In our last message, we spoke about the importance of self-love. We wish to go a step further now by speaking of self-forgiveness—what it is and why it is so important to your Spiritual evolution.
Forgiveness is, of course, an act of love. You cannot truly forgive someone if you are not aligned with the power of Love. You can say the words, “I forgive you,” but they are hollow and powerless to heal and transform if they are only words. The energy of Love must flow through them for forgiveness to occur.
This is true of self-forgiveness as well. To say that you forgive yourself without feeling true love for yourself is to remain in a state of unforgiveness. There is power in the intent and desire to forgive oneself, and it is an important first step toward building energetic momentum. But true self-forgiveness can only occur if the foundation of self-love is present.
Why does this matter? Because presumably you want to know your connection to All That Is (or God, if you prefer) much more deeply. If that were not true, you would not be reading these words.
Knowing how deeply and constantly connected you are to All That Is may not be as difficult as you think. However, the hurdle of self-forgiveness is one of the largest that many lightworkers must overcome.
The Great Experiment
Let us begin to unpack this with a reminder of why humanity exists. The human experience is like an experiment. The theory is that if All That Is were to intentionally limit Its awareness of Itself by stepping down Its vibration into a “reality” defined by dense matter—a reality that knows only four dimensions—and was given the free will to create the life of Its own choosing, that entity—that splinter of God—would choose to remember Its multi-dimensional magnificence.
That is the theory, and planet Earth is the laboratory. Everything on Earth that is of the natural world is part of the laboratory, designed by All That Is, to facilitate the experiment for as long as it takes for all humanity to awaken. Everything that exists on the Earth that is not inherently found in nature is the creation of humankind through the exercise of your free will.
You can do and be anything you want on the Earth—and if you look around your world today, you will see humanity has gotten very good at that. But will you use that free will to discover that you are really God?
Picture in your mind’s eye a vast amount of water—like combining all the oceans of your planet into a single body that could be contained in a vast tank. This immense amount of water represents All That Is. Of course, All That Is could not be held in a tank because it is unlimited and unending. But for the sake of easy comprehension, just imagine all the water in all your oceans contained in a single tank. It would be an enormous tank, would it not? Now, imagine a small bottle that you could hold in one hand. Place it next to the tank and place a standard faucet above it. Now turn that faucet a fraction until a tiny amount of water is dripping from the tank into the bottle.
This is a metaphor for the default human experience and your relationship to All That Is. The bottle is you in 4D reality. Into it flows a constant stream of your awareness of your inherent Divinity. But the experiment is designed so that only a small amount flows naturally. The mechanism for that limitation is the veil of forgetfulness, represented by the faucet. By design, only a fraction of your awareness of your inherent Divinity is flowing by default. The question being tested is whether you will choose to turn it on wider and faster through your free will. Will you let more of your awareness of your inherent Divinity, your True Self, flow through that faucet—the veil—and into the bottle that is you?
You Have Unlimited Capacity
You may already be thinking, “But a faucet can only flow so much water at once and a small bottle will eventually overflow.” In your 4D world, perhaps. But do you suppose an unlimited Universe—an unlimited Divine Consciousness—would design such an experiment using devices that are inherently constraining? On the contrary, the Universe has stacked the deck in humanity’s favor. You see, the faucet is quantum and so is the bottle once it starts to awaken to how big it might actually become.
In practical terms, this means that the faucet is expandable. It opens wider as you consciously raise your vibration, and thus it flows more and more of the water of remembrance. And the bottle? It also expands in proportion to the quantity of water flowing into it. It cannot overflow. It can only expand and expand and expand as more of the water of Divine Consciousness flows into it.
Just as the faucet in our visualization expands to allow more water through, so the veil of forgetfulness becomes thinner, allowing more Divine Consciousness into your physical body, thereby expanding your capacity to receive more. And your capacity to receive the flow of Divine Consciousness is not limited to the size of your physical body. In fact, it has nothing to do with the body’s size. But it has everything to do with your consciousness.
Human consciousness is the mechanism that expands both the volume of Divine Consciousness that flows through the veil and the capacity of your 4D self to receive that flow. Remember that it is not really water we are talking about here, but energy—the energy of Divine Love that is the foundation of All That Is. That energy is limitless—it cannot be held in a tank. Your capacity to receive it is also limitless. In other words, you can be in the 4D body and know all that Divine Consciousness knows. But first you must peel back the layers of belief that would convince you that you are anything less than All That Is.
This is why self-forgiveness is so important. So many humans hold themselves in a state of unforgiveness of self and others. It is the unforgiveness of self that is the more important of the two because you cannot truly forgive others if you are still beating your own self up for any reason. Remaining in a state of unforgiveness of self for whatever it is you think you have done that is not forgivable is akin to turning down the flow through the faucet. The more you hold yourself in judgment, the smaller the faucet and the smaller the flow. The smaller the flow, the smaller the bottle will be to contain it.
There is Nothing to Forgive
Why does self-judgment have such a profound impact on the flow of Divine Consciousness? Because All That Is does not judge Itself at any time unless it is experiencing the limited consciousness of 4D ‘reality’. Existing in a physical body in this grand experiment requires the function of the ego. The ego is what gets you out of bed every day and enables you to function in the societies you have created. But without a strong and steady flow of Divine Consciousness, the ego will mistakenly believe it is all that matters. With this limited perspective, it will make self-limiting choices. And when it experiences the negative effects of these choices, it will go into self-judgment.
This is when all your “coulda, woulda, shoulda” comes forth—all your shame and regret. It happens because you feel like you have failed by society’s standards, or by the expectations that other’s egos have for you. The sadly ironic thing is that many of these ego-driven standards come from your religious beliefs. Very often, your misconceptions about God are what lead you to feel you have failed. More ironically, as we have said before, that self-judgment—that wallowing in shame, regret, and fear—actually keeps you farther apart from God.
Why? Because God knows that it can do nothing requiring forgiveness, and God knows that you are one with All That Is. But many of you have been taught by other well-intended human egos to ask, or even beg, for God’s forgiveness. From the perspective of All That Is, it is kind of humorous.
This is what is meant when you hear that world is simply an illusion. It exists in four dimensions, and you experience them as real, but your perception of 4D as the only true reality is the illusion. Your small bottle with a little drip of Divine Awareness coming through is a misconception about who you are. God knows this. God knows that there is no separation between you, and so God also knows It can do nothing that would require Its own forgiveness.
You are the Vessel of Divine Consciousness
However, the primary reason the Earth experiment exists is for God to experience Itself as a small bottle with a tiny drip. The experiment requires the presence of the ego, with all its self-limiting beliefs, fears, and judgements that create the illusion of the need for forgiveness. Through this laboratory, God gets to experience what it is to forgive and be forgiven. And when this happens, more of who God really is flows into the human experience—the bottle—and that bottle begins to expand more and more, becoming a larger vessel to bring more of the Divine Consciousness of God into the 4D human experience.
At the same time, as the Divine Consciousness flows into more and more expanding vessels on the planet, it becomes more visible to others. The more who see it, and the more they observe it expand, the more they also come to see what else is possible beyond the 4D, ego-centric world they have been living in. And thus, Divine Consciousness begins to grow exponentially on the planet.
You are the unlimited vessel, friends. Your capacity is boundless. When not in a 4D body, you never question that. And when you expand your consciousness while in 4D to where the veil dissolves and there is simply a melding of All That Is with your ever-expanding ability to receive it, that is when your ascension occurs.
As we have said many times, Divine Love is All That Is. Wake up from your slumber and your dreams that you are anything less. Forgive yourself for whatever it is you did to yourself or another. Do not beg for God’s forgiveness but know that God forgave you before you did or said whatever it was you think was wrong. There is nothing to do but relax into the understanding that you are already forgiven. And then apply that understanding to others you think may not have forgiven you. Their Higher Self forgave you before the event. It knows the experiment as well as your own Higher Self. And the two of them are having a chuckle at how spun up you all can be when the ego is running the show. But they also have boundless compassion and love for you both in equal measure. That is what is going on here on the other side of the veil—in the limitless tank of Divine Consciousness.
Forgive yourself, forgive others, and know that you are already forgiven. And in so doing, expand the flow of that beautiful Divine Consciousness into the limitless vessel that you are on Earth. It is time for this now. Make no excuses as to why it could be any other way. Surrender your faith in the illusion and embrace your Divine magnificence.
We wish you blessings on your journey.
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