A world of true equality and kindness really can be the new normal. It really can be the way the world works in the future. This is the blessing in the hardship you now face. You are on “pause” now, but soon the “play” button will be pressed again. What do you want the new story of humanity on earth to be?
The Window of Awareness
The difficulty even Spiritually conscious people have in these times is that many still don’t understand the difference between thought and awareness. Awareness is the ability to perceive the goings-on of this planet with clarity. It is the ability to connect with the Truth of what is happening . . .
The Truth about Healing
You are all in the process of healing some aspect of yourself. You are all in a state of becoming that which you know yourself to be on an unconscious level. You are becoming that which you were born into this body to realize—the part of you that knows no limitation, no boundaries.
Become a Catalyst for Positive Change
Here you are at the dawn of a new decade. For many, things look pretty dark. For others, they are full of light and promise. Many things have been revealed that are unsettling, and many more will be revealed in the years to come. How will you judge these things?
Who Are You?
What captures your attention today is indeed important, but not in and of itself. Everything that exists in your life from a physical point of view, including the people in your life, are simply the stage and supporting actors you have summoned into your experience to help you awaken to who you truly are.
Making Peace with Death
Most humans have a concept of the death experience that was given to you by your religion. But in truth, most do not have certainty about what really happens upon the death of the physical body. So, let’s take a closer look at the death experience.
How Enlightened are You?
The world seems like a very intense and somewhat crazy environment at the moment, doesn’t it? The old paradigms you knew for so long and that served you well are falling apart. This is a good thing, you know. Your first reaction may be, “How can this be a good thing?
The Divine Masculine Mission
In ancient times, the masculine was not seen as more important than the feminine, and vice versa. Rather, each understood the importance of the other for sustaining human life and for realizing the vision and purpose of human evolution. They honored and respected each other as energetic equals.
The Box of Belief
Do you really want to change the world? Start by looking at whether you’re aligned more with love or fear. Then seek to align with love more and more, every moment that you can. Open your current box with your conscious intention to know your own magnificence.
Allowing Grace
What you experience as Grace is awakening to an awareness of Truth that was previously hidden from you. The moment of Grace is simply the moment you are able to see the hidden Truth once again. This is indeed the life purpose of each and every soul on the planet.
Awakening Through Duality
The moment you find yourself considering a thought, belief or action that does not intuitively feel good, yet you are thinking it must be true because so many others are invested in it, that is the moment in which you can most easily claim your own power as a Spiritual Being.
Cooperative Soul Ascension
We wish to address a topic that is on the minds of many people at this time of earth’s ascension into the light. You know that you have free will, and those of you who seek Higher Truth also know that there is ultimately only one purpose to human life: To rediscover God within you. Why, …
Transforming Chaos with Consciousness
Q: How do we remain centered in light of the current chaos in politics and government, and how can we best help create positive change? A: The apparent chaos of these times will pass sooner than you think. It may seem to take more time than you would like, but relative to the timeline of …
Conscious Giving
Q: At this festive time of year when many people all over the world exchange gifts, what is the highest form of giving? A: It has often been said, “It is in giving that you receive.” Most people have some idea of what that means because you have experienced the joy of watching somebody receive …
The Power of Faith
Q: Please speak about faith and the role it plays in the human experience. A: Faith, as you know, is the thing you cannot see. It is that which propels you forward when the path is unknown. When you feel uncertain, or when you desire something, but you know not how it will come, faith …
Winning the Game of Life
Let us start with a question for you: Are you trying to “win” the game of life? How many times each day do you compare yourself to somebody else? Maybe you have not been paying attention to that. But if you start to pay attention, you will find the answer is many, many times. Humans …
Receiving Divine Assistance
Q: We have heard that greater energy is available at this time to assist us in co-creating a more benevolent world. What Divine assistance is available from “behind the veil” to make our efforts easier and more impactful? A: There is always so much Divine Love pouring forth from the Heart of God to every …
Choosing Empowerment
Q: Many people experience some measure of feeling dis-empowered. They may feel helpless to the conditions of the larger world or to their lives, such as an undesirable work environment or personal relationships. What advice do you have for those who are struggling to find their feeling of personal empowerment? A: Empowerment is simply understanding …