Would Your Higher Self Agree?

In this channeled message, Keenu Thomas asks us to examine our beliefs and habits through the perspective of our Higher Self and ask whether It would agree with them. When we recognize that everything in our lives is our own creation through our power of choice and that what we receive is happening for us rather than to us, we become aware of our ability to choose joy above all else. When we do, things that previously troubled us become easy because we no long surrender our power to external conditions, other people, or our own thoughts and emotions that were formed from a limited perspective.

In other words, we transcend our programming and start creating our lives from a place of empowerment and freedom. When we achieve this perspective, we discover abilities we didn’t know we have, and we realize these abilities have been available to us all along.

Keenu uses forgiveness to illustrate these Truths. Most of humanity believes that forgiveness is a difficult and lengthy process, but the Higher Self knows it is as simple a choice as deciding what to eat or wear each day.



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