Receiving Divine Assistance

Q: We have heard that greater energy is available at this time to assist us in co-creating a more benevolent world. What Divine assistance is available from “behind the veil” to make our efforts easier and more impactful?

A: There is always so much Divine Love pouring forth from the Heart of God to every man, woman, and child on the planet, and indeed to all life evolving on earth, for all life is conscious and evolving. You have adopted a belief that love is an emotion—something you can choose to feel or not—something you can turn on or off. Yes, it is always a choice whether you allow yourself to feel love, and you can certainly choose to feel something else in any moment, including low-vibration feelings based in fear. But that doesn’t stop the flow of love to you. It is rather like choosing to close your eyes and plug ears. This makes everything around you invisible and silent in the moment, but only to you. Everything you are choosing not to see and hear is still there in front of you, you just are making yourself blind and deaf to it.

Divine Love Flows Constantly

So it is with Divine Love. It is constantly flowing to you. You can’t stop the flow, but you can choose to ignore it by making lower-vibration thoughts and feelings more important. Choosing to feel fear in any form is like closing your eyes and plugging your ears. As we have said, any low-vibration feeling is form of fear. Regret is the fear that you have limited yourself or another in a way that cannot be undone. Shame is the fear that your actions are being judged negatively by others or God. Anger is the fear that you are not in control of your own experience of life—that other people or conditions have power over you. And so on. This is all in your own mind. How do you know? Two people can perform the same action with the same outcome. One experiences regret about the results, saying, “Why did I do that?”, and the other experiences a feeling of satisfaction, saying, “I sure am glad that happened. Look what I learned!”

Everything in life is a choice, including how you interpret the results of your actions. Playing in the background all the time is the constant flow of the Love of God to your heart center. It never subsides—ever.  You can pinch it off with your lower-vibration thoughts and feelings, but the flow still comes. You make the channel through which this benevolent Source of Creative Power flows either wider or narrower by your beliefs and thoughts, which create your feelings.

Divine Love has always flowed to every human, lifetime after lifetime. It has never stopped, regardless of what you have chosen to create in your experience as individuals, societies, and a global community. But the flow has not always been as strong as it is now. That’s what’s different today in what you call “the new age”. The Divine Love of God is flowing to you at an accelerated and accelerating rate. This is because you collectively chose to allow the flow to open. It was always the promise of God that if humans used your own free will to choose love over fear, then a stronger flow of Divine Love would be possible. You all made the choice to open your hearts more and express much more of your Divine Love to each other, and that has allowed for the greater flow of the Love of God to you.

Billions of Kind Acts Happen Every Moment

You might look at your current world—the bitterness that is playing out in the higher levels of your leadership and the seeming divisiveness between countries—and you might conclude the exact opposite. Your media has reached such a place of prominence in your lives—all over the world—that it is easy to let it define your reality. When they show you one scene after another of divisiveness and danger, then it is easy to conclude that you’re all “going to hell in a hand-basket”, as you say. But what is being presented is such a very small part of what is going on all over the world at any given time. Billions of things are happening every second of every day and night (your night is someone else’s day). And do you know what the majority of those happenings are? They are acts of kindness, love, compassion, and generosity. That’s what’s happening most of the time in most parts of the world. But that’s not what your media is showing you.

You see, the human conscious is always evolving. Over the past several millennia, your consciousness has slowly been moving toward a greater capacity to give and receive love. That is what the Masters who walked the earth taught you. Moses taught alignment with Divine will. Jesus taught kindness and empathy. The Buddha taught compassion. Muhammad taught mercy. And many saints in every culture modeled these and other facets of Divine Love for you. So, the message of Divine Love has been with you lifetime after lifetime, and slowly you have been expanding your understanding and acceptance of it. You may have acted in unloving ways or lived lives that felt very separate from the Heart of God, but the awareness of Divine Love was there, and gradually it grew.

We Are on a Trajectory of Greater Openness to Love

Within the past 150 or so years, it has started to grow much more quickly, as old paradigms have broken down. Control by one country over many others dissolved as hegemonic empires crumbled. At the same time, the quality of life for many began to improve with the inventions of the industrial revolution. With many humans able to feel a greater level of personal comfort, it became easier to adopt a more benevolent and joyful attitude about the world and others. At the same time, oppressed groups within societies, such as women and minorities, began to speak up for themselves and demand more equality. This forced those in power to take a close look at the foundations of their legal and social structures, which led to the overturning of many oppressive laws and institutions.

At the same time, messages of equality, tolerance, and love began to permeate popular culture. Music, in particular, has played a very central role in spreading the message of love and opening people’s hearts to a greater flow of it. The massive global spread of music between cultures is a very recent development, made possible by the openness humans have to other societies and the technology available to make it possible.

Moreover, you now have social media, which means people are constantly having conversations across international boundaries and time zones. The vast majority of  your social media connections are joyful, hopeful, and uplifting. Think about that. Even though you hear from time to time about the misuse of social media to manipulate thought, to bully, or to influence political outcomes, those activities are an extremely small percentage of what is going on every second of every day and night. The overwhelming majority of social media interactions make the participants feel good, and when you feel good, you feel God.

So, so, SO MUCH good is taking place all the time in the world. Neighbors helping neighbors. Strangers helping strangers. People looking at the darkness that is still present and choosing to shine a light on it. These are all expressions of the Divine Love of God, and there is so much momentum. In the past few decades humans have started a snowball of benevolence rolling down the hill, and it keeps getting bigger and rolling faster. The more benevolent and loving interactions between humans, the more the Divine Love of God flows into your world through your own open hearts. The more open you become, the more love you are able to bring forth. And the more love you bring forth, the more Divine Love is available to you.

Divine Supply Always Surpasses Human Demand

Spirit always has much more supply than you have demand and is constantly ratcheting up the flow as the demand increases. Think of it like a funnel. The demand for Divine Love on earth resulting from human consciousness determines how wide the spout is on the funnel, and thus the capacity for the flow. God is always pouring much more love into the top end of the funnel than the spout will allow through. Once you start expanding the spout through your collective consciousness, Spirit also expands the flow into the top end so that supply will always be greater than demand. You don’t need to ever worry about the supply of Divine Love. It is limitless and unceasing. Your only job is to keep increasing the demand through your loving and benevolent thoughts and actions. The more you demand, the more is supplied.

So, taking this all back to your question, it is indeed co-creation in the truest sense. Divine Spirit flows to you the substance of Divine Love, which is the heart of all creation in the Universe. Humans anchor it into your 3D world through alignment of your consciousness with Divine Love. The more you do this, the more supply is available to you. What’s going on behind the veil is a constant increase in supply due to the constant increase in demand on your side. You should feel so good about that! You, as individuals and as a human race, are the ones bringing this ever-present and benevolent energy into the world. It’s the truest meaning of “God helps those who help themselves.” You show love to someone else, they receive it with an open heart, and God says, “Let’s flood them both with all the love they can handle.” That’s how it works.

Now, doesn’t that make you feel hopeful about your world? Doesn’t it make you feel empowered? Don’t you now see that whatever pictures of negativity you are presented with on a day to day basis, they are just a small percentage of what’s really going on? Most of you are advancing the light on the earth with an openness and conviction never before seen. And because of that, you are receiving help from the higher dimensions that was previously not available, simply because you weren’t yet demanding it. Give yourselves a high-five and keep going. Spread more joy! Share more love! Focus on the world you want to create and keep creating it. We will be here helping you every step of the way. And the more you ask for our assistance, the more you will receive.

Blessings to you all.



Image Credit:  Noel Bauza