Awakening Through Duality

We wish to speak about duality—what it is, why it matters, and what we recommend you do with it. Duality is the nature of 3D existence. It is the program that drives your own personal awakening and the awakening of the planet. It is the substance of human nature in balance with the Divine Nature that is the core of your being. And it sets the stage for all the life choices that bring you to the point of seeking God moment by moment. If all that sounds a bit esoteric, it is. But we will try to make it more practical.

As we have said many times before, your life can be seen as a series of choices. They range from the mundane, such as what to eat for breakfast, to the magnificent, such as who and when to marry or whether to make a complete career change. That is how it is when viewed through the lens of your 3D existence on earth. As we have said, there really are no insignificant choices, but you perceive them to have higher and lower degrees of importance.

Recognizing the Spiritual Dimension

At the same time, there is always another layer to the choices you make. There are actually multiple layers, but for the sake of simplicity let’s just treat them as one. This layer we will call the Spiritual Dimension of existence (again, there are multiple dimensions, but we’ll treat it as one for simplicity). So, you have 3D existence and the Spiritual Dimension. Many people who call themselves Spiritual believe they understand what the Spiritual Dimension is and how it operates. This is because you have been raised with beliefs and practices that intend to anchor the Spiritual Dimension into your world. Some of you approach it from a traditional religion, and others through a more personal practice of prayer, meditation, or worship. Regardless of which paradigm you operate in, your beliefs lead you to feel a degree of certainty about the Spiritual Dimension—what it is, how it works, and the best way(s) to relate to it.

Most humans do indeed have some understanding of the Spiritual Dimension. Certainly, you would not have come up with many of your beliefs and practices if they were not grounded to some degree in Divine Truth because they would not make sense intuitively. Even those beliefs that were created in relatively unenlightened times by people operating from low-vibration emotions such as fear, anger, and shame would not continue to compel you if they did not contain some element of Divine Truth. All humans intuitively know what is in and out of alignment with who you truly are in the Spiritual Dimension. However, many older belief systems contain such a limited amount of Truth that they become less and less compelling as the collective consciousness of humanity expands. As an aside, this is why adherence to traditional religion has been on the decline in the past century. It’s not because humans are moving away from God. Quite the opposite. Humans are by and large moving closer to the understanding that God is truly within. This leads you to reject beliefs and practices that do not bring you to a greater understanding of this Truth, and it compels you to seek other paths. So, regardless of whether you follow a traditional religion or call yourself a “new ager”, you have some understanding of the Spiritual Dimension that makes sense for you and leads you to behave and act in certain ways.

Now, we want to ask you how often you feel that the Spiritual Dimension is at odds with your 3D existence? As you move through the business of living – engaging with coworkers, caring for your children, running errands, reading the news, watching television – how often do you find yourself thinking or feeling that whatever is in front of you is out of alignment with your understanding of the Spiritual Dimension? How often do you hear somebody complain about a situation or judge others? How often do you witness a point of view that expresses fear? How often do you observe one person or group exerting control over another? And how many times do you express disappointment, fear, judgment, or control of others in your own life?

If you’re paying attention, you’ll experience all of the above many times a day. What we want you to consider is how you feel in those moments, and afterward as you reflect upon them. Do you feel more connected with love, or more connected with fear? It is the love/fear balance that determines the degree you are aligned with the Spiritual Dimension and that drives you seek a deeper connection with it. Your feeling shows you how consciously connected you are to God within you in the moment that you experience anything in the 3D world. In other words, it provides a barometer for how much you are truly dwelling in the Spiritual Dimension as you move through your 3D life.

Choosing Alignment with the Spiritual Dimension

As you experience life and do all the things you must do throughout your day, you are faced with choices. Many of the choices you make are based on the beliefs you have been given in this life by those who influence you (parents, teachers, peers, and the media). You just do what is done based on the model you were given: Eat these foods, watch these types of programs, aspire to these material goods, etc.

At some point, though, some of those choices no longer feel good. There is an emptiness to them—a void that makes you think, “There must be something more to it than this.”  At that point, you are allowing your intuition about the Spiritual Dimension to exert more influence in your life. Still, you may continue to choose those same beliefs and experiences that have started to feel hollow. Why? Because the influence of group-belief is very strong for most people. It can be difficult to shake the doubt you feel about an activity or set of beliefs that so many other people are so invested in. You think, “There must be truth here if so many others believe it/aspire to it.”

What we most want you to understand is that the moment you find yourself considering a thought, belief or action that does not intuitively feel good, yet you are thinking it must be true because so many others are invested in it, that is the moment in which you can most easily claim your own power as a Spiritual Being. And that is when you have the power to make a real impact on the world.

You see, in that moment of choice, you are recognizing the duality that exists between the 3D world humans have created of your own free will and the higher-dimensional world that is your True Nature. To make this very practical, it is in those moments that you are choosing to continue to run the default 3D program or wake up to much greater reality—a reality aligned with God within you.

Going Off Script

Think about a television program you like to watch. Currently, Game of Thrones is a very popular show all over the world. What you know about the characters and situations in this drama is that they are all completely made up. Every bit of it is scripted. And yet many of you engage with the show as though it were real. You can’t wait for the next episode so you can completely immerse yourself in the make-believe world. Many of you will spend hours afterward discussing it with friends and coworkers, posting your thoughts on social media, following the actors who portray the characters, and trying to figure out what will happen next. In that regard, this made up world is a very real part of your daily life.

This is exactly how it works when you consider the Spiritual Dimension in relation to your 3D world. The Spiritual Dimension is real. It is more real, in fact, than the 3D world. Your challenge is to seek it and allow it to reveal itself to you while you are in 3D existence. That is why you are here.

Think of your 3D life as a program you agreed to act in. Before you agreed to take on the role of human with your name, you knew you would be given a script that would influence your choices. But you also knew that at any point in the drama you could go off script. In fact, you knew that your true role is to go off script. The point is to wake up to the fact that you are not just a 3D character in a scripted world. You are a magnificent, multi-dimensional Being of God with understanding and abilities far greater than the script would have you believe. But it is only through your personal choices that you can step into that understanding and those abilities.

That is the nature of duality. The 3D world around you appears to be so real, and it appears to be all that is. But it is such a very small part of all that is, just like a one-hour television show about a fictional land is such a very small part of what you can choose to experience in 3D. Think about that for a moment. The vivid worlds of your television programs and movies are so seemingly real. You even refer to them as universes unto themselves (e.g. The Marvel Universe). But then you switch off your TV and look at everything else that is going on even in 3D. It’s like that when you consider the Spiritual Dimension. Your 3D life of however many years you remain in this body is but a one-hour program compared to the vastness of who you really are. The trick is to believe that and then to seek it.

If you are hearing or reading these words, chances are good you already have some understanding of all of this. That’s what has led you to the words. But what we want you to come away with is the knowing that your perception of the Spiritual Dimension can sometimes also be self-limiting. You think you understand it. You have adopted beliefs and practices that you know to be more enlightened than the ones you were given. You know this because they make you feel more connected to God. Now we are asking you to consider whether there is something even greater for you to comprehend and anchor into your daily life.

Here is a practice we want to offer. Throughout your day, pause to consider that you are simply an actor in a drama and that there is a script driving much of your thoughts, words, and behaviors. Pick your favorite character in your favorite show and see yourself as him or her. Now think of that character waking up to the fact that they are the creation of somebody’s imagination, reacting to situations that seem very real but are really just make-believe. What would that character do? How would they start to react to the situations they encounter with the knowing that there is something much, much bigger beyond the script?

The character would start paying much more attention to the way they feel moment by moment. As they encounter other people and situations, they would become contemplative and deliberate so that they could easily assess whether they are engaged in the made-up “reality” of the script, or the much bigger reality they are compelled to seek. They might even adopt a mantra to keep them focused, such as “What is the most enlightened (or compassionate, or loving) thing I can do right now?”

That is what we are asking you to do, my friends, as often as you possibly can. Know that most of the events in your day-to-day life are being driven by a script that you and many others have co-created over many lifetimes on this planet. Together you have created “the way things are”. But you have done so from a limited consciousness, and so you have created a reality that is only a very small part of what is possible. Anything you can think of that is known as a peak experience in 3D is so very small compared to what is possible. So, pay attention to how you feel as you experience these things, and afterwards. If you feel any twinge of “there must be something more”, grab that thread and pull on it. Never ignore it, for that is the Spiritual Dimension knocking on the door of the 3D world. The door won’t open by itself. It can only be opened through the choices you make of your own free will. But when you do start to open the door wider, that’s when the 3D world begins to shift. The more of you who are opening your personal door to the Spiritual Dimension, the more that the 3D program will shift for everyone on the planet. And over time, the 3D world will look more like the Spiritual Dimension.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking you know how it works. You don’t. Not yet, anyway. That’s disconcerting for some who want to believe they have the Spiritual Dimension figured out. But it can also be liberating because it takes away the negative emotion that comes with uncertainty. That’s the essence of the oft-used phrase, “Let go and let God.” Trust that the Spiritual Dimension knows much more than your 3D mind. Keep paying attention to how you feel and let that be your barometer for how wide open your door is. Choose to align with the Spiritual Dimension moment by moment, and ask for all the assistance available to you from the Spiritual Dimension to help you see the Truth of all things.  Then the door will open more easily for you and for all humans, and in time you will truly understand the underlying workings of the Spiritual Dimension as well.

We thank you for your willingness to do this. Know that we and your guides are always knocking – 24/7. Our greatest joy is when you listen and ask for our help.



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