Tapping the Energy of Faith

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We wish to speak about faith.

Faith is a constant in the Universe—an energy that has no beginning nor end. This energy is constantly flowing, and you can choose to plug into it at any time—similar to how you plug an electrical appliance into a wall socket and access the stream of electric current flowing through the wires. Like an electric current, faith is perceived rather than seen. However, you can see and feel the results of connecting with it.

You may think faith comes and goes, but that is not the case. What comes and goes is your allowing of the Divine support that faith energy represents. Thus, when you say you have lost your faith, it’s really not so different than misplacing an object, like your car keys. They still exist somewhere, but you can’t see them at that moment. Similarly, faith never goes away, but your awareness and experience of it comes and goes.

Why is that? It has to do with life circumstances that cause you to question what you “know” to be true. You’ve probably observed that life contains many challenges that shake the foundations of your beliefs. This is by Divine design. No soul embodies on earth to be complacent. Rather, you are here to experience growth that will guide you back to full realization of your Divine Nature. The challenges you encounter catapult you into uncertainty and drive you to seek a new truth. You must then tap the energy of faith to carry you toward new levels of understanding. While you may sense the truth of what you are trying to understand or demonstrate, if you don’t yet fully embody it, the energy of faith will support you. It settles your mind and nervous system amid the uncertainty.

Crises of Faith

When you reach a point of certainty once again, you may say “My faith paid off. There were times when I doubted, but faith saw me through.” And that feels great! But further down the road you may come to doubt the correctness of your new truth. Physical reality continuously shifts as your consciousness expands. Big truths often become little truths, or they cease to be true for you altogether. Can you recall a time when you thought, “I used to believe this, and it was so important to me, but now it just doesn’t feel correct. I have lost my faith in it.”? This is often called a crisis of faith.

We want you to know that crises of faith are normal. In fact, they are by design. Although many religions teach that lack of faith is a sin, it most certainly is not. First, as we have said, there is no such thing as sin. There are only choices made of your own freewill and the consequences of those choices, devoid of any judgment from God.

Second, when you feel you have lost faith in something, it usually means your energy has evolved to where you are no longer aligned with that thing, which indicates there is something bigger available to you. You see, faith is not about the correctness or incorrectness of what you are striving to embody. And when it carries you to a place of understanding that feels correct, you are not bound to maintain your faith in that particular understanding. Faith is an energy of support to carry you up the ladder of awareness to higher and higher truths. Think of it as your cheerful traveling companion that constantly says, “Keep going—your success is assured!”

That’s why we say it’s OK to “lose” your faith in a belief, a teaching, an individual, or anything else on the earth plane. In fact, loss of faith often heralds new Spiritual evolution. It indicates your consciousness is expanding beyond your previous set point.

Clinging to a strong faith in something you have evolved beyond actually becomes self-limiting. So, rather than judging yourself when you lose your faith, we encourage you to be curious about it. You can say, “Hmm, I used to feel a strong sense of certainty about this, but I no longer do. That must mean I have higher understandings to achieve.” Then draw upon the energy of faith to help you reach the next level of understanding.

Faith Over Fear

We can already hear people saying this is blasphemous because your religious texts direct you to have faith in a particular teaching or prophet. If you’re feeling resistant, relax. We’re not telling you to put those teachings aside, but rather to build upon them. When the master Jesus told his followers to have faith in him, he made himself a focal point for a higher level of understanding than they had previously known. But you’ll notice his personal focus was always on the teaching rather than his physical presence. Jesus knew and taught that if people had sufficient faith in God, they could do everything he did and more. But Jesus also knew that small steps were necessary to bring people to that level of understanding. They had to have faith in the presence of a higher path than the one taught by the priests and rabbis of the day, and his physical presence represented that path to them. So, the first step for many was to put their faith in him. But he knew that in time their faith would lead them to a higher understanding of his teachings, and that they would then shift their focus from worshipping him as a savior to practicing his teachings and rediscovering their direct connection with God.

Even so, much of humanity still clings to faith in a limited understanding of the personal power masters like Jesus and the Buddha demonstrated. Why? Well, it comes down to a lack of faith.

That may seem confusing, so let us explain. When you are comfortable with a particular view of the master and his teachings, such as “Jesus is my lord and savior who died for my sins”, it requires a higher level of faith to seek the embodiment of his teachings such as “All that I have done you will also do, and even greater works you will do.” Most of humanity remains fearful of such power, and of your ability to wield it. Your fear then keeps you clinging to the more limited understanding of who you are and what is possible for you. And because humanity has built vast systems and structures around this limited understanding, it becomes self-reinforcing. To reach for something more expansive requires a level of faith that will take you outside of your comfort zone. In fact, it may just turn your life upside down as you begin to question all that you previously believed to be true.

Blind Faith

When you choose to step outside the comfort of what the majority believes, it is often called “blind faith”. But we want you to know that you will not reach higher levels of consciousness and ability unless you are willing to break out of the comfortable boxes society has placed around you, and that is precisely why the energy of faith exists. Your phrase “leap of faith” is a good one because you must leap out of those limiting boxes, and you must tap into the power of faith to do so.

However, blind faith does indeed become a hindrance when you channel it toward conditions that you decide rather than relying on Divine Source to choose the optimal conditions for you. If you have sufficient faith in anything you wish to manifest, it will manifest. However, manifestation requires the coming together of synchronicities between people, events, and resources that will bring it into physical existence. That’s why there is typically a buffer of time between the arising of a desire and the manifestation of the desired thing.

When you attempt to force things to happen in a timeframe or fashion that your conscious mind decides, that’s when your traditional definition of blind faith comes into play. Somebody says, “You’re nuts if you think you can make that happen.” You then say, “My faith is unshakeable! Watch and see it unfold.” And we say, “Absolutely have that unshakeable faith, but allow the energy to flow where it will in Divine time and Divine form.” In other words, don’t allow your faith to morph into the energy of zealousness, whereby you become convinced that things will occur in a particular way or particular time. Your conscious mind has no control over those elements. They are Divinely guided. Tap into the energy of faith, but allow the energy to guide you to the synchronicities that will bring your desired manifestation forth without your conscious expectations or restrictions as to the how, who, and when.

For example, suppose you want to manifest a new car—let’s say a brand-new white Tesla. The car costs $75,000, but you feel you can only spend $50,000. Your faith in your ability to manifest is strong, so you tell a friend, “You know what? I’m going down to the Tesla dealership today, and I’m going to get that new white Tesla for $50,000.” Your friend promptly says, “You’re nuts! Why would they cut the price by 1/3 for you?” “Oh, I’ll get it,” you say. “My faith is that strong. And because I believe it, it must happen for me.” Then you go to the dealership with your offer and walk out a few minutes later with no Tesla and your faith shaken.

That’s blind faith—faith that is shakable because it is directed toward conditions you have decided. That’s really more a projection of thought than tapping the flow of faith energy. If Divine Spirit is not prepared to deliver something you desire in the way you think is best (which is most often the case), you will become disillusioned. But it is all of your own creation. You have directed faith energy toward what you think is best rather than to what God knows is best.

Faith and Trust

The key to successfully tapping the power of faith in anything you desire to manifest is to have no expectations about how, when, where, and through whom the manifestation will occur. You must intend for the energy to flow under Divine direction. The creative power of faith will then flow toward the optimal people and circumstances to bring you what you seek in the optimal way and at the optimal time.

What if the optimal time is one, five, or ten years from now? Can you stay connected to faith energy for that long? If you can remain in a constant state of knowing that you will receive your desire and allow all of the synchronicities to line up, then by Divine law you must receive it.

Can you now see how faith and trust go hand in hand? Faith is a Universal constant you choose to access, and trust is a conscious choice to allow the flow of faith while the Universe lines up the synchronicities that will bring your desires into physical reality—in Its own way and time. They are quiet, patient energies.

Always-on Faith

Ironically, humanity often finds it easier to trust the power of faith during bigger life challenges than smaller ones. How often do you find yourself worrying over day-to-day circumstances like:

  • I’m concerned my meeting with the client won’t go well today.
  • What if the store is out of my favorite brand?
  • What if there’s not enough space for my luggage on the airplane?
  • Why didn’t they invite me to go to the show with them?
  • Oh no, I’m going to be 15 minutes late.
  • There he goes again, doing that thing I hate.

All such thoughts are manifestations of the fear that you will not get what you want, and fear disconnects you from the energy of faith. When you catch yourself thinking such thoughts, feel into the fear they represent. Then consciously tap back into the energy of faith. Just visualize plugging yourself into it like you would plug an appliance into an electrical outlet. And then drop into your body and feel the flow of faith energy. It comes instantly. But don’t place restrictions on how the energy will flow. Just trust that Divine Spirit is always flowing it toward your highest good. That doesn’t mean you will always get what you want in the moment. Perhaps the client meeting won’t go well. And perhaps they won’t invite you to go to the show. But rather than interpreting these things as negative events, you can trust that the power of faith is still guiding you to the higher consciousness and manifestations you seek.

When it seems something didn’t go the way you wanted, use it as a reminder that the energy of faith is always flowing. Then tap back into it and trust that it will guide you to your highest good. But also trust that your highest good usually comes in ways you can’t anticipate.

Need evidence? Just think about all the times in your life when something happened that you judged in the moment to be bad, but later you found yourself saying, “You know, I couldn’t see it at the time, but that was actually the best thing for me, and I’m now grateful for it.” The energy of faith brings you to that perspective immediately, even as the seemingly unwanted event is unfolding.

We hope you now see faith in a new light. Realize that you can never truly lose it. You simply choose whether or not to allow it to carry you forward, and the choice is always yours. As an added bonus, we want you to know that the energy of gratitude flows in the same way. Ponder that!

We wish you blessings on your journey.

See also: The Power of Faith



Image credit: Wenoc /