Getting Unstuck

The challenge you all face is to stay true to what you feel is right, even when you don’t see a clear path to making it work. The part of you that is connected to Source knows what will serve your highest good.

Sharing Your Gifts

We have a question for you. Do you share your gifts boldly with the world? If not, what do you fear? If you look back at your life to this point, you may think things have not always gone as you thought they would. You may think, “Oh, if only I had done this or that, or gone here or there, how much better things would be.”

Winning the Game of Life

Let us start with a question for you: Are you trying to “win” the game of life?  How many times each day do you compare yourself to somebody else? Maybe you have not been paying attention to that. But if you start to pay attention, you will find the answer is many, many times. Humans …

Choosing Empowerment

Q: Many people experience some measure of feeling dis-empowered. They may feel helpless to the conditions of the larger world or to their lives, such as an undesirable work environment or personal relationships. What advice do you have for those who are struggling to find their feeling of personal empowerment? A: Empowerment is simply understanding …