’m just doing what I was taught is how it should be.” They can’t see over the hill that is in front of them because they are in vibrational alignment with the paradigm they know. There’s little reason for them to even notice the hill, let alone want to see what’s on the other side.

Then there are those who are vibrating at a frequency that is more aligned to Divine Love and Wisdom—the Heart of God. They feel VERY much out of alignment with the existing paradigms. They are conflicted because they must operate in the world in which that paradigm is present. So, it keeps them up at night. Here’s this big hill—mountain even—right in front of me. It feels heavy, like its keeping me from the world I want to create—a world of more love, decency, fairness. I feel like I belong in a different world—a more open, benevolent world. A more loving world. A world where I can speak my truth openly and stand up for what I know to be right. I’ve got to climb that mountain and see what’s on the other side.

But if those seekers of change never take the first step, the old paradigm persists. It takes only one person to boldly say, “I choose higher integrity behavior, and I expect it from others.” Once they do, that is the catalyst that ignites others. Pretty soon others will feel emboldened to live their truth, and now a very momentous shift is possible.

This is what you are seeing right now in your world regarding sexual harassment claims. When any human exerts any control over any other human, they are acting in a lower-vibration way—a way that is further from the Heart of God. And when they use whatever power they have—be it money, access to opportunity, or even just the other person’s admiration or trust—to get something from that person that he or she does not want to give, such as sexual “favors”, they are acting in a lower-vibration way. This means they are out of integrity with their True Nature. Everyone’s True Nature is always to be in absolute alignment with the Heart of God . That is all that you are when you strip away all the constructs of the material world. So, when any one of you behaves toward another in a way that is out of alignment with the Heart of God, there is a lack of integrity to some degree. It could be a little or it could be a lot. Extracting what you call sexual favors from another when they are not comfortable sharing sexual expression with you is VERY out of alignment and out of integrity. This is because sexual energy is part of the life force that brings you back to the Heart of God. And so, the one who is the focus of the extortion faces a choice that brings up fear. “Do I stay in integrity by declining/denying the unwanted advances? Or do I suffer through the experience because I believe it will get me where I want to be in other ways. Or simply because this is the way the world works, and I am powerless to change it?”

Choose Alignment with the Shifting Momentum

Do you see what is taking place there? The one who is being targeted faces a choice in which one option keeps them in integrity with their values—what they know to be true for them—but they fear they will suffer as a result. The other option is to subjugate their integrity to get what they think they want. In other words, to give into their fear. To the person of integrity, this will always haunt them. And eventually they may decide to do something about it.

This is what is going on right now. The energy pushing you to be in alignment with your integrity is stronger than it has ever been. And so, more and more people are going to come forth and stand up for what they know to be right—what they know to be in integrity. They climb the mountain and start a snowball rolling down the other side. And the snowball will keep rolling down the other side of that mountain. And it will sweep up those in its path who are still trying to keep it from rolling. And they, too, will be swept down into the new world that is on the other side of that mountain. If they resist the snowball, they will arrive in the new world in far worse shape than if they recognize it is coming, own their mistakes, and get on board with the direction in which the energy is now moving. In more practical terms, of those who are guilty of actions that are out of integrity with their True Nature, the ones who admit their mistakes, show a true desire to make things right, and take action in that direction will fare far better than those who continue to shirk their responsibility and maintain their innocence or correctness. In a world of increasing love, people will be much more forgiving of those who show a true desire to be back in integrity than it will be toward those who are only interested in maintaining the status quo.

The ones who recognize their misalignment, ask for forgiveness, and then demonstrate their desire to be in alignment and integrity—to be in a higher vibration, will be like water flowing into the pond of the new energy. They will meld with it and be welcomed. Those who maintain the ‘correctness’ of their misalignment, or who deny that they have done anything out of integrity even when they know they have, will remain in a different vibratory state that keeps them from melding and being welcomed. Their asynchronous vibration makes them like oil in the pond—never being integrated—always an outlier. Watch for this more and more. It is accelerating, and you will see it in many ways.

This all requires great bravery on both sides of the equation. The one who faces the choice of whether to speak their truth in the face of a dominant paradigm risks being ridiculed and judged. They may risk ending a career and foregoing assured money or status. The one who is being accused of inappropriateness faces the choice of whether to admit to their actions, and this means they also risk losing status, money, and opportunity. They may also risk having friends and family walk away from them. There is much fear on both sides. But subjugating the most appropriate choice to a fear-based consciousness will not yield lasting positive results. Once the snowball is rolling down the hill. Standing in its way will only lead to painful results. The only choice is to admit to the action that was out of alignment, demonstrate a true commitment to getting back in integrity, and move forward from there. These are the ones who will experience redemption in the eyes of awakening humanity. The resistant ones never will.

Integrity is the key. Integrity and a willingness to move in the direction of the energetic flow rather than trying to stop it. It cannot be stopped or diverted because the momentum is too strong. The snowball is rolling and gaining speed.



Image credit: Chiem Seherin