Transforming Chaos with Consciousness

Q: How do we remain centered in light of the current chaos in politics and government, and how can we best help create positive change?

A: The apparent chaos of these times will pass sooner than you think. It may seem to take more time than you would like, but relative to the timeline of the earth’s history, or even that of humanity’s existence on the planet, the positive changes are unfolding extremely quickly. The challenge for all humans is to remain cognizant of the fact that you are in the middle of the change, which is why it appears slow, and to continue to maintain expectations for a positive outcome for all. That is indeed where things are going to end up. How long it takes, however, is up to you.

The Transforming Power of the Present

You have often heard about the importance of keeping your attention focused on the present moment. That is indeed a key to happiness and fulfillment, for there is only ever the now from the standpoint of Divine Source. The concept of time applies only to the earth and similar worlds in which the vibration of the multi-dimensional reality of Source Energy is stepped down to enable a denser, 4D experience. Time is not objective reality. It is subject to the laws of the earth plane. Outside of your 4D existence, everything exists beyond the construct of time. The practice of mindfulness in the moment places you in direct contact with the multidimensional reality that underpins everything in creation. In the moment of now, you step outside of linear time, and thus you have unlimited access to the power that creates worlds.

When you are thinking about the past or the future, however, you are paying attention only to 4D “reality”. This has the effect of limiting your conscious connection to the Source of all that is. We say “conscious connection” because although you can never be disconnected from Source, through your consciousness you can choose to create the illusion of separation. That is what most humans do and have done for most of your lives. You see yourself as separate, and thus you live under the 4D illusion that much of life just happens to you without your involvement. In Truth, however, you are never separate and always in control of what comes your way. You are the architect of your own world.

When you really embody this Truth, it can be quite liberating. However, many people have strong resistance to it because they don’t want to accept that certain circumstances in their lives are of their own creation. They say, “There’s no way I asked for [fill in the blank] to happen to me. I didn’t create that.” Perhaps you didn’t consciously create it, but unconsciously you are always creating. What you create resonates at the frequency with which your consciousness resonates. So, if there are circumstances in your life that you do not want, it is because there are elements of your consciousness that are out of alignment with who you truly are. And most of the time, those elements have to do with regret, anger, and sadness about the past and/or fear about the future. However, when you are fully focused on the present moment, you are not focused on any of these low-vibration thoughts and emotions. That’s why mindfulness is so important.

The Limitless Potential of Consciousness

So, then, how does this relate to all the chaos in the world? Well, you have all heard the phrase, “You reap what you sow.” Simply put, the world is collectively reaping the results of all the limiting beliefs humanity has held for so long. All of humanity has played a role in the current state of the world. Each and every one of you. You may like to think that’s not true. It’s easier to blame others you disagree with. It’s easier to place large groups of people who don’t share your views into a big box (maybe behind a wall), point your finger and say, “They created this mess.” If “they” are the people currently in power, you may be thinking about how you will make them pay for their “wrongs” once your people get control of the reigns again. But you see, that isn’t going to create the world you want to live in, either.

Regardless of how much you disagree with what your current leaders may be doing, remember that all those people you put in that big box believe they are doing just great. And as soon as the people you support come into power, that big group of people is going to take the resistant, outraged perspective you now hold. They will be angry about the past and fearful about decisions your people will make that will affect their future. Their people will still fight with your people. They will call each other names. They will try to regain power. They will continue to try to do all those things that you judge to be deplorable, because your people are now doing things that they judge to be deplorable.

Or will they?

That is indeed the question of the day. You see, the challenges you all face are not going to be solved by one party being in power, or one ideology being accepted. In fact, at this point in human evolution, it should be clear that that is the recipe for more of the same. So, as you focus on all that you judge to be wrong with the world, even as you look for answers, you must know that the ultimate answer does not lie with a single human or even a group of them. And it does not lie with any ideology that is prominent today. It lies in the collective consciousness of all humans.

Before we explain that, let’s pause for a moment and return to the principle of mindfulness. As we have said, when you live in the present moment, you are free of fear for the future and judgment about the past. You are, in that moment, connected to All That Is—infinite possibility. So, if you live your life more and more from that connection, your access to infinite possibility expands. The more you practice, the more access you have, and thus the more consciously you create your own world. And when you are consciously creating from your connection to Source, you can only create circumstances that align with the benevolent frequency of Source.

By the same token, the less time you spend in fear and judgment, the less you are creating fearful circumstances that you would then judge negatively. And as a member of the collective consciousness of humanity, the more positive creation in your own life, the more positive impact your life has on the circumstances of the world at large. As we have said, you all truly are connected. Many do not really know what that means. But we promise you that if you will start digging into the limitless potential of your consciousness, the Truth of that statement will reveal itself to you. Once it does, you’ll come to realize that any negative thought you have—anything based in fear, regret, greed, shame, or anger—is contributing more to the balance of fearful circumstances in the world than to the balance of loving circumstances. It’s really that simple.

Creating the World You Want to Live in

Before we go further, we want to caution some of you to not get all upset with yourself now for thinking negative thoughts. That is like pouring gasoline on a fire. It is very difficult to be in the human body and not experience judgment and fear. We get that, and you should to. So, relax. But when you notice yourself resonating with lower-vibration thoughts and emotions, recognize that you now have a choice to make. Will you allow yourself to continue resonating at that frequency, or will you choose to find something to feel good about and then make that your dominant vibration?

You see, that really is the key to creating the world you all want to live in. As we have said before, the world is the way it is because humans have, through your collective choices, made it this way. All of you. Nobody is without responsibility at some level. If you are here on earth, you are a player in the game and therefore have a direct effect on what you see around you. You may think, “Not me. I’m a good parent, go to church, donate money to the disadvantaged, and actively work for social justice. I’m not in politics, so I don’t make the decisions. And don’t blame me because I voted for the other one.” You see, though, all these things are just human beliefs about what is important and right. But what your Higher Self knows is that you all chose to be here at this time to help evolve the collective consciousness of humanity. From the point of view of your Higher Self, the consciousness with which you pursue any activity is more important than the activity itself. If you act as a family leader, employee, and community member according to your particular definition of “good”, but you spend much of your time in judgment and fear, you are in fact limiting your own contributions to the world.

So, then, how do you face all the chaos in the world and help shift it toward benevolent outcomes. First, recognize that you are a part of the chaos. Yes, each one of you has contributed to the world as it currently exists, both in this lifetime and previous lifetimes. Second, forgive yourself for that. Seriously. Humans are the only ones who harbor grudges and seek restitution or vengeance. God does not do that. Third, see the bigger picture. Here’s where you must use the power of your focus in the present moment to rise above the world as it currently appears. Pull yourself up out of the weeds of whatever it is that has you irritated or fearful. Detach from it all. Imagine yourself floating up into the atmosphere in a bubble – many miles above the earth. From that perspective, look back down at the earth and see it as a planet that is evolving toward a consciousness of Divine Love. See it as a place of benevolence, respect, unity, sharing, and genuine compassion for one another. That is the world you seek. That is the world as you would have it be. It is also the world that already exists in the field of unlimited potential, and evidence of that is all around you in the physical plane if you look for it.

Now, from inside your bubble, acknowledge that you have the power to anchor more of that benevolent world into physical manifestation moment-by-moment, with every breath you take. Every thought is a creation—whether loving or fearful. Every act is a ritual that contributes to the balance of love or fear on the planet. And so, your every breath while you are in this body is contributing either to circumstances you want or those you wish to overturn. Creating from a state of love is creating the world you want. Creating from a state of fear is creating more of the world you want to overturn. It’s as simple as that.

Now float your bubble back down to earth and step out of it. You are here and now in this wonderful moment of choice. Everything you think and do from this moment forward creates the world you live in, and that your children and all future generations will live in. Your consciousness determines the quality of your thoughts and the circumstances you will encounter. So, where does your consciousness lie: Closer to love or closer to fear? Even as you work actively to change systems of government, where does your consciousness lie? Are you angry at someone for how they think and act? Can you find compassion for that person? Can you see them as someone who has all the Divine attributes you also have, but they are allowing their Divinity to be hidden by their own fear? Can you show Divine Love for them even as you work for causes they oppose? Can you honor them for forcing into the light dark things you now want to change?

Remember, at the heart of everything there is only unity. When you get caught up in the drama taking place, become still and focused. Rise back up in your bubble and see the big picture—the view that reminds you of your oneness with all creation and your influence on all of it. Then choose thoughts and actions that align with that vision. You’ll inherently know when you are in alignment because you will feel only the joyful qualities of love—free of fear. Be aware that this feeling may come and go as you dive back into the apparent chaos, but don’t let the chaos define you. Liken it to every movie you have ever seen in which things get all squirrely in the middle before coming right in the end. That’s where this movie of planet earth is headed. You have a very happy ending coming. How long it takes depends on the moment-by-moment choices of all humanity at the individual level.

Does this change what it means to do your part for the world? We hope it does.



Image credit: darksouls1