Embrace Uncertainty

All that is needed to change the world in ways that work better for all of humanity is a willingness to allow uncertainty into your experience. When you embrace uncertainty, you leave the door open to infinite possibility. When you exclude points of view you don’t agree with, you slam that door shut.

Tapping the Energy of Faith

Faith is a constantly flowing energy. When you allow it to flow freely in your life, it provides tremendous support on your journey of expansion to higher consciousness and in the manifestation of your desires. But it can become a hindrance when you channel it toward conditions that you decide rather than relying on Divine Source to choose the optimal conditions for you. The key to successfully tapping the power of faith in anything you desire to manifest is to have no expectations about how, when, where, and through whom the manifestation will occur.

Embrace Your Magnificence!

Humanity fears our magnificence more than anything. The gap between who we truly are and who we perceive ourselves to be seems so big that we choose to continue living in a fearful world of limitation rather than stepping out in faith into the unknown. Our fear and belief in this limitation is what drives us to horde and defend, which is why we still think we need weapons.

The Energy of Resurrection

Resurrection is an energy, just like faith, and these energies are as available to you and the rest of humanity as they are to the masters who demonstrate them. The only difference between you and the masters is that their level of certainty and focus is much stronger than the average human who has grown up believing in personal limitations. The masters know there are no limitations, and they show this to you time and again. Are you ready to start believing it?

How Beliefs Affect Healing

The essence of all healing is bringing the physical body back into full alignment with the perfection of the Spiritual Body, which dwells in the higher dimensions. Think of it as a template of perfect health that exists in the field of unmanifest Divine potential. The degree to which your physical body matches the template is the result of the receptivity you have in the physical.

Opening to Infinite Possibility

The Life Force that underpins and gives expression to all life on earth finds Its joy in infinite possibility. This openness to infinite possibility—and indeed the delight in infinite options as an expression of joy—is what makes the infinite variations of the physical expression of life possible.

Sacred Change

Are you able to see this as a sacred time? We ask you to consider this as you approach the return life with fewer restrictions. As more freedom to move about and choose from a broader set of options becomes available again, how will you choose differently?

The Box of Belief

Do you really want to change the world? Start by looking at whether you’re aligned more with love or fear. Then seek to align with love more and more, every moment that you can. Open your current box with your conscious intention to know your own magnificence.

The Power of Faith

Q: Please speak about faith and the role it plays in the human experience. A: Faith, as you know, is the thing you cannot see. It is that which propels you forward when the path is unknown. When you feel uncertain, or when you desire something, but you know not how it will come, faith …

Positive Expectation in a Changing World

Q: This seems to be a time of great divisiveness in politics and governance, and many feel that basic decency and decorum have gone away altogether. How do we maintain positive expectation with the world we know changing so quickly? A: There is nothing new under the sun, the old saying goes. This was never more …