Sacred Change

We wish to speak about change. Of course, you know that this is a time of tremendous change on your planet, and all of humanity is affected. Never has everyone been affected in such a similar way as you are currently experiencing with the coronavirus situation. Not a single person on the planet has been left unchanged by the shifts happening right now. In that regard, it is quite the equalizer. But certainly, everyone is experiencing different levels and types of change. For some, it is not what you would call severe. Others have had their entire lives turned upside down. But know that the change occurring for all humanity is in line with the Divine plan for each person’s life. In that regard, it is sacred change.

Are you able to see this as a sacred time? That will be a stretch for some. You are used to ‘sacred’ meaning something that you dress for and make a special place for, both physically and energetically. You approach that which you deem sacred with an air of reverence and humility. It is treated as other-worldly, something out of your normal day-to-day life. And yet, does this not also define the auspicious time under which you now find yourself? Isn’t this outside the realm of what you deem to be normal life, and isn’t humbling?

Finding Sacred Meaning

Friends, you have all been taught by well-meaning people what is sacred and what is profane. It varies by individual and group, but there is general agreement about how you approach that which you deem sacred. We are asking you to look at the pause that has been thrust upon you as a sacred space. It is not something you must simply wait out, and it is certainly not something you must force your way through. Instead, it is a space that is quite different from the way you lived your lives previously, and it demands adherence to protocols, a compassionate heart, and faith in unseen things. Is that not how you approach a sacred object or space? You can choose to see this time on your planet any way you like. You can see it as something to be endured. Or you can see it as a tremendous gift—something to be revered for the trans-formative power that it holds. Which has been your attitude?

There are many who are waiting for it all to be over, and some are trying to force that. But a virus is not something you can force to do anything. It is something you must dance with, so to speak. It has power in your life, for sure. But it does not render you powerless. As we have said many times, humans have free will. That includes the free will to choose what you say, do, and feel about everything you encounter. And it includes the ability to assign whatever meaning you will to whatever comes your way. That bears repeating: Human free will includes the free will to assign meaning to whatever you encounter.

What is the meaning to you of this slowing down of life because of the coronavirus? Viewed another way, what is the meaning of the many things you did before that you now do not get to do? Were they meaningful enough that you plan to return to them once this is all over? When the restrictions are lifted and you have the freedom to choose once again from a much broader set of options, will you choose the same things you did before? Or have any of them lost their meaning? Are there any things that really didn’t have much meaning, but you did them anyway because that’s what everybody else was doing, or they were what you were told to do, or they were just habits you fell into over time?

Every single one of you has the free will to choose every moment of your life. Even people in more restrictive societies who don’t enjoy the same personal freedoms you do still get to choose what they think. Nobody can take your thoughts from you unless you surrender your ability to choose your thoughts—which is itself a choice. And so, can you see that everyone has at least some degree of freedom? How will you use your freedom as the restrictions imposed by the virus end?

Seeing Beyond What You Know

We would like to suggest that it is in the best interest of humanity and the planet to be very deliberate about your choices going forward. As your options expand again, we encourage you to avoid falling into old habits simply because they are familiar. We encourage you to really consider whether the actions you take are inspired by your own Higher Self, or whether they are just the things that society has taught you to do. While the two are not mutually exclusive, we will say that much of what society teaches you to do with your time, and how society defines a good life, are in fact distractions from something much grander. You don’t know what you don’t know. You don’t know how big you really are—how expansive—because you are so often busy doing those things that everyone else is doing. You have been so caught up in doing the latest thing that has been deemed the “must do”, “must have”, or “must see” thing that you have missed many things that would bring you much more satisfaction if you were aware of their existence.

It is difficult to explain these things to someone who has not experienced a deeper conscious connection with their Higher Self. We say “conscious connection” because you can never actually be disconnected from your Higher Self. It is there all the time, and the connection never leaves you. But your awareness of the connection can lie so dormant that you dismiss your Higher Self as a non-thing. You relegate it to the realm of angels and fairies, which are also real things that you choose not to see because they fall outside of society’s accepted beliefs about what’s possible.

It is like trying to explain color to a blind person. If you have good sight, you absolutely know what color is. It is something that you so expect to be part of your experience of life that you take it for granted. A blind person does not have the same concept of color. While it exists as a very concrete thing in your own consciousness, it is more abstract to a blind person. Thus, their experience of color is very different than yours, and if you attempt to have a conversation about it, you will find yourself stumbling for words—grasping for ways to explain concepts that are not shared. You are operating in the same physical space, having an interaction in the same time space, but your perceptions of the things around you and how to relate to each other about them are very different.

This is how it is when we attempt to explain esoteric concepts in a third dimensional reality. Until you experience a multi-dimensional reality, there is no common frame of reference. And yet you know there is something more going on than what you see with your physical eyes and hear with your physical ears. That is what has brought you to these words—a knowing that there is something more and a desire to know it.

Friends, that desire to know is where your journey begins. Pull on that thread. Fall in love with the idea that there are unseen things all around you that would both amaze you and inspire you to make different choices in your life—choices that will take you to new heights of awareness so that these unseen things will no longer remain hidden. You see, as you expand your consciousness, hidden Truths start to reveal themselves to you. When they do, you come to know how powerful you really are. The realm of possibility for your life becomes much more expansive. New options emerge, leading to new choices, leading to more new options. That’s how it works. But you must trust and take the first steps to start the cycle spiraling upward into the realms of higher consciousness.

Everyday Sacredness

Have you ever wondered about those who devote their lives to expanding their consciousness, such as Buddhist monks or Hindu gurus who renounce most worldly things? Even those who are raised in other traditions often have a sense of awe and respect for such people. They inherently sense there is something very sacred about the ones who would make the conscious choice to spend their days in mindfulness, meditation, and compassionate action. Many of you who go to work every day even envy those souls to a degree because there is a part of you that wants to live such a simple and expansive existence.

Well, what if the calm and consciousness that defines the Zen monk were available to each and every person on the planet, regardless of whether they sit in meditation for hours every day or whether they go to work in a high rise office tower? We are telling you that it absolutely is available to you, and now more than ever. But you must be willing to make some effort. You may say, “I already do that. I meditate every day.” Yes, most who are reading or hearing these words are already on what you would call a Spiritual path and have some level of daily practice. And that is wonderful. Keep it up! But step it up, too! That is our message at this most auspicious time. Now is your time to step it up.

It does not mean you have to go join a Zen monastery, or the priesthood, or anything of the sort. In fact, in the times you are just entering now as a global race, the divisions between the sacred and the mundane are blurring more and more every day. That is the key point. You are entering a new time in which change is going to happen on a grander scale and at a much faster speed. More change is coming, and the pace is accelerating. And in these times, there is no longer a need to completely renounce society in order to seek enlightenment. Nor is it practical for most of you. The positive change that occurs in the world will come by people of expanded consciousness actively participating in the world. That is your task—to be an active participant. The shift that we are asking all of you to make is to approach your daily lives with an absolute understanding that your lives are sacred, and that you have the opportunity to ascribe sacredness to everything you do.

If you really knew at a deep level that every moment of the day is an opportunity to choose a sacred experience over a mundane experience, how would that affect your choices? Might you choose differently? Might you choose to do some things more frequently than you currently do? And might you choose to cease doing some things that you previously spent a lot of time doing?

We ask you to consider this as you approach the return to a life with fewer restrictions. As more freedom to move about and choose from a broader set of options becomes available again, how will you choose differently? What are the things that don’t serve you anymore? Will you go back to them, or will you trust that the Universe has something much better for you if you are willing to put aside your belief that what you knew before is all there is? How much will you be willing to trust in the unseen, and to trust that you can live a much more sacred life every day, even as a full participant in society?

We are being intentionally broad when we discuss these things because every person’s life path is different. What is sacred to one will not necessarily be sacred to another. But that does not matter. The key thing is to choose sacredness however you define it. Seek that which brings you a deeper connection to your Higher Self. Avoid those people, thoughts, and circumstances that take you further away from that connection. How will you know? Simple, they will not feel sacred to you. And you can ask your Higher Self for guidance. When faced with a choice to do this or that, be still for a moment and ask your Higher Self to guide you to the choice that will bring you a greater understanding of who you truly are. Then make that choice. And if you must choose the other for whatever reason, ask your Higher Self to reveal to you the Truth of the experience and the sacredness that dwells within it. For there is indeed sacredness to all things. Even those things you deem to be completely unpalatable can be sacred in that the experience of them brings you more clarity about what you really want, and thus leads you to choose differently next time.

We will close with this: As you return to a more open life, remember that you are always free to choose. And know that what you did before the virus forced you all to take a time out need not define your experience going forward. Some of it was just stuff you all did because you had been doing it for so long that it seemed to be the right thing. Or it was something that enough people aspired to that you also chose it as your personal truth. We are not saying those things are pointless, but we are saying that going back to them without asking what else is possible is indeed a self-limiting choice. Be intentional as you return to a more open life. And intend to experience life in a more sacred space every moment you can. When you do, you will find yourself compelled to choose differently. And in choosing, you may find that life is quite a bit bigger than you allowed yourself to believe previously. You may come to discover that you are much more magnificent than anybody ever told you.

It is the Truth, my friends. But nobody can teach you this Truth. Only you can reveal it to yourselves. It starts with faith, and it blossoms through your choices—thoughts, emotions, and actions. You will soon experience many more options again. Choose wisely. Choose that which is sacred to you.



Image credits: JamesDeMers