It’s Time for Forgiveness

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We wish to speak today of forgiveness. Forgiveness of both self and others is the most important thing humanity can do at the moment.

There is so much judgment in the world today. So much unwillingness to see God in each other. So much distraction that comes from living through your pain rather than living through your light.

Many believe they have suffered pain at the hands of others—family, co-workers, the nation, other nations—and they make that the overarching story of their lives. Many blame anyone who disagrees with their point of view for creating the problems of the world and/or their personal challenges and believe they must do something about it. “Those people must be stopped!” many say. “They must be shown how wrong they are!”

Friends, if this is your story, has it occurred to you that “they” are thinking the same thing about you? Have you considered that they are directing toward you a belief that you are the cause of their pain and suffering—that you must be stopped, shown the “truth”, or else dealt with harshly. These attitudes are very archaic, are they not? There have been many times in your known history when one group persecuted another with absolute certainty of their correctness—often espousing a mandate from heaven.

Has Humanity Evolved?

Consider the Christian Crusades, for example, or Muslim jihads. These are examples of a dominant power persecuting large numbers of people—imprisoning them, torturing them, and killing them. And why? Because they did not believe the same way. Because they were seen as a threat to the dominant group’s beliefs. Because they were purported to be the cause of someone else’s pain.

Has humanity not learned from this?

You may think you have. You may think times and circumstances are different. “We’ve gone through periods of great enlightenment,” you think, “so we’re now smarter and wiser than those people were. This time is different because we know what we’re doing. We know right from wrong, truth from falsehood.”

To be blunt, no, you don’t. This time is no different.

Humanity perhaps has a higher intellect than in past times. Certainly, you have brought in more technology that seems to have improved life. More people are educated, and more people have wealth and a higher standard of comfort than in past times. But you are fighting the same ideological battles, whether over a piece of land, a political agenda, a seemingly scarce resource, a religious doctrine, market share, or “likes”. You battle for control over resources and beliefs, just like the ones you judge yourselves to be smarter than. You are convinced that you’re right and the rest of them are wrong, and so you constantly battle over your points of view—on the battlefield, the political theater, the computer screen, and the sidewalk. You profess and judge—profess and judge—profess and judge.

We say to you that any time you judge another person or thing, any time you try to control another person for any reason at all, any time you strive to make someone see things your way, or insist that they behave a certain way for any reason, no matter how justified, you think you may be, you are slowly destroying yourself. And for what? To be able to say, “I won.”

Ironic, isn’t it? Are you any more enlightened than the Romans or the Huns or the Vandals or the Crusaders? Or do you just have more stuff than they had?

What humanity does have now is more time for leisure and more access to knowledge and sacred wisdom. But these precious and hard-won gifts are so often squandered—forsaken for ideology. It is as though you will not allow yourselves to feel worthy unless you have something to push against.

Current “Reality” is Reflects the Collective Consciousness

What so many fail to see is that life isn’t about any one belief or lifestyle. There is no single way of living that all must align with and strive for. And as we have said before, God does not care how you choose to live your life, or how your neighbor chooses to live hers. God only cares about the quality of your consciousness and the openness of your heart.

Yes, forgiveness is what’s most needed in the world at this time—forgiveness of everyone, and everything, starting with oneself.

Any circumstance that exists in the world today—what you would call your “reality”—is simply stuff that you’ve created over time through your collective beliefs. It happens like this: Someone thinks a thought from a fear-based perspective—something along the lines of “You know, so and so is to blame for my unhappiness. I need to fix them. And if they don’t go along with it, then they need to suffer (or die).” This thought is shared with others who say, “Yes, that makes sense. It’s their fault I’m suffering, too.” Now you have a collective belief that you continue to reinforce with each other. So, you put some structure around it, and it becomes an organization with an agenda to obtain the agreement of more people. The organization is now visible in the world, so others start to look at it. Some will say, “Yes, that seems to explain the things I have struggled to understand. I’ll join them!” Others will say, “Gosh, those people seem pretty sure of themselves, and they have it figured out.” Or “I’m not sure it’s true, but they all seem to be making a lot of money and have a strong sense of community, so I guess I’ll join them.” Or “They have the endorsement of so and so, who seems important, so they must be right.”

In time the organization may garner enough collective agreement that it becomes an institution—a fundamental part of “how the world works”. And yet, it all started with a false, fear-based idea rather than objective reality.

What, then, is the objective reality humanity is truly seeking? The answer is very, very basic. You are Divine Love—the creative power of the universe in a physical body. You are a huge, benevolent, nonjudgmental being of light. That is who you are.

You are a piece of the Creator. You are part and parcel of the Creator. And thus, you are never separate from the Creator. There is only the appearance of separation in the stepping down of your vibration into a 4D experience of time and space on the earth plane. Why do you do this? So that you can return to the understanding that you are Divine Love. That is the “Earth Game”—forgetting how magnificent you are in order to experience the expansion of remembering. It is why you choose to embody on the Earth plane.

Humanity is Seeing Through a Filter of Negativity

Your forgetfulness is due to the veil of separation. As we’ve explained, the veil is like a filter that you apply to your vast understanding of who you truly are, so that you can experience a very limited understanding. The veil thus establishes the playing field for the Earth Game. The game is then the process of living life with the constant question in your mind: “What is it? Why am I here?”

In your quest for understanding, you may try many things. “Is it this? No, that can’t be right. What about this? Well, that seemed right for a while, but now it doesn’t. So, it must be this! Hmm, maybe not”

In the absence of certainty, a large portion of humanity will trade the excitement and possibility that is inherent in this ambiguity for the comfort and community of certainty. But unless your certainty is the absolute understanding that you are Divine Love, you are stopping short of the goal. You are willing to say, “Well, enough of us agree with this point of view that I guess I’ll just go along with it.” Most of humanity will do this even though that voice in the back of your mind still says, “That can’t be right. This can’t be all there is.”

Many will try to squash the voice by pushing their point of view on others under the false idea that if they can just get everyone else to see it their way, the dilemma will then be solved. So, your community of belief gets fired up and aggressive. “We all agree that they’re wrong and we’re right. We all agree that those people need to change. And if they won’t change, they need to be kept down, punished, or killed, because we understand the truth. We know how it really works! And you’re either with us, or you’re the enemy!”

Meanwhile you experience counterattack. You experience lawsuits, public embarrassment, financial retribution, and all manner of hardships that don’t have to be part of your life experience at all.

You also experience counterattack from within. Because you are forcing your limiting beliefs into a physical body that inherently knows you are an unlimited being, it eventually breaks down much sooner that it is designed to. You experience disease, addiction, accidents, and early death.

It’s Time to Get Back to Basics

Friends, none of this has to be part of your life experience. All of it is miscreation that you are choosing because of your lack of attention to and belief in how magnificent you truly are. You simply are so caught up in your miscreation that you believe it to be objective reality. It is not. It is the subjective application of your freewill to create things that nobody really wants.

It is time to get back to basics.

If all the structures you have built around your limiting beliefs were to collapse tomorrow (and as we have said, many of them are in a state of collapse), you would find the happiness that you’ve been seeking all of your life. You would let go of the drama, the struggle, the need to be right, and the need to control others. In other words, you would feel free.

And isn’t freedom what you truly seek? Do you find it ironic that despite your desire for freedom, you end up constraining yourselves and others through a very narrow perspective of right and wrong and what is truly possible? Is it lost on you that by trying to limit and control the choices, you are keeping yourself from the true freedom that you seek?

All the while, so many say that they follow the great Master, Jesus, and other great masters who directed you to love your neighbor as yourself, to judge nobody, and to emulate the miracles they demonstrated simply by your faith. Many have become so locked into their point of view that they see these directives not as truths but rather as unattainable ideals. Or they disregard the possibility entirely.

We say to you that these truths are very attainable. Were they not, Jesus would not have directed you to accomplish them. Believe it! But don’t stop at belief. Practice it! Demonstrate love to your neighbor, and realize true freedom.

But you must start with self-forgiveness. Forgive yourself for placing limits on the Unlimited. Forgive your past judgements. Forgive your need to be right. Forgive your expectations for others to behave a certain way. Forgive yourself for the times when you have displayed greed or uncaring, and forgive when you have been untruthful with yourself or others. Forgive all of it and start anew with a determination to allow others their own path of expression and awakening.

Forgiveness will Transform the World

When you forgive yourself, you also forgive everyone else on the planet, for you are all one with God, and therefore one with each other. Thus, forgiveness is how you attain mastery over your own life and affairs while empowering others to achieve the same. Nobody can truly have power over anyone else unless that power is freely given. When you forgive yourself, you choose to hold, amplify, and direct your true Divine power, and thus you empower the entire world. When you choose not to forgive—keeping yourself in a place of separation from your Divine Source—you choose to disempower yourself and the entire world, and thus you perpetuate all the negative conditions you wish to change.

Step into a deep understanding of your true power through forgiveness. Surrender the belief that there’s a certain way life has to be for everyone. Then forgive yourself and others for seeing it any other way. Forgive yourself for imposing your point of view and judgment on others. Forgive yourself for your attempts to control and change others. This is how you return to a deep connection with your Divine Source.

But know, too, that forgiveness is not simply saying words. It is a feeling—the same as the feeling of being in love with someone. You must feel in love with forgiveness. This means a deep desire to surrender fear, judgment, and a sense of separation at all costs. When you are in love with someone, you would do anything for them. You must be willing to feel this same way toward yourself and your desire to surrender all that would keep you separate from your Divine power. This is Divine alchemy.

In truth, the world could be transformed tomorrow if every person on the planet were to embody this understanding today. If before going to sleep tonight the entire family of humanity were to say with a truly heartfelt, heart-based understanding, “I forgive myself,” feeling it in every cell of your body, and then offering that same heartfelt forgiveness to everyone you believe has wronged you for whatever reason, you would all wake up tomorrow to a completely changed world.

Divine Assistance is at Hand

The majority of humanity truly has no idea what powerful creators you are, and how much assistance there is from Divine Source when you choose to align with it and direct this magnificent power to the benefit of all. There’s literally a flood of benevolent energy waiting to burst through the dam of your negative beliefs. It is waiting for humanity to say the word and break the dam, allowing the flood to just rush in. All it takes is human choice to allow it.

You may ask, “Well, why doesn’t it just come in and help us, then?” Friends, that is not how the Earth Game is set up. You have been given freewill by your Creator. You have the power to direct what happens here. It is a tremendous power with a tremendous responsibility. The promise to humanity has always been that Spirit will assist in any benevolent, love-based endeavor for the benefit of all. But where you choose to act with fear, judgement, condemnation, greed, or vengeance, Spirit will not assist with such endeavors. You feel like you are on your own so much of the time because you choose these lower vibrations over love.

Start choosing forgiveness, generosity, compassion, and love, and watch how much assistance you will activate. Truly, you could wake up to a completely different world, with solutions suddenly springing forth that you hadn’t conceived of before. New inventions coming in that would literally change the world for everyone. New perspectives that would lighten your mood and move you fully out of fear. Greater abundance for all in the form of clean water, power, shelter and economic parity. Yes, the energy of benevolent change would rush into the Earth experience, and everyone would know it.

This sort of unexpected change is possible, and it will happen. It is happening, in fact, as more people choose love over fear, compassion over vengeance, and generosity over greed. But the speed of its flow is up to humanity, and each one of you has the ability to affect it.

Don’t misunderstand—we are not saying that everybody would suddenly wake up in a new mansion. But you would wake up with a knowing of how magnificent you truly are. When you go out into the street, you would feel the love and the mastery emanating from each person you meet. The fear would be gone. The conflict and confusion would cease, and clarity would emerge. With this clarity would flow solutions to all of the problems facing humanity. In a very short period of time, you would see life improve for every single person on this planet.

It’s not difficult, friends, it is actually very easy. You’re only making it difficult by keeping the solutions behind the dam of your negative beliefs and the mis-qualification of your tremendous creative energy. How quickly the world would change for everyone if humanity would simply let its guard of negative beliefs down.

So, we say to you, blow up the dam! You don’t have to take it down brick by brick—just blow it up with your forgiveness of self and others. “I forgive you. I forgive me. I love you. We truly are one with each other and with God.” Practice this! Believe it, and know it fully! Let go completely of whatever you think is so important that keeps you separate from others in your heart. Just let all of it go. Release, and allow the help you seek. There’s so much benevolent assistance available to all humankind if you will simply allow it.

Say your name out loud. “[Name], I forgive you. [Name], I love you.” And then offer the same to your neighbor. This is all that is needed. Forget about everything else, for it simply doesn’t matter. The teachings of your beloved masters, such as Jesus, are VERY simple. But you’ve bent them and twisted them to try to rationalize and justify the drama you’ve created that you don’t even like. It’s all so simple: Love your neighbor as yourself, without qualification.

Jesus didn’t direct you to love your neighbor if they are this color or this gender or this nationality or this gender identity or this sexual orientation or this economic status or of this political persuasion. He didn’t say any of that. He simply said, “Love your neighbor.” And rest assured, there was as much diversity on the planet at that time as there is today. He was aware of that, and yet he admonished you simply to love your neighbor, without qualification.

Get back to these basics. Forgive yourself, and forgive all others without exception. Practice it! Own your magnificent power of healing to create the change you seek! Don’t wait—start today!

We wish you blessings on your journey.



Image credits:  Karl Egger